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Level 51
Grandmaster Professor

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    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/27/2019 2:25 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    Pocket Edition, because that was my childhood before I moved straight to PC. Man, back when they didn't have skin packs, I remember trying to change my skin for that, even if it was client-sided, but I failed miserably since I had an iPhone instead of an Android Phone. Bones were super powerful on one server I knew as well. Good times... Good times.
    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/27/2019 2:14 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    Iron Man, because he has the most character development and has a cool iron suit! What else is there to say?
    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/27/2019 2:13 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    Well, for me, I never really got hyped on the idea, anyways. I mean, really? A less-customizable main character that sounds like Remy and goes on generic adventures with a couple of Gumby-sounding characters that can be re-created in the game (Even though Ruben's super cute)? Wasn't the entire point of Minecraft to create your own story? I mean, I appreciate the idea on it's own merits, but the main heart and soul of the game comes from the fact that you can go on your own adventures. Explore your own caves. Create your own buildings. Find your own servers to call home! That's the true charm of Minecraft, and when you take that away, it just kind of becomes yet another linear story-based game about trying to destroy the Ender Dragon.
    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/27/2019 2:03 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    Oooh! The insect one sounds like fun! Count me in if this one gets voted! :D
    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/27/2019 2:02 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    I already have. Not only have I taken up to Spanish 2, but I've also graduated High School as well. >:3
    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/27/2019 1:58 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    Honestly, I never really thought Mobs were scary, especially because I re-textured them to look like silly things (ex; Skeletons look like droids in my resource pack). Maybe it's also because I've been desensitized to their mass media appearances and are even plushies for crying out loud! If you don't want to be scared of mobs anymore, maybe try re-texturing them with cuter, derpier faces, or just go into creative mode and slap them in the face, realizing they're pretty much useless and hilarious creatures that you can beat up with the guerrilla (in 1.9+) method in the long run.
    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/27/2019 1:53 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    Sure you can! And what that date means is that it'll end right before September 1st, not the 31st, silly!
    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/26/2019 11:34 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    I love dragons, so... Why not? :3
    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/25/2019 5:47 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    Something from the original Ben 10 series would be great! :D
    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/24/2019 6:50 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/23/2019 2:35 am
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    Uh... I'd hate to be a grammar nut, but shouldn't the last option be spelled "Adventure"? Not trying to be rude. Just saying.
    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/20/2019 5:29 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    Just bumping this because you guys have about a week to post your drawings for the event. :P
    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/19/2019 3:36 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    2011's my favorite because it's the last year when I was still an innocent kid and it's when Skylanders and Battle for Dream Island (BFDI) were created. Then 2012 came along and threw my childlike enthusiasm into the pit of no return with Middle School and it's introduction of the online grading system, and that's when I became a miserable "mid-like" Muk who longs for the good old days when Bakugan and Beyblades (and other such toys) were played with constantly.
    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/19/2019 2:54 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    I can definitely agree with this. Like, why is it that as soon as teens hit puberty, they wanna have kids!? Don't they know that having a baby can damage your life goals along with making Middle/High school an even more painful than it already is!? It's kind of disgusting if you ask me, and it's why I've never wanted kids in the first place.
    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/19/2019 12:08 am
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    After hearing her friend's warm words along with a pat on the back from Paiyu's dad, Eli's sadness had slowly dissipated into happiness and hugged her friend with joy-filled tears in her eyes. "Thanks, Paiyu!" She squeaked. "T-that really makes me feel a lot better. With you by my side, I don't think I'll ever get that feral again. Also, I wasn't screaming. My squeaking just so happens to be a bit loud when in peril, my apologies..." After giving her young trainer pal the warmest embrace she could ever give, the green girl wiped her tears and decided to step onto an empty relaxing chair next to her friend. Unlike first class, however, the floor felt more wobbly thanks to the motorboat's constant sea bouncing. This made Eli feel a little seasick, but tolerated it since it didn't make her feel like she needed to vomit rainbows. However, she thought to herself. I'm gonna regret the feeling of sea legs once we get to Malie City... Eli faced herself towards her best buddy on the chair and wondered what they were talking about before she came squeaking to them. "Hey Paiyu," she curiously asked. "Before I came to you guys and all, what were you even talking about, anyways?"
    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/18/2019 10:57 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    1.13 because dolphins. :3
    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/18/2019 3:49 am
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    Uh... why would you ever eat a cupcake wrapper? You know it's inedible, right?
    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/17/2019 9:35 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    Am I the only one who isn't crazy for Minecraft's music?
    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/17/2019 9:31 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    To me, 80s, 90s, and 2000s music are the best tunes in existence. They actually seem like they give a darn when making songs, even when they seem a teensy bit corporate and/or autotuned. Seriously! Listen to this 80s song and you'll see what I mean. Nowadays, music, particularly the pop genre, sounds like their artists had to get transformed into literal chickens to get themselves into the business and/or recorded themselves at 5am in the morning just to autotune it and call it a day. However, EDM is something from this generation that I think is good, if not great, since it sends you on a rollercoaster of awesomeness.
    Eli the Zeratoed
    08/17/2019 4:15 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
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    For my money, I'd take warm pizza. It's not too hot or cold, but it's just the right temperature to not burn your mouth or feel like you're eating store bought pizza. :P

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