Eli3399's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    03/26/2017 2:52 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Eli3399's Avatar
    IGN? Eli3399
    IRL name? Elijah
    CAN you use discord? Skype
    WHY you should be staff? I will commit time and effort to help build and expand the server, I have had a job before IRL and know the hard work and experience it takes to get things done. My time management skills and very flexible and my knowledge in MC is fair as well. I also have been a builder for a past server before it got shut down by the owner for personal reasons.
    IF you saw a hacker what would you do? Ban and or whitelist. Look into their gameplay history for any past hacking crimes.
    ANY experience? Builder for past server before and donator for others as well
    DO you have any leadership skills apart from IRL? Leader of Clash Royale clan "Veni Vidi Vici" with over 40 members out of 50
    TIME zone? Central
    HOW long can you play for? Whenever
    HAVE you ever hacked on minecraft?No
    HOW long have you been playing minecraft? 5 years
    EXTRA information? (This question if you have a lot of this is like the bonus points, i will look out for any extra info this is quite important!!!!!) I am currently in high school right now and will be going to college next year, which means a lot more free time for playing MC, or any other activities I like to do. More commitment to the server. I am also 18 at the moment.

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