dAtsheepd0e's Avatar
Level 6
Apprentice Miner

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    03/14/2017 3:36 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    dAtsheepd0e's Avatar
    if you are requesting a skin you are asking anyone who is willing, you aren't supposed to pick and choose when requesting.
    If you want a specific style you should go find an artist that you like and commission them instead of asking here and being impolite to people who offer.
    03/14/2017 3:29 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    dAtsheepd0e's Avatar
    it looks normal to me friend
    if anything i would try using a more saturated version of the color you have now
    03/14/2017 3:22 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    dAtsheepd0e's Avatar
    1. Your In-game name: dAtsheepd0e

    2. Age: 16

    3. Timezone and location: United states, central timezone

    4. The languages that you are fluent in? English (and learning German atm, i understand the basics)

    5. How long can you spend on the server building? Well, currently im having spring break so i spend nearly every minute on minecraft. but as of this monday, ill be on and off between 5 to 10

    6. How good are you with worldedit and voxelsniper? I've actually never heard of voxelsniper, but im amazing with world edit (i do a lot of terraforming n such) and i bet ill learn it fast

    7. Why do you want to be a builder on the MineVade network? Because i enjoy building and need the practice. Also, hopefully ill be building with others because i make some pretty awesome stuff in teams)

    8. Show us as many of your builds that you have done(terrain, structures, environmental, modern, etc...)
    a lot of these builds are old i promise i can do better, thats another reason why im applying, i need newer examples
    server spawn i made with a team: http://imgur.com/a/ORQPr
    Somethin i made myself: http://imgur.com/eManj47 and http://imgur.com/s4YAHcq
    And this: http://imgur.com/3bj3Q5d and http://imgur.com/t7jcTIH
    Then you have this cool prison mine i made with 1 other person: http://imgur.com/KZE0kpQ and http://imgur.com/ICW3vnY
    And this one i did myself: http://imgur.com/qe7Tabd
    And last but not least a portal room me and 1 other made: http://imgur.com/G8eCYBv and http://imgur.com/yuqHrsP

    oh oh and i also made this: http://imgur.com/ecmtcln but didnt ever finish it sadly

    9. Do you have a working mic? yes
    03/13/2017 11:12 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    dAtsheepd0e's Avatar
    people may be more willing to help if you put a description of what you want in this thread c:
    that was lazier people (me) wont have to take the time to ask
    03/13/2017 11:11 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    dAtsheepd0e's Avatar
    I'd love to see something like this too!
    03/12/2017 7:47 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    dAtsheepd0e's Avatar
    hey, this already looks really nice!
    i dont really see anything that could be improved on.
    When you say you want the shades to blend well with vanilla textures, are you saying that you think the skin is too bright? Minecraft tends to have a little more duller colors, so if thats the case i would just lowed the contrast and saturation of the skin, i can do this for you if you'd like c:

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