dirtygrapest's Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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    05/29/2012 9:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dirtygrapest's Avatar
    ok how bout i make one for you and you tell me what you think?
    05/29/2012 9:11 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dirtygrapest's Avatar
    *IGN: dirtygrapest
    *Age: 16
    *Job You Want: moderators
    *Why You Would Be good: I was Owner/ Admin on several servers and understands what gets players to love a server. I enjoy helping others and making minecraft enjoyable for all. I also was a player for a long time so i understand what criteria a server needs to be a top notch server. Plus i can build amazing buildings along with some special redstone devices. I am also very mature and type extremly quickly, i am also online everyday.
    *Other Contact * Skype (didn't really understand the question)
    *Anything Else: I have a skype it's swaggindolphin add me
    05/29/2012 6:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dirtygrapest's Avatar
    Age: 15
    IGN: dirtygrapest
    Skype: swaggindolphin
    Y are you a good mod: I love seeing servers grow and players enjoying them. I work hard to give the best expieriences to everyone. Plus i am familier with many plugins, and am a great builder.
    Have u been mod before: Yes i have been owner and admin of 3 servers. I recently closed them down because the host payment was to high. But anyway i understand what players want because i used to be one.
    05/29/2012 6:32 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dirtygrapest's Avatar
    IGN: dirtygrapest
    Mining Skills: great, im dedicated on long digs
    Can I trust You: I love to work for strong factions and i love seeing weak factions grow into strong ones. Why else would i want to look up factions needing members on planetminecraft.
    Building Skils: 10
    Redstone skills: 7
    Skype Name: swaggindolphin
    Explain Yourself: I am a nice and energetic person. I always listen to the leader unless he gives me stupid orders. I'm online everyday and i am 15 years old.
    05/23/2012 8:52 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dirtygrapest's Avatar
    Application for op

    IGN: dirtygrapest
    Have you ever been op before on a server:
    Age [Has to be 13 or up] : 15
    Are You good at building: yes 10!
    Majority 1/10 to 10/10:
    How good are you at world edit:Really good i used to run my own server, i am familier with many other plugins too!
    05/22/2012 9:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dirtygrapest's Avatar
    Oh ya and my IGN is dirtygrapest
    05/22/2012 9:12 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dirtygrapest's Avatar
    Application: Scout
    Pvp skill: 8
    Skype: yes swaggindolphin
    Works well with others?: yes
    Raiding skill: 10
    Why should i give you this rank?: I am always good at sneaking around and i am awesome with the bow. I am good with my words and tricking people.
    What should are faction name be? Kick@$$
    05/12/2012 11:25 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dirtygrapest's Avatar
    and i am very good at scouting and being a ranger. But i perfer scout
    05/12/2012 11:21 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dirtygrapest's Avatar
    IGN: dirtygrapest
    Age: 14
    Position: Scout, i love to sneak around into enemy bases. Plus i'm good with my words so i can trick people well. I also am very good at PvP with the bow so i can pick off enemies from a distance.

    I am also an exceptional builder in massive builds.

    Maturity: 8 (Dont get angry at me if i cuss)

    other factions: I am part of a huge faction team called dark brothers

    Faction Name: Devastators
    05/11/2012 11:26 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dirtygrapest's Avatar
    Minecraft IGN:dirtygrapest
    What do you have to offer:Nice buildings, scouting, spying, and fighting for our faction (Perfered weapon: Bow)
    Strengths:Killing without anyone knowing, I'm good with words and can convince/manipulate people
    Weaknesses:redstone isn't my thing
    How long have you been playing minecraft:since 1.4
    Are you online a lot:ya
    Do you have skype?(only answer yes or no):no but i can make one
    Do you belive is RaptorJeseus: Ya?
    Will you be a loyal Assassin:yes (Unless your orders are stupid as hell)
    What do you hope to accomplish by joining the Guild: To take over the server and kick @$$
    What do you want from the Guild: teamwork and power
    How well do you follow orders:yes
    How well do you give orders: Pretty well unless there are a ton of six year olds
    What do you think your job in the Guild will be: Scout, Spy, Miner, or builder
    How persuasive can you be: Very
    Did you answer truthfully:Yes (Kinda on the raptorjesus thing)
    How many question was this:19

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