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    08/10/2014 10:59 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    ForeverKitti's Avatar
    This idea is not bad, though there would be much difficulty. I see that this is something I would play on, but people would have to be supervised often. It's only a matter of trust. You should only be allowed to do certain trustworthy things if you gain trust. That's my thoughts on this. I saw that once on a smaller survival server. Everyone live together without stealing. Of course, if it ever happened, you would loose trust in an ideal server.

    08/10/2014 9:19 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    ForeverKitti's Avatar
    HAHA! Lol
    I get it! that's just, like, the best comeback you could say!
    08/10/2014 9:12 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    ForeverKitti's Avatar
    Honestly, I could have been there a long time ago, and could still be there today. I decided not to say horrible things to them, and that made a difference. Eventually, you can forgive them, even though it feels impossible. It really helps you deal with the situation. Talking to them is just too much of a pain.
    Also, try finding someone a good friend you can trust, and stick by them. It's really hard to find those people who will never let you down, but you know when you will. And talk to someone, and just tell them in person, everything. At least they will understand. Now, calling people gay in the first place is just a dumb move. I see this happening all the time, and it's just for attention.
    Now, people say putting attention on yourself is the best way to deal with these problems, butt that is the opposite of what you want. Put the attention on the bully, and not just you being bullied. Act calm and collected. Erasure yourself. If you don't have confidence in yourself, who will? Now, I agree with you COMPLETELY on the whole suicide thing. It's dumb and solves nothing. Now, here comes my who speech about not being of the world.
    The world has set standards in which you must succeed to be popular. Popularity never brought true strength to anyone. And wasn't it the underdogs who succeeded in hype end? Now, underdogs are the ones who stand out. It is wrongly assumed that being adored by other people is a move that few can experience, which is an underdog move. Actually, they are just following carved path that nearly everyone is taking. But the ones who do not take a path that is carved, they who make their own ways, are the true underdog. Do not be the one to follow everyone else.

    Okay, now it's story time with kitti.

    In 7th grade, I was the smartest 7th grader, math wise. Where I live, they keep everyone on on-grade math levels. Of course, where I previously moved from, they let you go beyond grade level in that division. So, in 7th grade I was in algebra (which is probably not even amazing where some of you may live, but In my story, it is).
    I spent a lot of time with 8th graders, which was kind of scary because I knew absolutely no one, especially because I had just moved there that year. I befriended many 8th graders in that class, some stronger than others, but kept my secret from others (that I was a seventh grader). Eventually, I had to tell my friends of my secret, and then my teacher, too, spread it. And then, everyone else knew that I was 'different', but just like them insomuch as they hadn't noticed. -At this point, if you are relating this to yourself, well, you are not different. Just keep reading!- But in reality, I was just a year younger than them. This is just one way I was an underdog. This is one of the ways I was an underdog, and I encourage you to find some thing that makes you unique.

    Okay, story #2.

    My 7th grade year did not start off great, and maybe this is more relatable to. Art was my greatest and probably most favored, subject (and I'm pretty darn good at it too!). But in the beginning of the year, a girl who was in my art class who was also new, bullied me for reasons I did not know. I didn't even know the girl! And three she was, picking on me for no good reason, and I had to bear through it. I talked to my sister about it, and even my parents. They were one of the strongest sources of help. They gave me advice to tell the teacher, and I almost got enough courage to do so. Now, I'm a pretty shy person, but my art teacher liked me, which helped, too. They day I was about to work up enough courage to tell my teacher, the girl, out of no where, apologized and admitted everything and that the only reason on she put me down was because she was jealous of my artistic talent and that her friend had influenced her to bully me. Now, this equally surprised me as it might surprise you. It wasn't like I ever told her my plans to tell the teacher. Now, I did pray everyday that it would cease to end, and finnally it had, but not really. You see, the mistake everyone make is to blame god for all their troubles. Now, god will help you in some ways, but he can not control other people, as we can do anything. Now, the bullying did not end for long. After a few days, the bullying returned. This time was different, though. This time, I could bear through it without worrying. This is a story that taught me that my opinion of myself way far more important than what other people thought of me. Now, I could care less what other people think of me, because I am not going to let that change how I think of myself. If you let other people tell you what you are, (and I'm not saying you are) then it will become a reality. NEVER let it go that far.

    And perhaps, this last story will help you , too.

    I had grown a lot that year, but perhaps my bullying troubles (which quite frankly, we're just annoying like a fly that wouldn't leave you alone) were most easily endured through when I stood up to other people. My friend, of which was my first friend and most welcoming friend, was bullied very often, and in science (which, I'm afraid was the subject I dreaded most) 2 boys who sat behind me kept on their girly gossip and bullying anyone around. Of course, they decided to pick on me nearly every day. But that day was unlike any other. They began talking about how 'stupid' my friend was, and even harsher words I will not repeat. They hen tapped on my shoulder, and asked if I was her friend like anyone who was her friend was just as dumb as she was. I turned around, looked them in the eye, and said," Yes, I am. Have a problem with that." And something along the lines of, "Stop talking about her and look at yourself for once." All the things I wanted to say, of which a lot of people would say, that I didn't. Aggressive behavior influences more aggressive behavior, in which you need to be the end of. Because I know that you know what it feels like to be bullied, I know that you can stand up for those you call friends, people you know, and even enemies. In this way, it is easier to find and make friends. Show them what you believe without aggressive behavior, and they will show respect to you.

    I was bullied in my earlier years, and they are all alive my experiences now. I could write all of them, but I feel that is not necessary. I really hope that you can take at least a bit of my advice. I guess, if I had to summarize all of this, it would add up to, "You are the start of a new path, in which you must embark upon. Trails will test you, but enduring through them will only make you stronger. You need to have a positive attitude towards yourself, as other people will attempt to pierce you. Be strong, and you will grow stronger. Be forgiving to them. If everyone is against you, you must learn to make a friend of an enemy." Please take my advice. It can help you in so many ways. Some people bear through these trials so other people don't have to, so they don't make the same mistakes. I hope you understand that at least not everyone is pushing you down. I wish I could be there to help you with your situation. Maybe this time, you will seemingly have to face the worlds alone. I hope you understand that you are never alone.

    Good luck, dude! I hope you will stay strong, even though it never seems to end. And then, you can say, "I faced the world, and I lived."

    Thank you for sharing your story!
    It inspired me! <3

    (Oh, and sorry it's kinda long!)
    08/10/2014 7:37 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    ForeverKitti's Avatar
    Name: Foreverkitti
    Age: 13
    Gender: female
    Modding Experience(1-10, You Don't Need to Have Experience)None, but I think I'm pretty good with computer stuff...
    Skype: Foreverkitti
    Favorite Color: blue??? Idk anymore.
    Favorite Mob in Minecraft: snow golem/ enderman
    08/08/2014 9:27 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    ForeverKitti's Avatar
    I am able to work!
    I've also been working on a prison build for someone, so I suppose I am experienced somewhat.
    I've only worked for a bit, so, ya. ... -snapshots

    08/08/2014 9:15 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    ForeverKitti's Avatar
    Crazy craft will crash a bunch, so... Ya. Even on great computers.
    So, all I need to know is:
    Were you playing before you restarted the computer?
    Was crazycraft acting up/lagging previously?
    Have you had any issues with crazycraft/any mods before?
    On a scale from 1-10 how great is your computer(1 being lag on singleplayer worlds... Just a really bad computer- 10 being FPS max and smooth running all the time)?
    If the signs show that it's crazycraft's fault, I'd uninstall-reinstall.
    I don't have crazycraft, but I do have the FTB.
    No matter how crappy my computer is, FTB has probably crashed about 1 or 2 times.
    Hope this helps!
    06/30/2014 8:41 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    ForeverKitti's Avatar
    My computer also did this at one point. I think I fixed it, noticing it had a virus (probably from a bugged download), but my computer is still a bit slow. I reset the computer multiple times, but it only seemed to make it fast for the first hour. Now I can only hold one mod at a time on my computer, and they have to be smaller mods.
    Resetting doesn't help, so it's really pointless. I did fix it by getting rid of all my mods, resource packs AND re-downloaded Minecraft. I think if you also delete everything in your "saves" file (all your worlds), that could solve a problem or two. You may get away with pulling one or two onto your desktop before getting rid of the file, and then drag it back in.
    Now, i don't suggest doing this because it gets rid of all your data that you will never get back.
    Some questions that may lead to the solution:
    -Have you downloaded ANYTHING recently?
    -What version of Minecraft are you playing on? Snapshots, especially the latest one, does decrease your frame rate.
    Other suggestions:
    I'm not sure this will have a large impact on your frame rate, but if you have them enabled, disable "Beta" and "Alpha" modes on the launcher screen.

    I don't think there is anything more you can do except for using the "Noob Boost"
    "Noob Boost" is having render distance down, Fast graphics instead of fancy, clouds off, particles minimal, smooth lighting off, etc.
    Point is, your minecraft may not look amazing, but it will run better than if all the settings were on.
    I don't know. Research more into the subject. Perhaps you'll find the solution.
    06/30/2014 4:36 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    ForeverKitti's Avatar
    What staff position are you applying for: GFX artist
    What is your skype: foreverkitti08
    Age: 13
    What is your previous experience: Well, If your asking how capable I am at doing art, perhaps you want some of my past sketches. Just tell me what your ideas are and I'll send you a sketch, if that will work as proof of my experience.
    What makes you the right person:
    Usually, servers are a guy thing, at least towards my experience with servers. Hey, i'm a girl. I do servers. Thats my thing.
    And honestly, there are a ton of people out there who could out-do me. The point is, most of them can't think on the same track as another person. I think that is something I'm good at doing, as I draw stuff all the time for other people (and I'm pretty proud of my works!)
    06/30/2014 2:21 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    ForeverKitti's Avatar
    Beta 1.3 (or older... I can't remember!)
    06/30/2014 2:13 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    ForeverKitti's Avatar
    I've never had any errors like that, but my best guess would be reinstall everything that is giving you an error. The Syntax error is basically when a code can't be read correctly by the computer because it is an invalid code. The only other way of fixing it that comes to mind is going into Eclipse and the forge folder and figuring out which commands are invalid. I'm pretty sure forge has something to do with it all. Do you have the Eclipse and Forge versions that are compatible with Mac? And maybe the place you downloaded it from had a bug in the version. Maybe if you just start again from square one, you can retrace what was wrong.
    Hope this helps!
    06/28/2014 5:55 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    ForeverKitti's Avatar
    I wanna see a variety on the popular page,
    not the same thing over and over with a few changes.
    Start from scratch!
    Not based off another one!

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