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    05/12/2015 2:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    DarkHurpys's Avatar
    so when i get home we can talk more!
    05/12/2015 2:21 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    DarkHurpys's Avatar
    05/12/2015 2:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    DarkHurpys's Avatar
    Wont be on until out of school!
    05/12/2015 2:19 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    DarkHurpys's Avatar
    DarkHurpys or hooverboy02
    05/12/2015 2:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    DarkHurpys's Avatar
    Youtube Channel: Appose
    Time Zone: Uk (temporarily)
    *Age: 20
    Subscriber amount (Minimum 10): 1000+
    *Real name: Stan
    If you need the link I can send it when i get home, i'm in college so they have it blocked.
    05/12/2015 12:47 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    DarkHurpys's Avatar
    How long have you been playing Minecraft: 4 years
    How long have you been building on minecraft: 3 1/2 years
    Links of what you have built: Add me on skype and ill send u Pictures I also have a build team that has done about 5 servers and they turned out great.
    05/12/2015 12:42 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    DarkHurpys's Avatar
    Here are some, Im working on more but the owner does not want them public yet so, yah. Add me on skype and ill show u the pics
    05/11/2015 5:18 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    DarkHurpys's Avatar
    In-Game Name:DarkHurpys

    Position Sought:Co-owner or admin

    Time Zone:Central Time Zone (UTC-06:00)


    Previous Administrator/Owner Experience (Please elaborate and be specific in terms of responsibilities and powers): I have been staff on a few of my friends server and I had a admin position on CarbonCraft, a 30 slot public server hosted by CreeperHost. It was successful and had alot of players per day, but I didn't like the way the owners were treating the problems (letting the the staff members do all the work and then having them take all the credit) and I didn't like the fact that they chose the worst staff members possible, almost of all of them are corrupt. I was also a Mod on PixalHDCraft, a small 15 slot which usually had 9 users on avg. and 1-2 staff on at one time. It was a fun community but was shut down do to lake of time and lack of good staff (most of them were leaving because they wanted to become staff on a bigger server and they couldn't picture the server growing)

    Building Experience (Pictures would be great!): I can build alright, I will send pics over Skype. if ok?

    Anything extra you want to tell me:First of all, I am honor Student, but I do have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I Play for a baseball team called the bombers. The bombers are a baseball organization that donates a crap ton of money to Breast cancer awareness company. If you don't believe me here is the link to our website. ((Ad link removed))(The picture was from two years Ago) My favorite hobby I like most is playing my guitar. My guitar very unique and beautiful because it is my favorite. The guitar was given to me by my mother for my fifth tenth birthday. My uncle, who is an accomplish guitarist taught me how to play it. Now I can play a few simple tunes. I have even begun to sing while playing the guitar but I has not been too successful at this.
    05/11/2015 5:11 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    DarkHurpys's Avatar
    Im sorry But I kind Of got out of hand with my app. I just wanted to make sure that i give myself the best chance to be staff on your server!
    Thanks for you time!

    First name


    Central Time Zone (UTC-06:00)

    What languages do you speak. Include your level of proficiency in each (Beginner, Intermediate, Fluent).
    Spanish Intermediate, English Fluent

    How long have you been playing Minecraft?
    3 years

    Why do you wish to become a moderator?
    I just want to help the people on a Server, I just want t prove that I'm not just a 15 year old kid that lives behind a computer I want to show the staff community that i can actually be a good staff. I want to take care the hackers that lurk around and try to not play the game fair. I just Hate...I mean Hate Cheating In all, I have had bad experiences with hacking before and which brought me to the conclusion that i hate it. I am a donor on kit Pvp and i just love the server. I believe that becoming a Moderator will bring me a whole other experience while being on the server. Being a moderator, of course, has its own responsibilities. However, I think it is a good chance to understand people more, make new friends, and all while performing my assigned duties for the betterment of this community. I am very active on the Server. In fact, I think the server is amazing because it gives me a lot of freedom to do things associated with the game I love and the people I know who play it.

    What experience do you have in minecraft server moderation/administration or other similar jobs?
    I have been staff on a few of my friends server and I had a admin position on CarbonCraft, a 30 slot public server hosted by CreeperHost. It was successful and had alot of players per day, but I didn't like the way the owners were treating the problems (letting the the staff members do all the work and then having them take all the credit) and I didn't like the fact that they chose the worst staff members possible, almost of all of them are corrupt. I was also a Mod on PixalHDCraft, a small 15 slot which usually had 9 users on avg. and 1-2 staff on at one time. It was a fun community but was shut down do to lake of time and lack of good staff (most of them were leaving because they wanted to become staff on a bigger server and they couldn't picture the server growing)

    What hobbies/activities do you like to do outside of minecraft?
    First of all, I am honor Student, but I do have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I Play for a baseball team called the bombers. The bombers are a baseball organization that donates a crap ton of money to Breast cancer awareness company. My favorite hobby I like most is playing my guitar. My guitar very unique and beautiful because it is my favorite. The guitar was given to me by my mother for my fifth tenth birthday. My uncle, who is an accomplish guitarist taught me how to play it. Now I can play a few simple tunes. I have even begun to sing while playing the guitar but I has not been too successful at this.

    You log onto Minecraft after a long day at work/school and you continue to work on your cactus farm. All of sudden a new player starts typing in chat for help "Omg where can i get a place 2 build?" You wait a second to reply as you want to finish the layer you're currently working on and before you know it you get 7 Private Messages from the same player, asking the exact same questions over and over again. How would you handle this situation?
    First of all I would answer all the questions he would intend to ask me, after we had our discussion I would ask him if he had anymore questions He could ask me. If this player gets annoying I will professionally ask him to stop and explain what he is doing wrong. If he asks me a question that I can not answer, I will tell him to ask higher staff members or refer him to the rules.

    You notice a player asking for assistance from staff in the chat and you choose to private message him to ask what's up, the player tells you that he has found a glitch that allows him to duplicate items and that he knows a friend his is using this glitch to duplicate items. What would you do as a Moderator?
    Well, as you know a mod cant really do much, so i will ask the player that brought this to my attention to Get some information on the issue. I will tell them that I cant do anything without proof and explain to them why I do so. I will wait patiently until they got the proof, once is done so I will tell him that i will be looking over the evidence to make sure that it is legit. Once the evidence is observed and is all legit I will punish the glitcher and then move on

    Players are complaining about a person who is apparently killing everyone in PVP, they suspect that he is hacking and you as a Moderator have no real way of gathering much proof of this, you're the only staff online currently yet there might be some hanging around on TeamSpeak, you also know you got a few potions to make yourself invisible so that you could sneak around undetected. What would you do?
    So, i will use those pots and try to investigate. i would try to get as much information as possibly and try to catch and find out what the problem is. I will fight him even tho im not that good of a fighter but i do know when someone is hacking. If i find a lot of information but don't have enough to ban him i will try to find those staff member that were hanging around in ts. I will ask them to take a look at this guy that i think is hacking and then let them choose there fate. If no staff are on i will just make the choice to ban him if my gut tells me that i should do so.
    05/11/2015 4:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    DarkHurpys's Avatar
    Ign: DarkHurpys
    Why you wish to be staff:I just want to help the people on a Server, I just want t prove that I'm not just a 15 year old kid that lives behind a computer I want to show the staff community that i can actually be a good staff. I want to take care the hackers that lurk around and try to not play the game fair. I just Hate...I mean Hate Cheating In all, I have had bad experiences with hacking before and which brought me to the conclusion that i hate it. I am a donor on kit Pvp and i just love the server. I believe that becoming a Moderator will bring me a whole other experience while being on the server. Being a moderator, of course, has its own responsibilities. However, I think it is a good chance to understand people more, make new friends, and all while performing my assigned duties for the betterment of this community. I am very active on the Server. In fact, I think the server is amazing because it gives me a lot of freedom to do things associated with the game I love and the people I know who play it.
    Have you seen SAO, GGO, ALO or all?: Very good Movies!
    What rank do you want?: Any That you need, I can help with perms and only admin stuff.
    Experience:I have been staff on a few of my friends server and I had a admin position on CarbonCraft, a 30 slot public server hosted by CreeperHost. It was successful and had alot of players per day, but I didn't like the way the owners were treating the problems (letting the the staff members do all the work and then having them take all the credit) and I didn't like the fact that they chose the worst staff members possible, almost of all of them are corrupt. I was also a Mod on PixalHDCraft, a small 15 slot which usually had 9 users on avg. and 1-2 staff on at one time. It was a fun community but was shut down do to lake of time and lack of good staff (most of them were leaving because they wanted to become staff on a bigger server and they couldn't picture the server growing)
    Maturity:First of all, I am honor Student, but I do have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I Play for a baseball team called the bombers. The bombers are a baseball organization that donates a crap ton of money to Breast cancer awareness company. If you don't believe me here is the link to our website. ((Ad link removed))(The picture was from two years Ago). I also help with suicidal prone kids, So I can help and I can take a little bit of criticism, so i do think my Maturity is very good and Im a professional person in the right time and place.
    05/12/2015 2:21 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    DarkHurpys's Avatar

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