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Level 1 New Miner

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    01/28/2012 1:19 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    frozenminer's Avatar
    IGN: halocdr
    Age: 11 (turn 12 on the SuperBowl)
    Idea: Well, one of my ideas is like Hallowguard's, as having a business and controlling the market would be nice. Another idea I have is: MINEWAR, where everything is war and faction-based (RANGERS, SWORDSMEN, AND MAGES {enchanted weapons}) teams, and when you join, you select the castle you want and the job inside the castle (scavenger for wood, stone, valuable resources like gold and iron, an attacker, being sent on missions, and a defender, obviously defending from opposing team's attackers) and then join. Admins can be kings, and there can be ranks and people that hire scavernger, etc. and pay them. So that idea all together would be like Hallow's idea, but more Medival-age and pvp. And my third idea is: Buddy Craft, where even though it kinda sucks, you have to have a buddy with you at all times, so like when you're mining it helps, and woodcutting and owning a house together, it just makes things a heck of alot easier. AND ONE LAST THING: plz don't judge me by my age I am very mature.
    01/28/2012 1:15 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    frozenminer's Avatar
    Age: 11
    IGN: halocdr
    Country: US
    I would likfe to be a grief fixer or a recruit, i am very mature (don't judge by age) and i have been looking for a server to help with, as the one i tried to set up crashed

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