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Level 1 New Miner

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    04/19/2015 5:24 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    EastAndUnder's Avatar



    Can You donate?(not needed):
    No most likely not

    Skype(not required but can help):
    Will tell if i get accepted


    How can you help the server?(2-5 sentences):
    I could help the server in many ways. In one way I could help build all kinds of things for the server. I can help moderate the server due to the fact that I've been staff on many different servers. I could help make suggestions on whats needed or wanted by the people. Overall I could mainly just build for the server, but I would also like to do some survival as well.

    How long can you be on the server weekly?
    Depends on the kind of day sometimes I might be caught up with some school work but most of the time I can put in 2-3 hours of playing.

    Whats your time zone?

    Are you good at moderating chat/players disobeying rules?
    Yes as I said in the "How can you help the server" I have been staff on many servers.
    04/11/2015 9:55 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    EastAndUnder's Avatar
    Name: Evan
    Age: 14
    Microphone Quality: Decent
    Channel: Don't have one, but willing to make one for this purpose
    Skype: EastAndUnder
    04/08/2015 6:41 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    EastAndUnder's Avatar
    Name: Evan

    Age: 15

    Skype: EastAndUnder

    Gender: Male

    What Position your applying for: Builder

    Why you think you good enough: because i just love to build and I'm actually good it. I can build many different buildings. Strong suit is more exterior then interior. I have been a builder on many servers and I they were mostly impressed with my buildings.

    Are you Mature: Yes I'm very mature for 15. I can take a joke but I can also be very serious. I like to sometimes mess around with friends but that's about it. Thank you for your consideration.
    04/07/2015 7:27 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    EastAndUnder's Avatar
    What is your name?: Would rather not say on a public forum but i can tell you over skype

    What is your IGN?: EastAndUnder

    What is your Skype?: EastAndUnder

    What country do you currently reside in?: USA

    What previous staff experience do you have, Minecraft or not?: I have owned a server that maintained a 50 people average on at a time. I have been Co-Owner and Admin on many servers. I have been builder on others. All around I've been a lot of different Staff on many servers of all kinds.

    How would you punish someone for breaking the rules?: If it was more of a minor one I would give a warning and if they continue doing it, I would ban or temp-ban depending on how bad the rule was. If it was a more major one I would ban right away such as like hacking or so on

    Why do you want to become a admin on NovaMC?: Because I just want to stay on a server that will actually probably turn out to be good one day and not have abusive owners like so many servers have.

    How will your presence benefit our staff team? I can be on a lot of the time and I'm very responsible. I can build if you would like to me and I enjoy building as well. I will do basically anything higher ranks want me to do and ill help people that need help. I'm very friendly and can take a joke.

    What languages do you speak?: English and a tiny amount of spanish

    Anything Extra?: I'm just an overall nice person and enjoy playing minecraft.
    03/29/2015 8:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    EastAndUnder's Avatar
    What position are you applying for?: Admin / Builder

    IGN: EastAndUnder

    Skype: EastAndUnder


    Timezone Central

    Previously experience I was op on a new server that had little or no progress i built a spawn for the server aswell with some other things that turned out to be good for the server. I probably helped the server grow as a whole with people actually staying to play, I did not abuse my powers at all and I never banned or even kicked someone with out a good reason

    Active: If a server is actually fun and need like work done ill be on a lot more if the server was boring

    Mature (I need someone that can have a good laugh but still will be mature) : I can be very mature at times when they are needed but some of the time im layed back and can take jokes.

    What would u do for the server: I would build anything that the owner needs and / or wants. I will control the community's behavior and help all that is needed. I will do basically anything that is needed around the server to make it look better or make a new building with new things. Over all just looking to have fun with some new people.
    03/26/2015 5:22 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    EastAndUnder's Avatar
    I could help. I would like to be a Builder.
    07/19/2014 6:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    EastAndUnder's Avatar
    Age (Need to be 10+): 13

    Why You? Because im a very experienced minecrafter i started when i was about 10 or 11 cant really remember im very good at a lot of things (ill save that for later) ive been staff and or builder on many servers before and very experienced although im not very good at being dev but thats not the position i want

    Can You Donate to Help Start The Server? Honestly probably not sorry

    Past Experience? A lot like i said earlier 2-3 years of playing minecraft

    What (In Minecraft) are you good at? Im good at building, redstone, mining, sticking to one task at a time to finish it

    Additional info: I dont have skype idk if that matters...

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