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    01/21/2021 10:42 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    freestilesteve's Avatar
    I know what it might be, but not guranteeing that. Be sure to check geforce experience is not trying to optomize your game. The optomize setting it recommends/suggests are usually the max and sometimes a little more then said computer/laptop can handle. Make sure its not maxing those settings. All together I manually do that or turn it off, because the default settings do just that. They optomize you games but its for like high settings rather then low so if your computer can't handle it it will make your games lag.

    P.S didn't realize this was a old thread, but this could work for others that are using Geforce Experience as well. Be sure to check that.
    01/20/2021 1:00 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    freestilesteve's Avatar
    I wish I knew. Although dont they say Bedrock is optomized is a little better? Also cross platform is nice and isnt that a Bedrock thing? I;m not sure. I was just lucky that when I purchased it I got both of them. I cant remember if it was purchased bedrock and then getJava or the other way around but I got both. I believe it was Java but you got the windows10/bedrock free. I would like to see a salelike that for the minecraft dungeons because it seems like theres two versions availiable as well. I myself have did a little more bedrock but it seems like Java is where all the cool mods are at so I def want to get into it a bit more.
    01/18/2021 10:32 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    freestilesteve's Avatar
    Totally awesome. Looking forward to more. 💯
    01/18/2021 10:31 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    freestilesteve's Avatar
    I think modding definitely enhances the experience. Wish it was more universal. Like from PC To PS To IOS and in between. I def like to play with mods. Definitely expands upon the vanilla/base experience as well.
    01/17/2021 11:31 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    freestilesteve's Avatar
    XBox 360, PS4, PC Bedrock and Java, and MCPE. I bought story mode when it came out but unfortunately I nevet downloaded any of the episodes are even got a chance to play it, and once the company that made it went bankrupt or something I never got the chance.
    01/14/2021 10:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    freestilesteve's Avatar
    Yeah that def makes sense. The more used at once the more taxing. Even if not just mods I like to just play around in certain maps world. Really I wanted to get this on my PS5 but I cou;dn't figure out how with the BE. Im not sure if even the other versions will work as I havent tried the way people. do it with the PS4, and being on the PS5, I may just be out of luck at the moment. The only way I was able to get the BE on my PS5 was to use my free trial of realms and download it that way. I didn't mess with the other non bedrock versions so maybe a flash drive with those I could of loaded, but I think alot of this has to do with the PS5 being fairly new and maybe theres a difference in folder hierarchy/structure because it would always say no savedata when I tried to load it from flashdrive the way the tutorials said. That's only with PS4 BE, as I haven tried to actually load any of what they call "Older Minecraft" which I assume is the java version as when you play on Playstaion if you choose editions you have the choice. I like running this cyberpunk one of my PS5 cause I could run it as max whereas on my computer I got to tame it down a bit to run it. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. Seems like the PC/Widows 10 version will prob be the one I grab.
    01/14/2021 9:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    freestilesteve's Avatar
    This is the actual computer I have, with a replaced hdd which is the samsung 970 evo ssd 1 tb, and I upgraded the ram to 16gb
    of ballistix gaming ram and thats really it for upgrades It seems to run vanilla bedrock mc well on low-mid settings. I dont mess with Java mc too much, but maybe I should. I know their is def lots of modding for Java. Seems like bedrock has its fair share too. Really I'm just wondering if this rig is enough to decently play Minecraft Dungeons on an acceptable low-med settings. I can stream it over the cloud with my game pass ultimate on my shield tv, but I do like being able to mod and it doesnt seem like I'll get that with the PS5, ,albeit better graphically then what I can probably get with my humble mediocre gaming rig, I would def sacrifice that to play with mods. Looks like PC version might be the way to go.
    01/14/2021 9:53 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    freestilesteve's Avatar
    I have both actually. When I purchased it at the time I think it was get the java version and get bedrock free or vice versa, but I have both editions along with the MCPE which unfortunately I have to sideload on m nvidia shield android tv, but works fine everywhere else. It just sees like bedrock runs really good for some reason. I may mess with a map or a skin, but I dont do heavy modding or shaders to say but I might want to get into it.
    01/14/2021 5:07 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    freestilesteve's Avatar
    Hey thanks for the reply. Hehe...😁 Didn't mean to go in on my intro there. With the PS5 thing I was able to transfer some
    of the ones I wanted over with realms. I got a month so I'll get in what I can from there and then decide if I need to keep it or not. I'll have to go back over and paraphrase/split up this intro. I thought I did, but I must have got sidetracked doing something else. ☺️
    01/14/2021 2:15 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    freestilesteve's Avatar
    That's what it seems to come down to. I see workarounds on how to get stuff running on the PS bedrock edition, but havent really looked much into it myself. Seems like the pc/windows 10 version is going to be the one to go for. Thanks for the suggestions.
    01/14/2021 2:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    freestilesteve's Avatar
    I'll probably go for the pc version. I was glad they had a bedrock update for the ps4 version. The only way Ive been able to get some
    of my worlds from bedrock on the PS5 is through realms. Other then that I'm not really fond of the playstations limitations
    when it comes to that. More then likely I'm gonna go for the PC version. I think my mediocre rig should be able to run it. Maybe not on
    high/max but low settings should cap me a decent FPS.
    01/14/2021 1:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    freestilesteve's Avatar
    Hi guys. Thanks for the replys. I didn't see them. Looking forward to def absorbing all I can here. I own pretty much every version
    of Minecraft so I'm ready to get into it. I been for years, I just been sleeping. lol!! 😁

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