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Level 5 Apprentice Miner

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    05/30/2012 3:20 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
    darkcloud784's Avatar
    Auction House added!
    05/23/2012 7:07 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
    darkcloud784's Avatar
    Critical Update

    I have completed all the dungeons and dungeon portals. They can be accessed through a portal hub which you can get to by entering the bottom floor of the market. Here is a picture of the location in which the hub access point is.

    The world in which these dungeons are located is restricted access by any other means. No clans will found here, and no one is allowed to build cities on this map yet, anyone violating this will be banned without question. In the future this world will hold more adventurous architectures and world benefits.

    Dungeons have very unique characteristics about them. Each dungeon being unique in its own, they have hidden chambers in which can be activated by clicking on the blocks. Please see the dungeons wiki page for more information about hidden chambers. None of the walls or objects can be destroyed or mined through, so dont bother trying. Mobs spawn randomly and are easily able to sneak up on you as you progress through the dungeon.

    Freyr being the smallest is considered the "easiest" of the bunch. While Muspell with a whopping 17 levels spanning 170 blocks in each direction is considered to be the largest and most difficult of a full exploration. My suggestions are to bring a full arsenal, though it is possible to party together to explore the dungeon it is not recommended with a party larger than 2-3. The dungeon walls are typically small, and there is very little room for more than one person per corridor. The idea behind this is to keep people from raiding dungeons, so having more than 3 people actually makes it even harder. As you progress you will find each level is unique and extremely extravagantly laid out.

    Every 24 hours the dungeons will be reset, this will allow all people to be able to experience the fun and hardships involved with the event. So BRING YOUR A GAME!
    02/19/2012 11:11 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
    darkcloud784's Avatar

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