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    04/07/2015 11:07 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    dakotadew16's Avatar
    just host one from your pc
    04/07/2015 10:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    dakotadew16's Avatar
    Do you happen to have skpye

    AffichanIGN: Affichan
    IRL Name: Soph (<-- Nickname, not my full first name :#)
    Location: California, United States
    Age: 16 and about 1/4
    What rank are you looking for?: Anything higher then admin... I'll take co-owner too if thats an option. I want to help out to the fullest
    What languages do you speak?: English, Part french

    Tell us a bit about yourself: I am a fun, crazy gamer who just enjoys playing games and helping others out. I have been gaming since 2007~ on console and PC, on games like call of duty 4, final fantasy, counter-strike: source and much more. As I already stated, I love to help out in places where people needed it. Thats pretty much why I'm here.

    Why should we pick you for the postion?: I enjoy helping out other people with their servers and being apart of communitys and just generally having fun. I mostly apply to make sure that it stays the way it was ment to be. Fun. We don't need those trolls and idiots coming into our games and destroying our fun. This is most of the reason on why I help out. I also help to apply to help out servers with server files/scripting, to create a better playing atmosphere for the players.

    Exp in staff?: I've been administrating/more for about 3 years now. I know how to use a lot of permission plugins in minecraft, and as well as other games too. I can use/configure things like PEXRank, PermissionsEx, Essentials, Group Manager, Factions, CLAG etc. I have also worked on a community before in a game called GarrysMod. It was my community and it was fairly large. I had around 3 servers with 3 different gamemodes and a TS server. The community is sadly down now, but it did teach me a lot on the way about administrative techniques and how to react to certain scenarios.

    How long can you be on?: As much as you need me to, I'm usually on my PC every day, and I play a various amount of games, including minecraft. I can be more active on your server if you need me to, all you need to do is ask. I have started getting out a little bit more so that is a downside but it doesn't eliminate the fact that I cannot assist the server and its endeavours.

    What can you dedicate to the server?: I can script, and I know the more experienced side of administrating a server. I can also offer scripting/developer jobs, but I'm not really into that since it's just plain boring, but I can help regardless with my big experience with basic minecraft plugin management and code languages. I do also have a big knowledge of permissions, world edit, allowed/disallowed grounds, chain of command, faction developing/administration and most importantly, NoCheat or AntiCheat plugins. It's all easy stuff at the end of the day.

    Maturity (out of ten): It depends, If it's an admin situation, I'd guess I'm about 7-8/10 maturity, again, it depends. And any other time I can be about 6 or 5, but ultimately this shouldn't matter, cause you don't want dead-serious admins, cause that annoys players. You want fun, experienced admins, like me!

    Name some of the basic administrative commands:
    [Additional] <Needed> <- Keys
    /kick <name> [reason]
    /ban <name> [reason]
    /tempban <name> <time> [reason]
    /banip <ip>
    /warn <name> <reason>
    /kill <name>
    /tp <name>
    /tphere <name>

    Do you have a background of leaving/abusing/other?: Well, I do have a background on stopping a few of my old servers, but they were mostly cause I wasn't getting enough donations to keep it up, or no-one actually joined. And I don't have a big history of abusing commands in the past. There has been a few occasions where I do mess about with commands, but its really rare, and that mostly happened on my server, and no-one elses server. Also, I keep this in mind; they're just commands that you can use, and other people within the same rank. Abusing them on others, or just in general will annoy those who cannot do it, or just annoy people cause you're just being annoying in general.


    Tell us how you would handle the following situations:

    Player X accuses Player Y of hacking. Player Y has been killing a lot of people and is a regular player to the server.
    I would watch him for a little while and try to catch out anything suspicious, I would check out his base/home to see if he has a mass amount of rare items, and once I have gathered enough proof, I would confront him and I would try to see if he acts nervous or agitated, and I would catch him out and ban him if the proof adds up and he is acting weirdly/talking weirdly or if something doesn't add up.

    Player X accuses Player Y of combat logging, saying he hit Player X and then Player X left the server.
    I would check chat to see if Player X had infact left the server (most servers would have combatlogging plugins so this wouldn't be a big concern) and then I would try to track if Player Y had taken damage and confront him when he next joins.

    Any more information?: I've always liked helping other people, and I hate cheaters in games, cause they're just ruining gameplay for others. I believe that every server should have people that know what they're doing, and people that can really make sure that no-one is having a bad time, unless its something more serious but thats something different entirely.

    I hope I get accepted

    Computer Specs:

    OS: Windows 8.1 Professional
    RAM: 16GB DDR3 Ballistix
    Graphics: Nvidia GTX Geforce 690 (2GB Video RAM)
    Processor: Intel Core i5-4670k (Because owning an i7 if you're not an editor or animator is pointless)
    Case: EZCOOL K9 720P Black ATX w/ Purple LED
    Minecraft FPS(Overall): 120-240 (depending on where it is, intensive or not) FPS
    08/03/2014 2:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    dakotadew16's Avatar
    Added you
    07/23/2014 3:51 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    dakotadew16's Avatar
    07/23/2014 3:46 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    dakotadew16's Avatar
    smaller recorded raw video = worse quality.
    fraps records and makes it a huge video because it records at highest quality, using a good editing software will cut down the file size huge!
    07/23/2014 3:44 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    dakotadew16's Avatar
    im interested
    06/25/2014 5:26 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    dakotadew16's Avatar
    admin SPACE mod as in either admin or mod, that's all right cancel the pending because i already have 2 servers and a youtube channel to worry about not some little prison server that doubts and rejects everyones apps! it was a 10 because i help players i dont cuss i dont talk dirty i dont cheat i play fair i dont hack i dont do bad things i enforce the rules but help the players in a way that will let them enjoy the server
    Good luck with your server
    06/25/2014 1:59 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    dakotadew16's Avatar
    Name: Dakota
    Ign: dakotadew
    Age: 16
    Maturity: 10
    Skype: dakota.sena
    Timezone: mountain standard
    How much can you be on?: 4-5 hours a day
    Rank your applying for (Dev/Builder/Admin/Mod/Coder/WebsiteDev/): admin mod
    Experience: Admin on 5 servers, head admin on 2, mod on 4, helper on 4 owner of 2, current owner/plugin master
    Why do we want you?: I am very experienced, i know how to have fun but not cheat, i have a youtube channel to advertise,

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