E314C's Avatar
Level 2
Apprentice Crafter

Who him is?

Some person who has played Minecraft long enough to have been hyped about 1.2 (and still covet it as the biased fave update).

Not the best at all things Minecraft, but I understand most things in general.

Generally interested in slowly expiring, video games, and other nerdy stuff.

Shoot me a private message if you want idc.

I has catsu and doggo.

S c r o l l d o w n f o r n o n s e n s e .

Things NOBODY asked about me!
| • I am a failure at beat-boxing,
| • Cube World hype preservationist,
| • and really good at CS running 18FPS.
| • I have too many mod ideas, and not enough willpower.
| • Patiently waiting for all of my favorite games to revive, or receive that
|⠀decade running update.

Currently contemplating the workings of a Dark Cloud themed mod. Lot's of brainstorming, and mainly learning blender in order to get stuff like atlamillia functioning akin to the game itself. Most likely just another failed project.

Member Statistics

717Profile views
549Experience points
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1Forum threads
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2Wall posts
Oct 21, 2016Joined PMC
InvisibleLukstaMinecraft Name

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