Endermanne's Avatar
Level 52 Grandmaster Nerd

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    12/26/2015 1:23 pm
    Level 52 : Grandmaster Nerd
    Endermanne's Avatar
    About two years ago I loved playing this one hide and seek type game on a popular minigame server and I got many friends there. The server got this /friends command thingy a few months after I joined it, that's gonna be a kinda important part of this story later. So, me and my friends played mostly the hide and seek minigame together. Then people started taking it way too seriously, I noticed that many moderators and donators would join the games and either kill everyone or hide in places that no normal player would know about. If they lost, they would call the winners hackers, rage, and/or leave the game just before it ended so that they wouldn't technically lose or something, idk.

    Then, one day, a person who was a great friend of mine back then became friends with those people. I didn't think much of it at the time, she just spent some time with people I didn't really care about but she was still my friend. But she started changing. I noticed she talked some bad stuff about people who seemed to be her friends behind their backs to me, and she just became kinda nasty and stuff :/ I'm gonna make this short: She lied to me and my good friend about attempting suicide because I unfriended her on the server after we had a terrible argument where she said some really nasty stuff. Now, why is this important to the the story? WELL MY CHILDREN, about a week or two later she got mad at me and the only reason being that I wanted to play a game on another server with another friend of mine, and she didn't want to join but wanted me to stay with her. I then decided that this person was not someone worth keeping as a friend, so I told her it was all over and I unfriended her one last time....

    ...And then, things started changing. Suddendly the moderators and donators who previously had been ignoring me, started monitoring me on the server. A moderator and his girlfriend got me banned twice for spamming song lyrics in an empty lobby(well there were just me and my friend there, so we thought it was ok) while they completely ignored my friend who did the same. Some donators who I had never even talked to or seen before would say things such as "EveTheEnderman? Shouldn't you be banned by now?" or "what are you still doing here?" "I just want you to know I dislike you :/" I guess my old "friend" had told them some stories about me, but who knows?

    Also, about a month ago I checked the server's forums to see how some of my actual old friends were doing, and I saw that the dear "friend" of mine had become a moderator as well.. and this is the story of why I hate that particular server
    04/06/2015 7:21 am
    Level 52 : Grandmaster Nerd
    Endermanne's Avatar
    I think I'm going to join :0

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