fatboyskimmilk's Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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    02/10/2016 8:04 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    fatboyskimmilk's Avatar
    Ign: FatBoySkimMilk
    Age: 16
    Skype: Jackahenderson
    Experience: Owner, Co-Owner, HeadAdmin, Admin, HeadMod, Mod, Helper, Helper+ and Junior Builder on other servers
    Why you should be on my team: I have extreme experience staffing servers. Also, I am the captain of my skiing and water polo teams, which just goes to show how I am a leader. I will use my leadership skills to help the server thrive.
    Why do you want to be on my team: I have been inactive in the minecraft community due to schoolwork, but it has slowed down majorly, and I mean very majorly, so I decided to hop back on!
    How many hours will you be able to be on: Mostly everyday even throughout the school day
    will I be able to trust you when I'm not there: Of course!
    02/10/2016 7:36 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    fatboyskimmilk's Avatar
    IGN: FatBoySkimMilk
    Age: 15
    Timezone (in UTC): New York?????
    What country you live in: USA
    What languages do you speak: Chinese, English, Spanish
    Why you think you should become a mod: I have extreme past experience staffing on servers. Also, I am the captain of the water polo and ski team at my school, so I have good leadership skills, which could help the server thrive.
    How long can you be active on the server a week: Everyday throughout the day
    How long have you been playing Minecraft: Early 2012
    Do you have any past experience as staff?: Owner, Co-Owner, HeadAdmin, Admin, HeadMod, Mod, Helper, Helper+, Builder, and JuniorBuilder on other servers.
    02/08/2016 11:01 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    fatboyskimmilk's Avatar
    Minecraft Name: FatBoySkimMilk
    Skype: JackaHenderson
    Reasons Why: I love helping other people, especially in minecraft. I love being a leader and having an impact on people. I hope to make the server a fun, healthy, happy place with no cheating or bullying.
    Griefing Record: None!
    02/05/2016 3:24 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    fatboyskimmilk's Avatar
    Skype: JackAHenderson

    Age: 15

    What Position: Anywhere between Admin and Mod

    What you can add to the server:
    I am a peer mediator at my school, so I am very good at solving conflict. I am also the captain of my Water Polo and Ski team, so I am a leader in my community. Also, I have extreme experience with being staff on servers, so I will be a great pick for your team.

    Why I should pick you:
    For all of the reasons above, and also, I speak fluently English, Spanish, and Chinese, which I just think is pretty cool xD.
    02/05/2016 12:06 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    fatboyskimmilk's Avatar
    Name: Jack
    IGN: FatBoySkimMilk
    TimeZone: NYC
    Age: 15
    Position applying for: HeadAdmin/Admin/ HeadMod
    Why do you believe we should accept you: I have a lot of experience being staff on servers. I am very good at solving conflict, I am a peer mediator at my school, and most people around me look up to me and think of me as a leader.
    What do you have to offer: I have very good leadership skills, problem solving skill, and I can usually find the truth in fighting situations, and calm down the quarrel. Also, I speak English, Chinese, and Spanish fluently, which I just think is pretty cool. Also, I am the captain of my Water Polo and Alpine Skiing teams at my high school, which just goes to show how I am a leader.
    What can you contribute to the server: I can can contribute all of the things above, and more. I have mild experience with WorldEdit, and I enjoy helping builders build maps. I have good judgement about what is/isn't cheating and I can easily catch cheaters.
    Previous experience? Co-Owner, Admin, Head-Mod, Mod, JuniorBuilder, Helper on other servers.
    02/05/2016 11:59 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    fatboyskimmilk's Avatar
    Name: Jack
    IGN: FatBoySkimMilk
    TimeZone: NYC
    Age: 15
    Position applying for: HeadAdmin/Admin
    Why do you believe we should accept you: I have a lot of experience being staff on servers. I am very good at solving conflict, I am a peer mediator at my school, and most people around me look up to me and think of me as a leader.
    What do you have to offer: I have very good leadership skills, problem solving skill, and I can usually find the truth in fighting situations, and calm down the quarrel. Also, I speak English, Chinese, and Spanish fluently, which I just think is pretty cool. Also, I am the captain of my Water Polo and Alpine Skiing teams at my high school, which just goes to show how I am a leader.
    What can you contribute to the server: I can can contribute all of the things above, and more. I have mild experience with WorldEdit, and I enjoy helping builders build maps. I have good judgement about what is/isn't cheating and I can easily catch cheaters.
    Previous experience? Co-Owner, Admin, Head-Mod, Mod, JuniorBuilder, Helper on other servers,
    02/05/2016 11:46 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    fatboyskimmilk's Avatar
    IGN: FatBoySkimMilk
    Previous experiences on servers: Owner, Admin, and Mod on many other servers
    How much you will be able to be online: Everyday throughout the day (even during school week)
    Skype: JackaHenderson (I don't use it much but still)
    What you would do on the server: Moderator/ Head-Moderator Position

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