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    12/13/2013 6:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Fangs100's Avatar
    Oh and b4 a make my app. Akajac has been copy and pasting that application everywhere. Just heads up

    Why do you want to be staff?: I like helping out servers and watching them progress.
    How long can you play?: 5-6 hours a day.

    How mature are you out of 10 and why?: 10/10. Even though Im young. Ive been told Im the most mature 10 year old he has ever met [Owner from a server Im mod on]

    What can you do for our server if you become staff?: Well I really like to entertain players. Mainly just hang out with them, maybe whip up a small arena and have a snowball fight. I also am on a lot so I could do small tests and stuff

    How old are you?: 10

    IGN: fangs100

    First name: Waleed

    Skype: fangs100

    Email address: or

    If you want the rank Owner how much can you donate?: Well it really matters. If I like the server, probably about $75. If I don't, then I really wouldn't bother but I hope I do like it :3
    P.S. Thanks for reading this over,
    12/10/2013 9:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Fangs100's Avatar
    IGN: fangs100
    Skype: fangs100
    Hours on: I'm on everyday. But I play for about 5-6 hours per day.
    Are you a builder?: No
    Best Build: A Football stadium on MC X-Box
    Do you have a mic?: Yep
    Good Quality: Well its on my MacBook sooo.... Not sure
    Coder?: Nope, Dad is though
    Best plugins: Idk
    Staff?: Yes, Im looking for Event Gamer Master/ Game Master. One of the two
    Why should I pick you?: Well I have experience as staff, many people seemed to like me since I used to set up small mini games outside of spawn for a prize. I'm fun to be around and is always on, well mostly. I have a lot of friends who play MC so they can join.
    TimeZone: Eastern (Illinois):
    Have you worked with build teams before?: No
    12/10/2013 9:06 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Fangs100's Avatar
    I really like to say I'm good with plugins, but I'm not
    Ive experience as staff. I've gotten positive feedback as a moderater and have actually been told I would be a good owner.
    I'm helpful to players, I'm the type of staff person that enjoys talking to Non Donors/Staff. I have a Skype: fangs100

    If I don't meet your expectations, please consider me as staff
    Thanks for your time
    11/12/2013 8:41 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Fangs100's Avatar
    By Taki? IP wont work for me :/
    11/12/2013 8:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Fangs100's Avatar
    Name: Waleed, call me walee or something

    IGN: fangs100

    Skype: fangs100
    Building skills: 1-10: About a 6-7

    Reasons that you want to be staff: Well I play minecraft 24/7, I can be a bit funny and witty and can always help you out with something. I know A LOT of people to join and would be happy to donate. I'm great with wool floors too.

    Rank: I would be out of control happy with Admin/mod Anything more would make me offer to do practically anything
    11/12/2013 8:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Fangs100's Avatar
    I totally agree. Hexxit is addicting and super fun. There are more biomes, structures, and LOTS MORE items! Mobs are also added. I was amazed Building in creative is a A hell lot more blocks, A LOT MORE. Making a nice house in survival isn't hard anymore Hope you do try it
    10/05/2013 3:26 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Fangs100's Avatar
    This is seriously a AWESOME SERVER, I donated $25 to em! Awesome staff, really! Everyone is friendly. Being small its really fun to just log and and say hi!

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