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New Miner

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    06/29/2014 8:18 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Crowmoor's Avatar
    Skype or Email: jukka.karjalainen3 and email is
    What rank are you applying for?:Admin or mod
    Skills?: redstone and command block "expert", I can build huge buildings without any mcedit or programs like that. 4 years experience in java coding
    Have you ever been banned? If so, say why. No
    Why Do you want this rank?: I'm pretty good with things that happens in server and I like to help other players.
    What can you do to benefit the server?: Help other players and make sure that they have fun when they visit your server.
    How long can you play on the server?: About 16 hours per day if needed to but average might be like 6 hours per day.
    Are you able to help advertise? Yes
    Answer this Q&A:
    Q: if you were the only staff member online and a player complains to you that someone is hacking and at the same time you were doing something important what would you do? leave what your doing or go see if that person is actually hacking?: I would ask more information about hack he/she is using and ban him for 1 week-1month. Also I would ban player for few days if he/she is griefing on server.

    Sorry about my bad english, I'm from Finland but I hope that doesnt effect on this application:)
    01/16/2013 10:00 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Crowmoor's Avatar
    Planetminecraft name: Crowmoor
    Minecraft name: Crowmoor
    Why you wanna build: I love build everything and everywhere where others can see them (usually castles,churches, spawns, cities and other stuff and I hate griefers more than anything else.
    Skype Name: jukka.karjalainen3
    01/16/2013 9:53 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Crowmoor's Avatar
    IGN: Crowmoor
    Country: Finland
    A link to your best building/project: I have helped build many factions, cities and churches and many spawns
    Skype: I have. I will tell it if i get accepted
    Why you think I should accept you: I love build huge structures and cities and other things, also im pretty good redstoner
    08/03/2012 12:47 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Crowmoor's Avatar
    IGN Crowmoor
    Age 15
    Building Experence I'm good builder but I'm not the best. But my skills are getting better and better and everytime I play minecraft I have to build something.
    Can You Build Medevil My favourite! I love to build a medieval buildings.
    Do You Have Skype Yes I have. Jukka.Karjalainen3
    07/20/2012 2:36 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Crowmoor's Avatar
    finally i found your server again
    07/19/2012 6:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Crowmoor's Avatar
    What position do you want:redstoner,mod or admin.
    Age(Won't judge):15
    Any other way to contact you:Facebook,e-mail.
    Experience: I have made many redstone creations to many types of servers(for example digital clock,many types of piston doors(like 2x2,3x3, 4x4 and 5x6) and many other creations.).
    Have you ever been banned:No
    Are you a griefer(Won't effect chance):No.
    Any other information I should know:I'm really interested in a modern building but I'm from Finland and thats why my english isn't perfectly smooth.
    07/19/2012 5:50 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Crowmoor's Avatar
    Why server isn't online anymore?

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