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    09/27/2012 12:48 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
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    Name: Death
    Species: Reaper
    Attributes: Time; Psychology; Cold
    Gender: Male
    Age: Roughly 200,000 Years Old
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    The priest hung his head low as the room grew silent. Another had passed.
    Her flesh was cold. She had no pulse. She had breathed her last.
    The town was growing quiet as the people died
    Those that were left had pained and cried.

    Her spirit remained a little while
    Free from the filth and famine and bile.
    She looked up to Death and said,
    "Please don't hurt me," full of dread.

    Death was silent; he did not speak
    He did not see the girl as weak.
    He did not enjoy or see this fun
    But this was nature; it must be done.

    He held his hand out.
    The girl took it, full of doubt.
    He embraced her, then held up his scythe,
    And took her to the afterlife.

    Death stood in a contemporary meeting room wearing a tie and a white shirt (albeit with his black hood) pointing a laser pointer at the powerpoint screen. "A poem made about me a while back. Thought I'd share it. Now on to business," he said before clearing his throat. "It's been slow ever since I broke up the responsibility of Grim Reaper when the human population became too big."

    Pacing around the table, he spoke to the people at the meeting table, each wearing a similar shirt, but without a hood. Death said, "That doesn't mean I appreciate what you all are doing. I just feel like we've been irresponsibly spending money. Promoting all those Mishaps to Death Types wasn't the best idea. On that note, let's do roll-call. Drowning?"
    Sloshing could be heard as a man responded, "Here."
    "*cough* *cough* Here. ACHOO!"
    "Old Age?"
    Someone piped up and said, "He's retired."
    "Right. Ahhh Heart Disease. You there?"
    "Here. Where are we going for lunch?"
    "Your choice. War?"
    "Standing by."
    "Here," said a naked man on the other side of the room. Everyone was sitting away from him.
    "Car Accident?"
    Someone said, "Stuck in traffic."
    "Sexual Act Gone Wrong?"
    There was silence. After a few seconds, he could be heard in the bathroom. "Does anybody have a mop?"

    Death hung his head low and passed around a sign-in sheet, aware that he may be in for more disappointment if he continued this. He pulled down some charts and said, "Let's move on to tops this month. That award goes to Heart Disease. Way to go!" Claps went around the room for the corpulent man as he held his scythe up. "And congrats to Intoxication for racking up a hit-and-run record this month."

    Death handed some sheets around. The sheets were passed along the table. As they were being passed, Death said, "Murder, could you wait 'till after the meeting?" as a scythe-sharpener started up. The Death Type sat down and loudly said, "OKAY."
    "Thanks," Death said. The meeting grew even more mundane before Death stopped in the middle of reading something out. "Okay, guys, we were once feared. It seemed like yesterday that people were drawing things of us causing hell. Plague, you and I kicked ass during the Spanish Flu, remember? War, remember Hiroshima? That was good work! Still, it was nothing like when I launched Black Plague when we were a small business. Why don't we do that again?"
    "I think the Horsemen of the Apocalypse said to tone it down," someone said.
    "They never said anything like that. We just can't come up with something good. We need a new major death event!"
    There were some claps and murmurs as Death continued. "Plague, are you with me?"
    "*cough* You bet!"
    "Famine, are you with me?"
    "*grrooaann* Yep!"
    "Violence, you with me?"
    "I am the angel of death. The time of purification is at hand..."
    "M'kay. Anyone else?"
    "We are," Drowning and Exposure said.
    "Just goes to show that you can always trust the guy at the water cooler," Death said. "Before we start, we've got to practice. Some humans are making a fake universe. I'm gonna go practice there before we start the death event," Death said. Upon that, the room burst into claps as Death lifted his scythe and caused a rip in time. He reached into the tear and grabbed his robe. He put it on and said, "It's good to be back," before ripping another hole in time and stepping in.
    08/09/2012 5:52 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
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    When is this starting? I can't wait to get this on the road.
    08/08/2012 8:50 pm
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    08/08/2012 8:32 pm
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    Name: Commander Joe
    Age: 39 Years
    Personality: Charismatic, daring, witty, loyal, tough, general distrust towards Star Wars figures

    The story behind Commander Joe is a proud one. Manufactured and trained in the good ol' US of A during the waning days of the Vietnam War, Commander Joe saw action on American soil. He was noted for his vice-like Kung-Fu grip and his alert 'eagle eyes'. Loyal to his original owner, he was among ten-year-old Joshua's favorite commanders, seeing simulated action in Vietnam and even held off an invasion by the USSR action figures. He even survived a trip into space.

    Additions to Commander Joe's wardrobe, arsenal, and squad happened every so-often. Joe was in charge of the special forces Adventure Team that survived the 90˚ climb up Mt. Wall to defeat General Ruskie and his evil Red Menaces. He was given training in airplane-flying, tank-driving, and bomb defusing.

    As Joshua matured, Joe was slowly weaned off of the day-to-day action he once saw. He was retired and stayed on the shelf for some time before being turned to Joshua's younger brother, Tim, and back into active duty. Tim's sister had left a Barbie doll in Tim's room and the doll was being held a POW. Joe, however, became friends with the beauty and became married in 1976.

    1977 was a grim year for Joe. With the new Star Wars toys released, Joe joined the Rebel Alliance against the evil Darth Vader and received short Jedi training by Obi-Wan Kenobi. During a lightsaber duel on a catwalk with Darth Vader, Joe fell off of the high ledge and suffered major injuries. His wrist joints were cracked, his torso had a large gash, and his waist joints had become dislocated.

    Joe was pronounced KIA. Tim was scolded by Joshua and what remained of Joe was confiscated and put in a cardboard box for some time. Upon being removed from the box, Joe was introduced into a new world. His wife had left him for Luke Skywalker, the Cold War was over, and most of his squad had disassembled. The face that greeted him was Joshua. He was now an adult.

    Joshua had become an avid GI Joe collection, owning an entire barrack of GI Joes. Tackleboxes served as armories for GI Joe guns. Tanks and Humvees lined the floor of the closet the collection was being stored in and a few planes hung from the ceiling. Joe was given surgery to repair his injured frame and received an honorable discharge as he was put in a newly-restored box and retired.

    An insurrection happened recently as several GI Joes from Joshua's collection broke out of the barrack and left, but not before killing several other GI Joes. Joe and his squadmates are taking it upon themselves to bring these renegades to justice. Adventure Team was reunited, albeit with new members. The battle will require use of newer technology so the vehicles work without Joshua's intervention.

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    Who can stop you from making this application?: Gary Oak
    08/08/2012 6:54 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
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    IGN: Dictator4Hire
    A short sentence for 1 of the actors if you were an Writer:
    Wiping the sweat off of his brow, Steve crammed multiple chunks of iron ore into his pocket before turning to head out of his mine for the day. As he neared the exit, a chill ran down his spine as he detected a familiar ominous shape to his left. There was a hissing noise and a boom. Suddenly, Steve woke up in his bed in a small wooden shack. He silently swore as he turned his now empty pockets inside-out.

    (Not exactly a short sentence, but I can churn out a decent story)
    08/07/2012 10:58 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
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    Name: ANNI (Artificial Neural Network Interfacer)
    Age: Activated a week ago. Has been worked on for about 22 years.
    Japanese inventor Kirusama Hu developed an idea for a new AI that could get its info from reputable sources on the internet and travel in a cloud storage so a user could access it wherever he or she went. The prototype, however, was capable of doing much more. Essentially a non-material AI, ANNI is not only capable of interfacing with any electronic device, but also manipulating them.

    Kirusama turned ANNI off for quite some time as he moved to the United States to get his bearings after his city flooded. Now into his eighties and with the means to continue programming ANNI, Kirusami turned it back on. He discovered that it had been active for years, getting information from the internet and deciding what it did and did not like. In short, it was developing a personality.

    Kirusami was elated at this, but wanted to keep ANNI secret. He downloaded it intelligence to a household android servant, but he occasionally unleashes it in the internet, where it is most at home. Over the years, ANNI developed a feminine personality and different likes and dislikes.

    ANNI was protected against hacking attempts, though it would be unlikely for ANNI to be targeted in the first place; nobody knows of her existence...

    Skills: Hacking, moving electronically, bypassing security, remote access to electronics (via internet/intranet/physical download), can access knowledge from the internet
    Weapon of Choice: Whatever she can manipulate at any given point
    Flaws: Cold, still learning social skills, can't physically hurt someone without hacking into something, opinionated against people who prove themselves to be ignorant, makes correlations that humans would find 'crazy', prone to spontaneous emotional quirks, appreciation of beauty or art is lost on it
    Appearance: No physical appearance. Purely up to speculation
    Race: AI
    Everything Else: Speaks via text or, if able, speakers. Sound of voice varies, depending on the hardware used to speak, but have a similar quality at the same time. Sees skyscrapers as just another place to house things, though doesn't really care about skyscrapers other than that.
    08/04/2012 11:17 pm
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    08/04/2012 10:38 pm
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    Was there a problem with mine?
    08/04/2012 9:35 pm
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    Who's been accepted so far?
    08/04/2012 2:32 pm
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    Name: Ragnar the Sailor (Full name: Ragnar Olaf Olaf-Smith)

    Gender: Male

    Age: 38

    Where is Herobrine?: Removed

    Ragnar Olaf Olaf-Smith was born in the Viking city of Stavanger. Taught from a young age to swing an axe and sail, he was put on a crew of an exploration ship at the age of 12. At 16, he commanded a ship. He was known for his numerous successful raids on several places and his very bulky appearance.

    When he was 23, he obtained his faithful ship, the Mjölnir. He explored near Iceland, Scotland, and into the Arctic Sea. Frequently using Berk as a port, he made his presence known as a legend, always bringing interesting discoveries and plunder with him from his exploits.

    At one point, he discovered the town using dragons as pets. Seeing the practice as laughable, (he brought dragon bones and scales back sometimes), he left almost immediately. He disappeared soon afterward. In search of Lief Erikson's findings, he crashed his ship on an iceberg.

    Ragnar wandered off in search of supplies before hearing an ear-piercing shriek. When he woke up, his crew and ship were gone. Upon inspection of the ice, he noticed talon marks. Axes, swords, and shields were scattered across the area. Blood stained the ice. He readied his mighty axe, turning around and seeing nothing. Turning once more, he saw a massive dragon staring at him.

    It was the biggest dragon he had ever seen. He dropped his axe and froze. Suddenly, he remembered techniques people in Berk were using. He employed these techniques, calming the dragon. The dragon allowed him to climb on its back. Due to the large number of spikes on the dragon, a harness wasn't needed; holding onto a horn or two was all he needed to do.

    Ragnar used the remaining timber and leather from his ship (at least what remained) to build a harness, allowing him to control the massive dragon. He took the dragon to Berk, buying a large house on the outskirts with his gold he had accumulated in the town, and had established a somewhat permanent residence there.

    He still likes to explore on his dragon sometimes.

    Dragons Name (If applicable) : Aiez (Exterminator Dragon)

    Personality: Ragnar is generally polite towards other Vikings, though he gets very angry whenever someone attempts to take his axe from him. He is daring and knowledgeable; there are very situations he doesn't know how to get out of. He takes pride in his dragon and his axe and will go to extreme lengths to make sure they remain his.

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    Dialogue: "Have you ever wondered what noise your guts make when they spill out? It sounds kind of like this," Ragnar said before striking his aggressor in the belly with a mighty cleave from his axe.

    What is this?: SPARTAAAAAAA

    Quote: "If happiness is measured off of how often you get to hit things, I am a very happy person."
    Anything Else:
    He takes his axe with him wherever he goes. His favorite color is red.
    08/04/2012 11:17 pm
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    08/04/2012 1:00 am
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    25) If your character has a pet dragon, please add it's Appearence/Personality in the same slot as your characters.

    08/02/2012 2:38 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
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    Name: Deadpool
    Age: Unknown (Late 20s-mid 30s)
    Gender: Male
    Origin: Marvel Universe
    Simple Description: Deadpool, or the "Merc with a mouth" is a mutant mercenary with a rapid healing factor and superhuman speed and agility. Given his powers by the Weapon X project to cure his life-threatening cancer, Deadpool is horribly disfigured, both physically and mentally. He fights for the highest payer. He sometimes talks to himself.
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    Describe Metagaming: Metagaming is when your character knows things that he ICly shouldn't know, such as knowing about something he had no IC way of knowing.
    Describe Powergaming: Generally used to describe a move in which nobody has any sort of defense against, if not outright saying that one instantly killed someone else's character or NPC.
    Powers/Abilities: Healing factor, immunity to disease/telepathy, resistance to foreign chemicals, superhuman agility/speed/reflexes/stamina, master assassin/martial artist/knowledge that he is in a comic book
    Weaknesses: Annoying, questionable mental state, disfigured, obsessed with certain words or phrases
    Theme Music:
    08/02/2012 1:44 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
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    I've been working on a starship a character of mine is using in another forum. Once I've got that off my plate, I might attempt to do some Star Wars builds (The Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, most likely).

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