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    02/12/2016 12:41 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    Hello there! My name is Daymien, or Fenrere on Minecraft. I have been looking for a well setup RPG server for some time now, and I believe I have just found it. I do have a Skype, and I will post it if I am accepted. I will take this job seriously, as I want to be a part of the server no matter what it takes. I am a good team worker. Although, I do not have a high play time, due to the fact that my internet provider has a bandwidth maximum, I am still able to get testing, and I know what to look for when testing games. I am 18. I truly believe this server has potential, and I would like to take part in it.
    01/03/2016 11:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    I would like to know if you guys need a lore writer at all.
    01/03/2016 1:38 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    Name: Daymien (RL) Fenrere (IGN)
    Skype User: hawthawk15
    Position requested: Moderator/ Head Lore Writer
    Age: 17
    Previous experience: I have no valid proof of my previous staff experience, though I will list what I can remember. I have been a Head-Admin once, admin twice, moderator five of six times, and helper about fifteen times. None of the servers were really big, so I doubt anyone would know of them. As for my writing experience, I have only one thing digital right now, and I have ended it due to writers block. I will provide a link at the end of the application. I have also been a lore writer for a few smaller RPG servers, so I do know how to write lore. Finally, for role playing, I have a TON of experience, whether it be with games that Eldor is relating to, such as DnD, or games like World of Warcraft.
    What can you provide to Eldor? I am an honest, and trusting person. I think of thing from a different view, and often can provide some input to a team that most people don't think of. As for lore writing, from what I have seen, this server NEEDS some sort of lore. You aren't going to pull in any hardcore role players if you next to no lore. I am a very grammatically correct person, so I know most things about writing.
    12/16/2015 11:37 pm
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    10/29/2015 10:58 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    So it won't let me send my Skype, so I'm just going to post it. It's hawthawk15
    10/29/2015 12:29 am
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    Username: Fenrere
    Age: 17
    Experience: I have written some short stories, and I am now currently working on a book. I have been writing stories since I was around eight, and I just want to go bigger.
    Position Applying For: Author team
    Past Work: I only have a partial work online that has been discontinued due to writers block. https://www.wattpad.com/story/30986709-dungeons-and-dragons
    Work Time: 20-40 hours a week. I can work on stuff during school time, so I can't give you an accurate time.
    Why You Want To Help Us: I've been looking for servers to apply as a Lore Writer, just to get stuff out there, and I am only going for the servers that seem as though they have everything set up right, and are quick on responses. I like the way you guys are setup, and I believe I will be an awesome addition to the Writing team.
    What makes you more qualified than other applicants: I do not think I am more qualified than any other person applying to the writing team. People have their own writing styles which, too other, some may make certain styles more qualified. I may have more enthusiasm, grammatical correctness, and more love than most people, but everyone can develop that over time.

    Additional Information: I LOVE sweets
    10/10/2015 10:35 pm
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    The server is an awesome combo of an awesome community, with awesome plugins. It's really fun to play on
    10/04/2015 11:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    Hello there! My real life name is Daymien, but I play under the name of Fenrere.
    I am 17. If you would like to contact me, I will PM you my Skype because I do not want to be spammed like crazy.

    I don't know what your current standings are on lore writers, but I would like to apply as one. I have written a few of my own short stories, and I have started writing my own book. It is currently not online, but I do have a newer try at a book online, though it failed, due to writers block.

    10/03/2015 12:03 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    Minecraft Username: Fenrere
    [optional]What do you think of the server?: Pretty good. Nothing that I've seen wrong yet
    10/02/2015 11:45 pm
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    How old are you? 17
    Skype ID? I can PM if I am accepted. I do not wish to be spammed
    Minecraft ID? Fenrere
    Any previous writing experience? Not professionally. I have started writing my own book series though.
    This last part is very open, either create a dialog or a couple paragraphs about an artifact/event

    The Horn of Mur'fralla

    A thousand years ago, the world was engulfed by darkness. There were few mortals who remained out of the blackness, but the Gods were feasting in their halls day and night. Everyone knew they didn't intervene unless they wanted to, or it was required. The problem was, if the Gods were to intervene, their halls, too, would be engulfed in the darkness that consumed the world. There was on God, however, who went by the name of Mur'fralla. He was half bull, half man, or known as a Minotaur, by the mortals of Syfregi. He was the God of war, and strategy. He knew that one of the Gods had to stand, and fight the darkness off, and thus devised a plan to throw off the darkness, and provide the world with the light every mortal had a small hope for. He left the golden halls of Huriem, and went to the lands of Syfregi in guise of an elf. It was then that he befriended one of the elf princes, and after years of hiding and gaining Draja's trust, he revealed his true form. He knew that all of the mortals would try to kill him, but he knew that he had to loose a horn, and thus this is why he left the golden halls of Huriem to throw off the cover of darkness. He broke a horn during the fight, and disappeared, and had never been seen again on the lands of Syfregi. Rather he was welcomed back into the halls of Huriem as a hero. He watched over the world, and saw that his horn he had lost had been made into a horn to be blown. His plan was going just as he wanted. When a mortal blew the horn, it would call the Gods, and all the ancient warriors of Huriem forward to fight against the darkness. Finally, years later, in a fight against Darkspawn, the horn was blown, and suddenly all the men and women within the halls were pulled from their positions, donned with their armour, and weapons, and sent to fight on the world. After that fight, hundreds more were fought over a hundred years, and thus Mur'fralla's plan was finally finished. The mortals of Syfregi threw off the cloak of darkness, and donned the cloak of light. Years later, the war was named The War of a Hundred Years, and soon passed from stories, to myth, and a thousand years later, faded into legend. The Horn's history after the war is long, but five hundred years after the wars it's history was lost in a raid, and never seen again.

    I would also like to apply for moderator, if at all possible.

    How old are you? 17
    Skype ID? Same as before, I will provide it if I am accepted.
    Minecraft ID? Fenrere
    Do you like RPG Games? Name your favourite? Yes, Dungeons and Dragons, or Skyrim.
    Previous Staff Positions? I have been Head-Admin once, admin three time, moderator, and helper more times than I can remember. I have no proof of my staff positions as they are at least a year old, and the server owners no longer contact me, or their servers are shut down.
    Have you ever been banned? Not that I can accurately remember.
    Why do you want to join the Shattered Seals? I feel like I could be a great addition. I have played a lot of RPG's, and been a part of Minecraft since it came out. I can learn things pretty fast if there are custom plugins. I've devoted most of my life to RPG games, so I know a lot. I am also imaginative, so if suggestions are needed, I can make one that could be unique.
    Where do you see yourself in 2 years? Real life: In the Army. Gaming: Developing my own games
    09/25/2015 12:18 am
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    07/20/2015 1:51 am
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    Really, it is a good server.
    07/17/2015 1:21 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    Minecraft Username : Fenrere
    E-Mail : fenrere@gmail.com
    Skype (Required and Working Mic) : If accepted I will PM you my Skype
    Age (Must be 14 or above): 17
    Position applying for : Freelance - Lore Writer or Moderation Staff - Senior Mod
    Reason for Application : I love writing lores for servers, and I want to help create an awesome server.
    Experience (details) : Lore Writer - I have written a few of my own lores, for character I have made, and I have started writing my own book, but the only documented file I have of my writings, I have stopped writing, because I hit a writers block. If you would like, I can type up a lore for a relic, or a history about a person, if you would like an example of my writing. Senior Mod - I have been a head admin once, an admin twice, and a moderator/helper more times than I can remember off the top of my head.
    Dedicated time : About 30 hours a week.
    What you can bring to the server : Lore Writer - I know more about writing than most people. I have very accurate grammar, and I can critique other people's writings, without making them feel like they are doing a bad job. Senior Mod - I know when I have to be serious, and when I can joke around with people. I see things from a different perspective, than most people, and I can often find a solution that fit's both sides need.
    Proof of past Builder/Dev/Admin role : Lore Writer - I have never actually written a lore for a Minecraft server, so I have no proof of role. Senior Mod - I have only one current server that I am staffing for, and it is http://darkheaven.enjin.com/
    Able to sign NDA (Non-Disclosure agreement) : If needed, yes.
    07/16/2015 1:28 am
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    07/01/2015 1:36 am
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    This server is NOT good. They can't even get their own minigames to work...
    06/28/2015 2:42 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    I love ancient history. I am currently studying the Vikings, because of religion, but I am going to pursue further into ancient history after I find out everything I can about Vikings.

    Also, bemy2 you're a wannabe, and shouldn't be able to join the server...
    06/28/2015 2:35 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    1.) Real name: Daymien
    2.) Age: 17
    2.) Skype: Will provide if accepted, or considered.
    3.) IGN: Fenrere
    4.) How important is this to you? If I get accepted, I would make it a priority to over see the successful creation of the server
    5.) How many hours are you willing to dedicate? At least 20 hours a week.
    6.) How can we trust that you’re going to be a dedicated and trustful staff member? I have no way of proving my trust to you, but trust can be gained, and I am willing to show that I can be trustful.
    7.) Any past experience in this field or something similar? Yes, I have been an admin on one server, that has shut down (Ore-Bits). And moderator three times on other servers, that have come and gone.
    8.) Describe your personality to us? I'm normally quiet, but I'm hard working, and state my mind honestly rather than lie to make my position better.
    9.) Why should we pick you? You find the reasons. I don't know what exactly you're looking for, so I can't tell you why I am a better pick over someone else.
    9.) Anything else you would like to add? Nothing that I can think of. Although I like pie!
    04/22/2015 11:29 pm
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    Can't wait till it goes live

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