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    11/26/2016 4:41 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar
    1. Nick name or real? Darth.
    2. IGN & Age? DarthRoar, 17.
    3. Skype? Darth-Roar.
    4. How often can you get on? Pretty often, most days.
    5. Timezone? Where? UK, so GMT.
    6. Why would you fit this job? I have been a staff member on many servers including some high-profile ones like BlueShift. Often, I have had to prove my skills and work up from the lowest rank. I have also run some servers completely by myself without any staff help, which means that I know all aspects of how to run servers.
    7. What kind of person do you describe yourself? Honourable, professional, funny, smart.
    8. What can you bring to the server? Coupled with my great experience, my many skills include:
    Building - I am an advanced Builder and Redstoner, with the power of WorldEdit there are many things I can do.
    Advertising - I have knowledge of where to advertise and how to make sure it gets players for us.
    Moderating - I have had lots of experience Moderating and Administrating servers.
    Plugins - I have also had a wide range of experiences with plugins, I know how to configure them etc.
    Video Editing - I am proficient at making a few clips of Minecraft look and sound good when I can record it without too much lag.
    Managing - I have had experience managing ranks in servers, staff meetings etc.
    Professional Attitude - I can and will act as a Head-Moderator is expected to.
    9. Why did you decide to apply? Your server looks like it has potential, and looks professional.
    10. Will you be willing to help others? Of course, that's my job.
    06/23/2016 5:52 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar
    1. IGN: DarthRoar.
    2. Skype: Darth-Roar.
    3. Age: 16.
    4. Timezone: GMT.
    5. What kind of position: Administrator etc.
    6. Do you have experience? If so, what kind? I have been a staff member on many servers including some high-profile ones like BlueShift. Often, I have had to prove my skills and work up from the lowest rank. I have also run some servers completely by myself without any staff help, which means that I know all aspects of how to run servers.
    7. Why would you be good in your position?
    Coupled with my great experience, my many skills include:
    Building - I am an advanced Builder and Redstoner, with the power of WorldEdit there are many things I can do.
    Advertising - I have knowledge of where to advertise and how to make sure it gets players for us.
    Moderating - I have had lots of experience Moderating and Administrating servers.
    Plugins - I have also had a wide range of experiences with plugins, I know how to configure them etc.
    Video Editing - I am proficient at making a few clips of Minecraft look and sound good when I can record it without too much lag.
    Website Design - If you ever needed a website, I could do that.
    Banner Design - I have designed animated banners before, and I can do again.
    Managing - I have had experience managing ranks in servers, staff meetings etc.
    Professional Attitude - I can and will act as a Head-Moderator is expected to.
    06/23/2016 4:01 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar
    Name: James.

    IGN: DarthRoar.

    Age: 16.

    Experience: I have been a staff member on many servers including some high-profile ones like BlueShift. Often, I have had to prove my skills and work up from the lowest rank. I have also run some servers completely by myself without any staff help, which means that I know all aspects of how to run servers.

    Any Subspecialties: My skills include:
    Building - I am an advanced Builder and Redstoner, with the power of WorldEdit there are many things I can do.
    Advertising - I have knowledge of where to advertise and how to make sure it gets players for us.
    Moderating - I have had lots of experience Moderating and Administrating servers.
    Plugins - I have also had a wide range of experiences with plugins, I know how to configure them etc.
    Video Editing - I am proficient at making a few clips of Minecraft look and sound good when I can record it without too much lag.
    Website Design - If you ever needed a website, I could do that.
    Banner Design - I have designed animated banners before, and I can do again.
    Managing - I have had experience managing ranks in servers, staff meetings etc.
    Professional Attitude - I can and will act as a Head-Moderator is expected to.

    Why do you Want to be Head-Moderator: I feel that due to my extensive experience in all areas of server management, this position would be best for me.

    Why do you Want to be a Member of the Team in General: It's the summer and I have many free months ahead. I'd like to join a nice MC server for the ride.

    Are you a Successful Leader: Yes, in fact I have several leadership positions in real life, namely a rank in a military cadet organisation.
    03/05/2016 7:01 am
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar
    Still hiring
    03/04/2016 12:04 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar
    We're online at baconbeam.beastmc.com, come and have a look.
    03/07/2015 5:38 am
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar

    A farmer got promoted. Why? Because he was outstanding in his field.

    What do you call a snobbish conman going downstairs? A condescending con descending.
    12/08/2014 12:41 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar
    That one got by me.

    What would you do if someone were breaking a rule: This depends on the severity. If it was minor, then a warning before ban would be appropriate. For a major infraction, an immediate ban would be warranted.

    And the smiley was not an answer.
    12/07/2014 11:34 am
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar
    Administrator / Head Administrator.

    IGN: DarthRoar.
    Age: 15.
    Why do you want this position: I would like this position because I feel it is where I am best suited to be. It sounds to me like this server is already up and on its feet which means that there is no gambling about whether it will fail or not.
    How can you help the server: I can help with my many skills that I have gained from playing Minecraft so long and from my experience as staff. Firstly, I am a decent builder which means that I can and will be able to help with physical aspects when necessary. I also have experience with plugin configuration and commands; I am well versed in this area also. I have had experience in administrating and moderating servers of all kinds. I know how to deal with players and staff alike because I have been in both those situations.
    What experience do you have: I have been staff on many servers that shut down for various reasons. I have risen from moderator to co-owner several times. I have staffed larger and smaller servers. I owned and run my own server by myself a few times which means I know about all aspects of server life from building to advertising.
    Have you ever been banned on a server: Yes I have.
    How often can you be on: I can be on most days, excluding Mondays and Thursdays.
    How many hours can you be on on the days you can be on: Probably 3 - 4 hours.
    Why should I accept you: You should accept me because of my excellent experience and knowledge of all aspects of a server. My very wide skill set allows me to do many things concerning server running. Also, my professional manner when necessary is a plus when needing to communicate.
    What would you do if someone were griefing: I would likely give a temporary ban proportionate to the severity of their action. If it was extremely serious, immediate ban. Everyone should know the rules so no warning are appropriate. I would reverse the damage of course.
    What would you do if someone were stealing: This is not quite so serious. I would need evidence and once I had it, a warning would be given and the items returned. A small reprimand like a fine could be issued to the offender. The second time, a ban or temporary ban would be needed.
    What would you do if a donator was abusing his/her powers: No one is exempt from rules. I would warn the offender before revoking their donor abilities.
    What would you do if someone were breaking a rule:[/b]
    Would you give a donator more chances/better treatment than a normal player in a situation that they were breaking a rule: As I said before, no one is exempt from rules. Some of the worst experiences I have had on servers is where staff favour donors or other staff and let them run rampant. So no.
    What would you do if a staff member were griefing(In an area it is not allowed): Depending on their status. If they were higher, I would document the offense and then submit it to their superior. If they were of a lower rank, their staff abilities would be removed and then they would be treated as if a normal player griefed.
    What would you do if a staff member were stealing(In an area it is not allowed): Depending on their status. If they were higher, I would document the offense and then submit it to their superior. If they were of a lower rank, I would strip them of their rank and give them a long temporary ban or a permanent ban. Staff should set the example, not break rules.
    What would you do if a staff member were abusing their powers: If they abuse their powers then they do not deserve them. Immediate demote or report depending on rank.
    Other: I would like the rank of Head Admin preferably. I believe this is where I would do best. Thanks for your consideration.
    Rate your application in your opinion(1-10):
    07/18/2014 2:26 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar
    What are you applying for?

    Apologies, for Staff Manager.
    07/18/2014 1:36 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar
    IGN: DarthRoar.

    Name: James.

    Age: 14.

    Skype: Darth-Roar.

    Do you know how to code: Yes, but not in a way that would be applicable to Minecraft.

    Maturity level(1-10): 9.

    How experienced are you with this kind of stuff: I have had a whole lot of experience being various ranks of staff in servers. I have even run my own but many lost interest for the same reasons mentioned in your post. For this reason, I have a good in-depth knowledge about server functions, how they work, how they run and generally how to make them go.

    Do you know how to work all the plugins we will have: Yes. When I ran my servers I did it without staff so I had to do everything myself, which means I have good knowledge of how to set up and configure plugins and permissions.

    How many years have you played Minecraft for: 4 years.

    What servers have you recently been staff on: Blueshift Community, MC Nations, CakeCraft.

    Ever been banned from a server?: Yes, due to immature, unreasonable and abusive staff.

    Timezone: GMT + 1.

    Also, here are some pictures of things I have built (among other things): http://s1266.photobucket.com/user/DarthRoar/library/?sort=3&page=1
    07/13/2014 2:26 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar
    Admin Resume:
    Click to reveal
    Admin Resume:

    Maturity (1-10): 9.

    Why you're patient: I am patient because I understand that some people need more leeway than others, depending on the circumstances. I am not one to get annoyed by a player or an issue, I work the problem logically and efficiently.

    Why you're reasonable: I am reasonable because I can understand and listen to reason wherever it comes from. If I am discussing something and are proved wrong I will accept it because it is the truth. I do not get emotional over issues so I can always listen to reason. Obviously, it would be unreasonable to give free items to a player on survival, or extra permissions, or anything that would violate common sense. One of the most annoying things that I have ever had is where an unreasonable and irrational superior has control over me, does not listen to fair arguments and cannot understand logic. This is why I respect reason in a person who is reasonable.

    How you're fair: This links in with being reasonable. A player that broke a rule accidentally without knowing should be punished, but definitely not as severely as someone who knew the rule, and disregarded it. Punishment is directly proportional to the severity of the action. Also, I can weigh up reasons for a decision and come up with a fair verdict, or a compromise if necessary.

    About Yourself: I am a guy who likes gaming at home. I play various games on my laptop, tanks, planes, spaceships and Minecraft as well. I do a fair amount of reading and am a great Star Trek fan... I am also a member of the ATC which is an organisation that allows young people to fly aircraft in a military style.

    Why You're Right for the Job: I have had a whole lot of experience being various ranks of staff in servers. I have even run my own but many lost interest for the same reasons mentioned in your post. For this reason, I have a good in-depth knowledge about server functions, how they work, how they run and generally how to make them go. As mentioned above, I am patient, reasonable, fair and mature when it is needed, but also able to have a laugh and have fun as Minecraft was intended to be. I have quite a good writing style with good grammar which is important when being a fairly important person in a server.

    Referrals: Not applicable.

    I am going to be audacious and try for Staff Manager.
    Click to reveal
    Server Staff Manager Resume:

    Age: 14.

    Maturity Level (1-10): 7 to 9 depending on the situation.

    Experience: I have managed some servers before, coordinating the staff efforts into one. The owners of these servers decided I was good for the job and I worked my way up from a mere moderator. I ran some of my own servers, the donations kept up with the costs and were a fair success. I ran these servers myself so I did everything from setting up plugins to advertising everywhere to building the spawns. I always believed that someone shouldn't tell you that your thing or way of doing things is not good enough unless they could make a passable attempt at it themselves, and for this reason I made sure I had an all-round understanding of almost every aspect of server life. I can understand and listen to reason wherever it comes from. If I am discussing something and are proved wrong I will accept it because it is the truth. I do not get emotional over issues so I can always listen to reason. Obviously, it would be unreasonable to give free items to a player on survival, or extra permissions, or anything that would violate common sense. One of the most annoying things that I have ever had is where an unreasonable and irrational superior has control over me, does not listen to fair arguments and cannot understand logic. This is why I respect reason in a person who is reasonable. This links in with being reasonable. A player that broke a rule accidentally without knowing should be punished, but definitely not as severely as someone who knew the rule, and disregarded it. Punishment is directly proportional to the severity of the action. Also, I can weigh up reasons for a decision and come up with a fair verdict, or a compromise if necessary. I am patient because I understand that some people need more leeway than others, depending on the circumstances. I am not one to get annoyed by a player or an issue, I work the problem logically and efficiently.

    - Creating a server.
    - Making more money from donations than was being used.
    - Appointed as Co-Owner on several servers.
    - Starting as a moderator, ending as a Co-Owner.

    Referrals: Not applicable.

    About Yourself: I am a guy who likes gaming at home. I play various games on my laptop, tanks, planes, spaceships and Minecraft as well. I do a fair amount of reading and am a great Star Trek fan... I am also a member of the ATC which is an organisation that allows young people to fly aircraft in a military style.

    Why You're Right for the Job: I have had a whole lot of experience being various ranks of staff in servers. I have even run my own but many lost interest for the same reasons mentioned in your post. For this reason, I have a good in-depth knowledge about server functions, how they work, how they run and generally how to make them go. As mentioned above, I am patient, reasonable, fair and mature when it is needed, but also able to have a laugh and have fun as Minecraft was intended to be. I have quite a good writing style with good grammar which is important when being a fairly important person in a server.

    Time(s) Available: Most days of the week, limited time on Mondays and Thursdays. Likely a few hours per day.
    02/09/2014 12:03 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar
    Reason for applying:
    This sounds like a good challenge for me, and it seems like this could be a large server with lots of people on. It looks like it is worth some time and effort.
    What makes you candidate material:
    I am like a jack of all trades, I have plenty of experience for almost all aspects of server running. I know lots about plugins and configuring them. I know a bit about advertising and making banners. I am a fairly good builder, so I can help around with the structural parts of a server. I also have a good knowledge of in-game commands, which means that I can do lots of things as well as even configuring permissions in the game.
    I got all this experience from running my own smaller servers, I decided I didn't need any staff (I had problems with staff greifing etc...) so I did absolutely everything to do with my server myself.
    Have you had a position on a previous server:
    Yes, I have had some positions on various servers, some large, some small.
    Explain why you are no longer participating on that server:
    Unfortunately, some closed because of money problems, some because the owners just got bored and never logged in and some because no players were interested.
    Are you going to get upset or rage quit in any way if you don't get the Lead Administrator position (or other position you want):
    I will likely just move on if my help is not welcome.
    02/07/2014 2:46 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar
    Name: DarthRoar.
    Age: 14.
    Skype: Darth-Roar.
    What are you good with? Permissions, specifically GroupManager.
    Why should we pick you? You should pick me because I am very competent at configuring permissions, even in-game.
    Have you ever been banned on any server? Yes.
    Proof of your work: I don't see how I could give proof for permissions...
    Timezone: GMT.
    Anything else you want to point out: Not that I can think of...
    Maturity: 8.
    Are you willing to follow the rules? Of course.
    Can you donate? No.
    02/01/2014 3:45 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar
    In Game Name:
    Time zone:
    Staff Position :
    I would fit Administrator, otherwise Plugin Manager.
    What could you bring to TrickCraft?
    I could bring my extensive knowledge of Building, Administrating, Moderating, Managing and even Advertising to TrickCraft. I could bring some good builds, some knowledge of redstone mechanics. I certainly would bring some good humor and a sense of community.
    Do you have Skype?
    Yes, it is Darth-Roar.
    Do you have a mic/headset?
    I do, however would prefer not to use.
    How long have you been playing Minecraft?
    3 Years.
    Have you owned any servers?
    I have, this is where I have got a lot of my knowledge and experience.
    Are you staff on another servers?
    I am not currently staff on any server, if I was I wouldn't be looking to be staff on another.
    Have you ever been banned?
    I have; some servers have staff that are irresponsible and ban for fun, and they have done just that to me.
    My computer is not good enough to record Minecraft videos, so here are some pictures of my builds (and some other random things):
    Please rate from 1-10 on how You think you scale:
    -Plugin/coding skills:
    Installing & Configuring: 8.
    Coding: 2.
    -Forum/Website skills:
    -Advertising skills:
    -Administrator skills:
    -Moderator skills:
    -Chat-Moderator skills?
    -Building skills:
    How long can you be on in one day?
    I could be on a few hours weekdays, more at weekends.
    What days of the week can you be on?
    Most days, excluding Mondays and Thursdays.
    Can you stay focused on a task?
    Yes, I believe this is important. You need to finish what you need to do before starting something else.
    Scale of 1 to 10 On Maturity?
    I am actually rather mature and would give myself a 9.
    Scale of 1 to 10 On Moderation skills:
    I think 8 would be me.
    Why do you think you're be good for at the Staff Position(s) you're apply for?
    For Administrator:
    I would be good at this because I can help a server run smoothly, as well as doing policing or building when necessary. An Administrator should be versatile.
    For Plugin Manager:
    I feel I would also be good at this because I have a lot of experience with configuring and installing plugins. When I owned servers, I was the only one doing any building or installing, so I know my way around a plugin.
    Why you would like to be staff on TrickzCraft?
    TrickzCraft sounds like an excellent server to me, one that will become known in the Minecraft community. I would like to pledge some effort to this server.
    What will you do to help players want to stay and keep playing on TrickzCraft?
    I could use my advertising knowledge to attract players, and I could design a series of weekly or daily events to keep players occupied, as well as a variety of things to do.
    What would you do to bring more players to TrickzCraft?
    I could use my advertising knowledge, I would create a text that paints TrickzCraft in the best light and I could even make a banner for the posts.
    Extra Info you would like to add:
    I believe my good grammar and my professional mannerism would help bring greatness to your server, I hope to hear from you.
    12/15/2013 12:27 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar
    IGN: DarthRoar.
    Name: James.
    Age: 14.
    Skype: Darth-Roar.
    Email: James.Plane@yahoo.com
    Plugin-Knowledge: I have extensive knowledge of WorldEdit and some knowledge of VoxelSniper.
    What are you applying for: Head-Builder.
    Past BuildTeam Experience: I have been in several build teams and have created various structures.
    Pictures of Builds: http://s1266.photobucket.com/user/DarthRoar/library/?sort=3&page=1
    12/06/2013 3:56 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar
    I am DarthRoar and I would like the chance to become your Community Manager! I have a wide range of skills inside Minecraft and out, I act professionally and above all I would be a loyal addition to your server.

    My skills include:
    Building - I am an advanced Builder and Redstoner, with the power of WorldEdit there are many things I can do.
    Advertising - I have knowledge of where to advertise and how to make sure it gets players for us.
    Moderating - I have had lots of experience Moderating and Administrating servers.
    Plugins - I have also had a wide range of experiences with plugins, I know how to configure them etc.
    Video Editing - I am proficient at making a few clips of Minecraft look and sound good when I can record it without too much lag.
    Website Design - If you ever needed a website, I could do that.
    Banner Design - I have designed animated banners before, and I can do again.
    Managing - I have had experience managing ranks in servers, staff meetings etc.
    Professional Attitude - I can and will act as a Community Manager is expected to.

    More about me:
    - I am of an age of 14.
    - PC Gamer, I play many games on my PC.
    - I am a good Minecrafter with lots of general experience.
    - I am mature.
    - Most of all I can have a laugh and am fun to play Minecraft with!

    So I hope you choose me to be your manager, I can put in time and effort! Thanks for reading.

    - DarthRoar.

    (My skype is Darth-Roar)
    12/01/2013 6:06 am
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar

    Why should I choose you instead of the others?
    Because I am a jack of all trades! I can build, moderate, configure, advertise and lots off stuff needed to run a server.
    What is your timezone?
    I am GMT.
    Why do you want to be a staff?
    Because it is very interesting and different to being an ordinary player.
    How will you help?
    I could build or I could just administrate the server and keep it smooth, or advertise.
    How many hours can you be on a day / week?
    A few hours a day usually.
    How old are you?
    I am 14.
    Do you have Skype and a mic?

    I hope you accept my offer, do send me the IP
    08/13/2013 10:40 am
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar
    Okay I would need you to build a full size replica of this for spawn:
    Click to reveal

    And make these for main nations:
    Click to reveal

    And then do permissions, like 15 ranks in full.
    Then advertise the server on
    and all the others that exist. I want like 100 players on every day all day. You'll need to be on 20 hours a day.

    You said you would do anything xD
    08/11/2013 4:54 am
    Level 28 : Expert Toast
    DarthRoar's Avatar
    IGN: DarthRoar.
    Age: 13.

    Now all that's over, hey there. I have got experience! So I can build stuff, I am not an ultra-rare-awesome-sauce builder but I do pretty good stuff (I do). I do plugins and permissions which work, prefixes I can do.

    I do advertising but that's real boring so get someone else to do that xD and I can manage it.

    So more about me. As you may have noticed I have a sense of humor and I will say whats on my mind, like that is a little unusual to give out free servers but cool nonetheless. I am mature and previously I acted more so but now I decided that was no fun to me or anyone!

    So I hope you'll contact me. Bye.

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