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Level 1 New Miner

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    01/07/2015 5:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    distroyer1000's Avatar
    ALSO SIDE NOTE: the owner is bctype108 if you wanna search him here
    12/22/2014 5:53 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    distroyer1000's Avatar
    What is your IGN?: Distroyer100
    What rank are you applying for?: Builder
    How old are you?: 15
    What is your Skype username? Kasey.Bonanno (I have the keep calm and eat a cupcake pic)
    12/22/2014 5:44 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    distroyer1000's Avatar
    12/13/2014 1:21 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    distroyer1000's Avatar
    Staff Application
    Age: 15 and 2 weeks
    IGN: Distroyer100
    Skype: Kasey.Bonanno (Keep calm and carry on pic)
    Rank: Mod or Admin
    Why: I am very helpful and can be funny at times. I can help this server grow and make it fun for everyone. I will advertise with my Ustream or YouTube channel and also tell people on Skype and irl. I am very friendly to everyone and can be very serious and fair when it comes do disciplining. I am very creative and already have some ideas for the server. If i am ever not gonna be on for a while ill be sure to notify you ASAP. According to people on Twitter im good at giving advice so I guess I am good at it.
    12/11/2014 8:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    distroyer1000's Avatar
    IGN: Distroyer100

    Age: 15

    Position applying for: Head Admin

    Time Zone: EST (USA)

    What will you bring to the server: I love to help others and am very creative and nice to everyone! I know when its time to be serious and time to have fun. I can make this server a fun and save environment for everyone totally hacker greifer etc. free! I can advertise with my YouTube and Ustream channels! I am a very active and loyal person when i am not busy with school or anything else. I am a great builder and am starting to get into plugins and code.

    Experience: Co Owner: 1 Admin: 1 Mod: 2 Helper/Builder: like about 3 or 4

    Any other info: Feel free to contact me on my skype ill pm it to you if you need it and thanks for taking your time to read this! Have a great rest of the day!
    12/11/2014 8:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    distroyer1000's Avatar
    IGN: Distroyer100

    Age: 15

    Skype: kasey.bonanno (keep calm and carry on profile pic)

    Experience: I have been a helper on many servers as well as being an admin and co owner.

    Why would you like to become staff?: I love to help others it makes me feel really good inside. I am great at building and am very funny. I know when its time to be serious and time for fun.

    Mature Level(1-10 and why): 8 because no one is perfect and I can be serious a lot

    In what ways can you help the server out?: I can help make mini games and with buildings. I can also help manage the website if you want. I can advertise on my YouTube and Ustream channels too.
    12/07/2014 12:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    distroyer1000's Avatar
    IGN: Distroyer100
    Age: 15
    Skype[Not for calls, only messages]: kasey.bonanno (Keep Calm and Carry On pic)
    Why do you want this position: I have been on MC for almost 3 years now and have picked up a lot from other servers and their staff and now I wanna take on those responsibilities again. I used to be a very active Head Admin on a server but it shut down.

    How can you help the server: I feel I have lots to offer. I am very creative and helpful I love to help others because it makes me feel good inside and I am very friendly to everyone. I can make this server a fun and safe environment for everyone.

    What experience do you have: Head Admin: 1 Co Owner: 1 Builder/Helper: about 4 or 5 Mod: 2

    Have you ever been banned on a server: I banned myself because I was trying to see if it work and how long a temp ban could be.

    How often can you be on: School days: about 4-5 hours Days I dont have school: all day everyday when ever you need me. I would let you know if id ever be gone for more then a week.
    How many hours can you be on on the days you can be on: 24/7 when ever you need me ill be there
    Why should I accept you: I am very friendly and nice to everyone and like I said before I LOVE to help others. I know when its time for seriousness and when its fun time. I am also totally against greifers, hackers, etc. I also can bring a lot of ideas to the table to help this server grow. I also can advertise a lot with my YouTube channel or Live Stream on the server.

    What would you do if someone were griefing(In an area it is not allowed): I would warn them and ask them to fix it. I would keep a close eye on them and if they do it again or dont fix it I would temp ban them and fix it myself. Depending on how big the damage is depends if I would automatically temp ban them or just kick them. And of course if they come back and do it AGAIN I would Perm ban them.

    What would you do if someone were stealing(In an area it is not allowed): If someone stole something I would ask them to give it back and I would watch them carefully. If they don't return the item or do it again I would clear their inventory and temp ban them and of course return the stolen items. If they come back and steal again it would result in a Perm Ban.

    What would you do if a donator was abusing his/her powers: I would ask them to stop but keep a close eye on them but If they did it again I would warn them that if they did it again they would be demoted. If they decide to disobey I would demote and temp ban them before reporting them to the owner or a higher rank.

    What would you do if someone were breaking a rule: I would ask them to repeat the rules. I would also warn them and again watch them. If they did it again depending on that rule I would kick or temp ban them. If they return and continue to break a rule I would Perm Ban them.

    Would you give a donator more chances/better treatment than a normal player in a situation that they were breaking a rule: No of course not! That's basically racism in MC. I feel all players should be treated equally and with the same amount of respect as everyone else no matter what their rank is.

    What would you do if a staff member were griefing(In an area it is not allowed): I would fix the damage if they decide not to fix it and warn them of demotion. If they decide to do it again I would report them (if they are higher) or I would Temp ban and demote them (if lower rank.) If they return to continue they will be Perm Banned.

    What would you do if a staff member were stealing(In an area it is not allowed):
    I would ask them to give it back and warn of demotion. I would watch them carefully and if they decide to do it again I would clear their inventory and of course return any stolen items. I would then Temp ban and demote them or report if they are higher rank. If they return and continue Perm Ban

    What would you do if a staff member were abusing their powers: Warn them of demotion and ask them to please stop. I would watch them closely and if they do it again I would demote or report them and Temp Ban. If they return to continue I would Perm Ban them.

    Other: Thanks for taking your time to read my application. Hope you take it into consideration and have a great day!

    Rate your application in your opinion(1-10)
    12/07/2014 10:51 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    distroyer1000's Avatar
    IGN: Distroyer100
    Age: 15
    Minecraft experience?: I have been co owner on my friends server which had shut down. I have also been Admin, Mod, and Builder on a few. I know a lot about MC and I am very active. The only times im not would be because school or I am doing something else.
    Date joined MC: March 30th 2012
    Why I should chose you?: You should choose me because I am very creative and funny. I love to help others because it makes me feel good inside. I also am a great builder I once build big statues for all staff on a serve once. I will build anything and anytime you need me ill be there.
    Timezone: EST (USA)
    Screenshots of work(if possible): I did but my computer had to be restarted :/
    12/06/2014 10:32 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    distroyer1000's Avatar
    IGN: Distroyer100

    Skype: Kasey.Bonanno

    Age: 15

    Experience: I have been an admin on 2 servers builder and helper on a few and co owner on my friends server but we got into a fight and are no longer friends. I have also been on MC for 2 years so have lots of experience with plugins, mods, etc.

    Why you should be ranked?
    I should be ranked be cause I am nice and really friendly. I love to help others it makes me feel good inside I am also very mature and responsible for my age. I know when its time to be serious and time for fun. I am very creative and am willing to come on when ever needed. Thanks for taking your time to read my app. Hope you conciser it.
    12/06/2014 9:58 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    distroyer1000's Avatar
    12/05/2014 10:24 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    distroyer1000's Avatar
    12/05/2014 10:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    distroyer1000's Avatar
    my skype is kasey.bonanno
    12/05/2014 10:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    distroyer1000's Avatar
    I will
    12/05/2014 5:31 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    distroyer1000's Avatar
    1. In-Game Name: Distroyer100
    2. Age: 15
    3. Helper
    4. Have you been staff on a server before? Yes I have
    5. Why should we pick you as a moderator? I think you should pick me because I am nice and really friendly. I will be active when you need me and am always willing to help others It makes me feel good inside. I can be funny at times but I am also very serious if there is a problem I will try to fix it. I am also against greifers, hackers, etc.
    6. Are you currently staff on any other servers? Yes (not sure if its up because i took a break from MC)
    7. Skype name Kasey.bonanno
    8. Anything else you'd like to add? I will be active basically all day on weekends and days i don't have school and I will let you know if I will be gone for a while. On school days I can come on for about 5 to 4 hours, I am also very creative and a great builder!

    Thanks for reading my app! Have a great day!

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