Desmitt's Avatar
Level 1 New Crafter


Hello everyone! My name's Michael, I am adult and I have been playing Minecraft for eleven years already, since 2010. Most favourite things in the game - building and collecting stuff. Mostly I play this game at evenings after the work just to chill, build something nice. My first languages are Latvian and Russian, but I also can speak English at intermediate level.

In my opinion, it is really nice to play together - progress and advance together, create interesting things together. So I really think it's much better and funnier to play with others. Everything is better to do together. No matter what they do - building, getting resources or anything, I like to do all the things with people, in a team.

So yeah, team game experience is my favourite thing in Minecraft, when each of us work for the same project, when we all have the same goal and try to reach it.
It is really cool, isn't it?

I am currently playing on a small vanilla private serevr, with a really friendly community. Got a big project there, creating a huge medieval town. I am looking for some more people to play together on that server, so if you're interested - feel free to PM me or add on Discord - Desmit#6458.

Thanks for your attention.

Member Statistics

154Profile views
98Experience points
3Forum threads
8Discussion posts
Jul 7, 2021Joined PMC
DesmitMinecraft Name
Planet Minecraft


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