cupcakesoldiersmc's Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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    06/03/2015 4:51 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    cupcakesoldiersmc's Avatar
    Name: Joseph
    IGN: cupcakesoldiersmc
    Age: Teen
    Passion: Adventure
    Do you have a Mic: I have access to one (I do YouTube) which belongs to my dad. I had my own, but it broke and I am going to get a new one.
    Skype: josephbrianwasson
    Experience: I have been doing Minecraft for years and I own a gaming channel on YouTube. I have an adventure map that I continue to update. I am good at Redstone and Command Blocks.
    What can you offer: I can offer TWO skilled workers. I can do Redstone, Command Blocks, Building, and I can monitor a server. I am really good with people. My YouTube partner is even better with people, he is very patient and is a decent builder.
    Skill Ranting(1-10): I'd say I'm 8 and my friend would be 5, but if you want you can watch my video which showcases some of my projects. My channel is CupcakeSoldiersMC
    Favorite Color: Red
    Favorite Game: Minecraft
    Favorite Hobbies: YouTube, Hunting, Fishing, and getting lost in the woods.
    06/03/2015 4:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    cupcakesoldiersmc's Avatar
    I am not good with plugins, because my YouTube videos are mainly Vanilla Minecraft, but I can do Redstone, Building, Monitoring, etc. I do not require anything in return. I just ask that if you need help on something non-plugin, to MSG me first.
    06/03/2015 4:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    cupcakesoldiersmc's Avatar
    Name is Joseph
    I am a YouTuber and would like to help you build the server. I usually do Vanilla Minecraft, but I could help with redstone, building, monitoring, etc. I do not require pay at all, and I work on my own schedule. I have a showcase of some of my projects on YouTube if you want to check it out. (The channel is cupcakesoldiersmc). I just wanted to PM you and offer some of my skills to help you with your server. Let Lilmoney78215 be the Co-Owner, but please PM me if you need some help.
    06/03/2015 4:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    cupcakesoldiersmc's Avatar
    I could help, though I don't have much experience on Bukkit Servers. I do YouTube videos, but it is mostly Vanilla Minecraft, except for when I play minigames. Email me at
    06/02/2015 7:29 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    cupcakesoldiersmc's Avatar
    IGN?: cupcakesoldiersmc
    Age?: Teen
    Skype name?: josephbrianwasson
    Would you be able to join Skype staff calls?: No
    Would you be able to join a Skype staff chat?: Yes
    Country, in which you live?: USA
    Time Zone?: EST
    Past/Present Employment?: Mountain Estates
    How good is your building (Scale 1-10) If 8+ please provide pictures?: I'd say 7-9, but you be the judge of that.
    How patient are you (Scale 1-10)?: 5
    How mature are you? (Scale 1-10)?: 9
    How is your Graphics Designing (Scale 1-10) If 8+ please provide examples?: 5
    How familiar are you with enjin websites?: Not really
    How much time do you spend idle on a server?: Not a lot
    How much time will you have to spare working on the server?: I have a lot of time in the winter, but not as much in the summer. I can work almost daily sometimes in the winter.
    Are you willing to listen and be respectful to staff higher than you?: Of course.
    How big are you on trustworthiness?: It plays a key role in my life.
    How big are you on helping other?: I enjoy it a lot (Just part of who I am)
    How big are you on working with others?: YES
    Your given a task with other staff members to get a project done but they are refusing to help, How are you going to proceed?: I ask for more help or I do it myself. I also tell the server owner.
    Extra Details?: I have a YouTube Channel. I made an Adventure Map. (Void). The majority of my computer time is either school, websites, YouTube, or commands/redstone on Minecraft. I'm a straight A student. I'm above-average with Command Blocks and Redstone, just not an expert. I can't complete Parkour for my life!

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