Faalk - SkinMaker's Avatar
Level 3
Apprentice Crafter

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    Faalk - SkinMaker
    01/01/2016 8:50 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    Faalk - SkinMaker's Avatar

    Name: Emil Falk

    Age: 13

    IGN: TheeNordicViking

    Skype: FaalkHD

    Spot you are applying for?: I am applying for Mod, but if you think i fit as anything else you can place me there,

    How long can you be on each day? Depends on my shedule, but i expect being on 1-3 hours evryday..

    Past staff experience: I have been Mod on Menoxia (Play.menoxia.com) Under the name Diskborsten i did work my way up from helper and learned new stuff and server knowledge.

    Time playing minecraft: 3 years+

    How would you handle chat problems(Spammers,fights,etc)? I Would tell him/They to stop immediately if they wouldent i would mute him/them for 5 minutes and see if he/they stop, if he/they doesnt i would TemoBan them for 1 day

    How would you handle hackers/griefers/etc: First i would check if tehu do hacks, mpstly of the time they doesnt but if they do i would ban them immediately, hacking isnt allowed i see it as a PermanentBan, also if they grief i would Permanent ban them.

    Tell us why you want to be staff: Cause i think this server is unique and i want to be staff on a custom server, i really think this server has great potential to become a strong and big server, thats iss why i want to help it grow.

    Why we should pick you?: Cause i always do my best and if i fail i learn something from it. I am a fair Mod and i am not afraid of banning an admin if he/she griefs or is really mean in the chat.

    Anything else?: I am from Sweden so my english may not be 100% Correct but i think that is evrything

    Thank you reader for taking your time, -Nordic
    Faalk - SkinMaker
    12/26/2015 8:35 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    Faalk - SkinMaker's Avatar
    IGN: TheeNordicViking

    Skype: faalkHD

    Timezone: +1 CET


    Monday: 1+ Hours
    Tuesday: 1+ Hours
    wednesday: 2+ Hours
    thursday: 1+ Hours
    friday: 3+ Hours
    Satur-Sun/Day: 7+ Hours (SaturDay and Sunday together)

    Pictures/Album of Builds You've Created: http://imgur.com/PLQ6qWX

    Experience as a Builder: I have been member of 2 buildTeams and the first Buildteam is Arzocraft the second buildTeam is LabuildzT ( https://www.youtube.com/user/ArzoCraft )

    Your Personal Best Building Styles: I prefer doing Dwarven/Fantasy but i can also build Medieval and Modern.

    Ty for your time - NordicViking
    Faalk - SkinMaker
    12/25/2015 2:31 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    Faalk - SkinMaker's Avatar
    Faalk - SkinMaker
    12/23/2015 4:19 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    Faalk - SkinMaker's Avatar

    Name: Emil Falk

    Age: 13

    Position: Mod

    Skype: FaalkHD

    Examples of past work: Well i have been Mod on "Play.Menoxia.Com" Under the name DiskBorsten but i did Quit not along ago cause it was way to much work ( 5 Hours a day )

    Why you feel you are capable enough to handle this position: Cause i am a respectful person who cares about evryones and do not boast about my position, I have knowledge about minecraft and my life xD and i think i fits this position perfectly.


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