Ethstar120's Avatar
Level 4 Apprentice Mage

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    11/02/2014 10:10 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    IGN: monstermash23
    Skype Name (Required): ethstar12
    Why you want to join: I love the idea of Mianite and I like that people are taking the idea and expanding it
    Youtube Channel (Not Required): TOGC Melon (May not record though)
    Age: 15
    04/25/2014 4:51 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    Co-Owner or Admin if Co-Owner taken
    IGN: monstermash23
    IRL: Ethan
    Skills: Coding, Permissions, Building, Keeping a server calm and peaceful and server handling.
    Time I can put into Server: Weekends - 6 Hours and Weekdays - 4 Hours.

    If you pick me for Co-Owner I doubt you will regret it.
    If I dont get picked, I wish you good luck on the server. But if its a possibility that I can be picked please hire me.

    12/19/2013 11:33 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    Thank you so much for replying so quickly. I can't wait for things for too long or I become really anxious.

    I hope I get in.
    12/19/2013 11:26 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    Name: Ethan

    IGN: monstermash23

    Age: 14

    \Skype: ethstar12

    Mic?: Yes

    Experience: I have hosted 1 server and helped with plugins on 3 servers

    Have you coded any plugins?: No but I can fix ID bugs and use perms

    How can you help us?: I can fix any bugs with plugins, fix permissions and I can donate if necessary

    Do you expect to be paid for your help?(This is a possibility): No but if I do get paid that would make me happy. But I don't need to be paid for my effort

    Server Name Ideas: I'm not really sure. It really depends on the theme of the prison. Tell me what type of prison it is and I can think of a name

    Extra Comments: I may get a bit angry or emotional thanks to my aspergers syndrome
    12/18/2013 2:02 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    IRL Name:Ethan Sandford




    Please explain what is your prior knowledge/experiences in this field? Be detailed and explain. This can range from past projects, work experience, school/educational experience, or even a hobby; but be sure to include what you have done:

    I know a lot about servers and there coding problems and I know how to make people happy. I have hosted my server once and most of the time people were happy as they could be. But when I got off people started fighting. That was the point when I knew I should have hired more admins that would do something. The only hobbies that comes to mind for this is making sure people are having fun, there are no problems with other players annoying them and kicking hackers. Not many people would have that as a hobby but I do.

    Why should we hire you on the team? What makes you stand out from every other administrator?

    I am really good at working in a team, I am a fast learner and I have worked on several servers before where I mush be able to make decisions quickly. (I had my own server once. Moved and the internet wasn't as good.)
    12/01/2013 5:17 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    Hi. I'm applying for Developer.
    IGN: monstermash23
    Age: 14
    Experience:I can fix broken plugins, I owned a server once, I've been Mod on 5 servers, I'm a good builder and I am a really good Admin.
    Why I should be picked:I am really good at developing plugins and that is a really good thing to have on a server. Good and working plugins. I should also be picked because I am really good at solving arguments and fixing player problems like people swearing at each other or griefing each others builds.
    Server Experience:I owned a server once and it was really popular. Except then I had to move and the internet it really bad here. People started having lag issues and I tried to convice them to stay. After that I thought I should get admin and mod on other servers to help build up my skills. I have been really successful on other servers and if I don't get picked I think I may just restart my old server and hope for the best.

    I hope you find the best person for the job and I wish you luck on the server.
    12/01/2013 5:05 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    Application: Applying for CoOwner
    IGN: monstermash23
    Youtube channel link:
    Experience: I have had alot of experience hosting a server. I had my own until PMC crashed and nobody could get into it.
    Favorite hosting company: I don't use those I just port-forward my server so people can join it.
    Server type idea: Minigames & Survival
    Favorite color: Purple (Don't Judge. It's the colour of pure magic/arcane)

    I hope you find the most qualified person for this server and I wish you Good Luck.

    11/06/2013 4:41 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    I would be happy to build a server for you. Just give me the IP
    11/06/2013 1:46 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    Age: 13-14
    Skill: Build AND Essentials
    Skype: ethstar12
    How can I contact you: Skype is fine
    How good are you at building 1-10: 8-9
    11/03/2013 3:10 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    Is it on 1.7.2?
    11/03/2013 12:33 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    How do I post a picture? I have one but don't know how to upload it...
    11/02/2013 9:23 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    In-Game-Name: monstermash23
    Age: 14-15
    Skype(MUST HAVE): ethstar12
    Pictures(MUST HAVE: What do you mean by pics. My skin or a redstone contraption?
    11/02/2013 9:20 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    Real name/internet alias: Ethan Sandford
    Age: 14
    IGN: monstermash23
    Channel: Starting one. The Mages Toybox
    Skype name:ethstar12
    TimeZone: UTC+10:00
    Can you commit to this? i need to know: I can commit to anything I stick to and this would most likely be one of them.
    11/02/2013 9:16 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    Age: 14
    How many years have you been playing minecraft?: 2-3
    Are you affiliated with any sort of griefing team?: I don't grief at all. It's for wannabe dicks
    Do you acknowledge that using cheating clients will get you removed?: Yes
    Do you have skype?: Yes-ethstar12
    Will you listen to any sort of rules that will be applied to the server if need be?: Yes I will.
    What timezone do you live in?: (UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
    What country do you preside in?: Australia
    IGN: monstermash23
    11/02/2013 8:04 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    Hey. Please do mine it would help SO SO much.

    IGN: monstermash23

    Reason: I need a picture for a YouTube account I'm making and a new pic for my PMC account.

    Please pick me. I would be grateful
    11/02/2013 8:00 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    I can help with the boss fights and the buildings.


    IGN: monstermash23

    Good Luck
    10/20/2013 3:10 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    Hello. Im monstemash23. I would like to help build this map.
    Building Experience: On a scale 1-10 i would say 7. I helped hypixel with the map wrath of the fallen and I'm currently making an adventure map. It will have special features so I need to wait for 1.7

    Please pick me. Especially seing as no-one else has applied.
    08/29/2013 11:00 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    Dude you dont even need to pay for your server. Just portforward the server and its done!
    08/29/2013 10:22 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    Ethstar120's Avatar
    Name: Ethan Sandford
    Age: 13 (Turning 14 in 3 months)
    Why I should get a staff rank: I always love to help staff in anyway I can and servers are usually boring when no staff are on so I want to make servers interesting.
    What rank: I will apply for Admin but if that isn't available I will go for Mod
    Do you have a youtube account: Yes. DrawnToGaming
    Minecraft Name: monstermash23

    I hope you can let me help because the holidays are almost here and I will get REALLY bored.


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