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    09/27/2014 9:03 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Evillzz_Scopezz's Avatar
    When Are You Going Whitelist Us?...
    09/27/2014 8:43 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Evillzz_Scopezz's Avatar
    IGN: Evillzz_Scopezz


    Skype:= david_markley280

    Name: David

    TimeZone:EST Eastern standed time

    Why my apps are better then others: My app is better then anyone else is because i know what im doing if im staff with my exp on different servers i know what commands are and how to use plugins and all that.

    Why i should be staff: As i stated above i know what commands and what plugins there are for staff and have caught at least about 60 hackers on past servers ive been mod on so i think i could be very helpful to say the least

    How i could help: By anything you need me to do incept Coding that's probably one thing im the worst at and im not great at building but anything else you need im there for you

    How much can i play: I Can Play about 2-6 hours on weekdays and 4-10 hours on weekends

    Applying for: Mod and if you cant do that then any other staff position

    Staff experience: Have been mod on 3 different servers in past that were highly unfair to stafff which lead me to leaveing

    Skype: david_markley280

    Email tboy280@gmail.com

    Hope You Pick Me to Help You With Your Server

    Thanks For Atleast Reading My App <3 ~Evillzz_Scopezz
    09/26/2014 10:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Evillzz_Scopezz's Avatar
    Age (10+): 16
    In Game Name: Evillzz_Scopezz`
    IRL (First) Name: David
    Skype : david_markley280
    Email: tboy280@gmail.com
    Timezone: EST
    How many hours a week will you be on: During weekdays about 2-6 hours a day On Weekends maybe 3-8 hours a day
    Why should you be a staff over everyone else: I Have Exp In Being a Mod on about 3 different servers in my time and i know how to get along with others and not start fights (Etc.) with people that are not staff or are staff
    Have you been banned from any servers : Nope
    Have you been staff on a server before: Yes 3 times
    Building (1/10): 4
    Plugin Knowledge (1/10): 7
    Coding Ability (1/10): 2-3
    Maturity (1/10): 9-10 But Also Know How Have Good Time
    What are you applying for: Mod
    Pictures of buildings (if builder):
    Social Media (OPTIONAL): No
    09/26/2014 10:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Evillzz_Scopezz's Avatar
    IGN: Evillzz_Scopezz
    Maturity (1-10) 10 But Can Also Joke Around with people<3
    Experience: i Have been a Mod and Helper On About 3 Different Servers.
    How will you help: I Can help you with about anything you need me to do for you and of course scrutinize the server for hackers and Etc.
    Why should we choose you? You should chose me because i think i could be very helpful to you and ur server such as i think im good mod myself and have caught alot of hackers with Nuker/Speedmine/sprint hacks and More so i know with me there will defiantly not be as many people thinking they can just get away with hacking on the server because its new
    Preferred Form of Contact: Skype ~~~ david_markley280

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