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    05/23/2017 3:37 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    dukedemon22's Avatar
    Yep no problem! ^o^
    05/22/2017 11:04 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    dukedemon22's Avatar
    Here's my discord name: Duke #4509. This is where I am most active I do have a Skype but I hardly use it. Sorry to hear about your friends mother!
    05/21/2017 10:19 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    dukedemon22's Avatar
    I applied as well, not sure how you guys are gonna respond to the application. You can contact me on here or if you like anywhere else. Just shoot me a message!
    05/13/2017 9:23 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    05/11/2017 7:14 pm
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    05/07/2017 11:03 am
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    05/05/2017 11:55 am
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    04/23/2017 6:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    dukedemon22's Avatar
    - IGN: dukedemon22

    - Age: 15

    - Timezone: EST

    - Why do you want to be staff on Vorux: I want to be staff on Vorux for one big reason. I want to be staff because I like helping people. Its become one of my mottoes overtime. Vorux seems like it can be a big network with lots of people on it and I would like to help the people on Vorux as much as possible. Also, Vorux seems like it has a great owner. The owner is very organized and has a detailed and thorough application. I enjoy working for servers that have good and organized owners and I would like to help the owners to make their lives a little bit easier.

    - Past Experience: I have been almost every position imaginable. I have been a Developer and Head Developer, though I currently do not develop anymore as I do not have time. Of the staff positions, I have been a; Helper, Mod, Head Mod/Senior Mod, Admin, Head-Admin. As you can see I have lots of experience with staff, which is why I think I would be a good fit. I have only ever staffed two networks though both in which I was a Head Mod and a Mod.

    - Daily Schedule: My school ends at 2:15 PM, and I usually get home around 3:00PM. I usually get on anywhere after around 5 than will stay on as long as I feel.The weekends are a little bit tricky. I usually am on Saturday at night for sure and most of Sunday. I may not be able to be on all of Saturday though. I do try my best to get on as much as possible.

    - Why should you be staff over others: I believe I should be accepted for one primary reason. It is because I have experience. As mentioned above, I have lots of experience and I could help with lots of aspects of the server. I am also a very mature person, according to my peers. I would say I am an 8 on a maturity scale rating from 1-10. My experience and my willingness to help provide a great combination as to why I should be staff over others.

    - Do you speak other languages: Yes
    - Portuguese (Fluently)
    - Spanish (So So)

    - Do you know how to screen-share: Yes (on Skype).

    Thank you for taking time out of your day to read!
    08/22/2016 3:41 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    dukedemon22's Avatar
    Disclaimer: Not sure if you're still looking for a Game Master, but just gonna throw out my application here.
    •First name: I like to be called Duke, but My real name is Raphael.

    •IGN: dukedemon22 (You know me from Dons server, remember?).

    •Age: 14, I will be 15 in a month.

    •Gender: Male

    •What rank? Game Master.

    •Experience? Well I was a Game Master previously on Isle of Thalin, which flash will know all about. I am also currently a developer on DabbleCraft. I have been staff on many previous servers those of which have since shut down and have been forgotten.

    •Harry Potter experience? ( If you don't know everything, only read the books or you've only seen 1 movie, don't panic. This is just an extra point for those who have seen the movies / read the books.) I am a very big fan. I have read all the books 3 times. I have read the new play once only. The movies are the best, I own all of them.

    •Timezone? EST.

    •Your message to our crew? Well here's just a real quick message, I look forward to working with all of you in the near future. I hope we can all talk about Harry Potter and our theories about all of the many topics. I do not want to spoil anything for people.

    •Skype: Flash has My Skype, we worked together as I previously mentioned.

    Hours I can work: I can usually work after school. My school is 7-2:30 everyday. So I will be home around 3. My school starts this coming Wednesday.
    08/16/2016 9:01 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    dukedemon22's Avatar
    Name+: My friends call me Duke, if you would like my real name please PM me.

    IGN*: dukedemon22

    Age*: 14 (15 in almost a month).

    Time Zone*:EST.

    Skype+:Please PM me for further details on this matter. I would rather not say publicly.

    Maturity+: (out of 10) 8 or 9.

    Available playing time+: As of now a good few hours a day. During school I do not know it may change.

    People skills*: (out of 10) 9

    Grammar*: (out of 5) 4 or 5. I am in GT English and have been most of my life. I still may not be the best.

    Sentence Structure*: (out of 5) 4

    Listening Skills*: (out of 10) 9

    How do you personally handle complex situations+: I tend to take them very carefully. I do not like to rush into situations that may create a huge pandemonium on the server. If a person is screaming in chat about something I will likely give them a few minute mute to let them think about what they are doing. Personally, in a complex situation I like to sit down and talk it out, and hopefully it will disappear. I like to talk it out through messages of possible. If it is very complex and I cannot deal with it due to the restraint of my power I would refer to a higher power.

    Past experience+: I have had past experience. I have been a developer on 2 servers this year. As of previous years, I have been an Admin, Mod, Helper, Head-Mod, Head- Admin. I had those ranks quite a few years back though. Last year I had to take a bit of a break from Minecraft due to some school work.

    Do you currently work for any other servers*:Yes. I am currently developer on another server.

    Feedback: I thought that the application was very nicely laid out. You asked all the right questions in my opinion. I have created applications before and read them, and this was one of the best that I have seen formatted and question wise. I also like how you did the * and + for preferred and needed.
    I look forward to working with the staff team!:)
    07/11/2016 8:41 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    07/05/2016 7:50 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    Hey I'm a recruitment officer, and you've been accepted, the owner or myself will contact you through Skype.
    07/04/2016 8:09 am
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    05/11/2016 5:16 pm
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    IGN: dukedemon22

    Age: I am 14 and will be turning 15 in about 4 months.

    What role are you applying for?: I am applying for Whitelist.

    Years of Minecraft Exp: I have been on Minecraft for about almost 5 years now.

    Have you played on a RP server? If so which? (Not req) I have. I personally love RP servers on minecraft. My current server I play on is KnockturnMC. I also used to play on some city RPs, most of which shut down from lack of donations.

    Have you played D&D or another RP game? (Not req) I have never played dungeons and dragons. On the case of another RP game I have, on my Xbox I love playing story mode games such as Lego Star Wars. I love story games.

    How good are you with this role? I am good with reviewing. I used to be a developer and I currently know a bit of JavaScript and I know HTML and CSS pretty well. I take computer science in school. I also used to be an admin and I would always be reviewing applications.

    Do you have proof of your exp with the role? (Not req) I do not have any experience. I may be able to get my friend to testify for me but he is very busy.

    Skype & Email? Skype: simone.chebabo.weiner (that is not my real name if you are wondering)
    E-mail: would you mind if I gave it to you over skype?
    03/18/2016 7:43 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    dukedemon22's Avatar
    what kind of server?
    09/20/2015 4:54 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    dukedemon22's Avatar
    What is your first name? Duke

    What position are you applying for? I am applying for Sr. Admin or Executive of Creative.( Whichever one you feels fits me better).

    What is your Skype? If you don't have Skype, specify other forms of communication you have. simone.chebabo.weiner

    What is your Minecraft IGN? dukedemon22

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Almost 2 years now.

    How active can you be? I can be on for 2-3 hours a day on weekends maybe 4-5 hours.

    Do you have any experience with administrating players or servers? If so, specify where and how. I do have experience administrating I have administrated HybridCraft and DobbyCraftNetwork. Also I have administrated many other servers I just do not remember there names.

    How long have you been playing on DGN? I have not been on it.

    What timezone are you in? EST.
    Do you speak a language other than English? Yes. I speak Spanish, Portuguese, and Hebrew.

    Explain how you'd like to improve DGN's community in at least 5 sentences: I would like to improve DGN's community by keeping it clean. I would also like to make it a fun environment for children to play on. I can also give my opinion on some builds if it should be asked. I can also fix a few plugins and set up some so as too allow the owner to have time to do other things and have a break. I will also soon be able to develop some simple plugins.

    Explain what you plan to do if you receive a administration staff rank in at least 5 sentences: I plan to help the server grow and prosper as much as I can. I will also advertise it and get my friends on. I also plan to help out the owners and people on the server. I would also like to help the developers out . I think I could be a really great addition to your team.
    Thank you for reading,
    09/20/2015 3:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    09/19/2015 8:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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