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    09/19/2014 11:34 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    funkyfrog11's Avatar
    I thought I would update this page a bit so forget the last bit and here's a fresh one:

    Hey guys, I'm mineflare! I'm 15 yrs of age, I do gaming videos which consist mainly of minecraft, my channel is very small at the moment and I really want to get it out there so if people would check out my channel that would awesome! I also recently got a new computer so my newest videos have much better quality than my old ones, plus i got some turtle beaches so my voice sounds clearer, still different to how I sound irl but very clear so quality wise, I'm impressed with what I have achieved, also my uploads are quite consistent and if I can't upload for some reason I will tell why on my twitter page! links to my YT and twitter below vvvv

    This weekend I'm not at home (hence the reason I have the time to post this) but by sunday I should be back on track Hope to see peeps then!

    YT: ... ID2Tz98KsA
    06/04/2014 12:29 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    funkyfrog11's Avatar
    To all that have applied, I will respond! but some applications I may take a little more time to decide on! Also I will PM you to make sure that you know, and will add you on steam (if you have one)
    06/04/2014 12:27 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    funkyfrog11's Avatar
    ultimatejmackName: (YouTube name, IGN or real name):You don't deserve to know

    Age (doesn't matter if private): Older than you

    Time zone: Your mums so fat, she's in all time zones

    Games? (Gmod or Minecraft are mainly what I'm looking for): Abusing you

    Steam name (PM if private): See name

    Maturity /10: 0

    Patience /10: 0 so watch out

    Brief description of yourself (hobbies, activities): I like violence

    How much time would you have to record?: How much time would you have to die???

    Hi funkyfrog11, me and funkyfrog11 know each other so this abuse is just banter lol

    Why da FUCK are you being a Big Fat Bitch like your mum now stop abusing kids
    and go back to fucking your shim of a dad

    firey beast- calm down man. If you read the bottom his just kidding, I know him in real life it's OK
    06/03/2014 12:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    funkyfrog11's Avatar
    funkyfrog11First of all a little description of who I am and what It is I'm looking for!

    Hello, I'm Mineflare. I have my own just started YouTube channel that I started end of April this year. Recently I haven't been able to upload for reasons being because of my internet problems and being ill but I have returned! I would really like to be ale to record some things with some other people though, as my usual person who I record with seems to be constantly offline now, which makes me loose ideas and things to record. One thing I'm looking for is people with some other games such as Garry's mod, so I can record some TTT, prop hunt, murder and other game modes, without having to be boring and play y the rules or get banned. Basically I am looking for some other YouTubers that I can just have fun recording and playing with, I know my channel isn't very big, but I still think it will be very fun! So yeah there are a few requirements but nothing that stop people. Most note able I USE STEAM CHAT to talk to others! But if you have Gmod you must have steam, so that shouldn't be a problem? I am also looking for people that don't really care too much about rules, so that there is more of a chance to have fun, rather than take it all too seriously.

    So yeah long intro but... If you want to join me just fill out this application! I'll reply as soon as I can (maybe not today I'm afraid) and also send me a link to your channel, even if you have no vids, so I can tag you if you want to join!

    Copy this:

    Name: (YouTube name, IGN or real name):

    Age (doesn't matter if private):

    Time zone:

    Games? (Gmod or Minecraft are mainly what I'm looking for):

    Steam name (PM if private):

    Maturity /10:

    Patience /10:

    Brief description of yourself (hobbies, activities):

    How much time would you have to record?:

    Can't think of any thing else from here? So yeah... Apply ad I'll reply as soon as I can! thank you!

    Is there any age restriction? If not, I'd rather not join.

    I would prefer some one 14+ as that is my current age, but if I feel I can trust you enough, I can give some leeway.
    06/03/2014 11:00 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    funkyfrog11's Avatar
    I'm up for it if you would like I'm a small youtuber with so far just 10 subs, but it would be cool to be able to meet some others! do you have steam? If so add me on there and we can chat, I am 14 and am also looking to maybe start collecting a little group!
    (my youtube name and steam name is Mineflare btw not funkyfrog11)
    05/27/2014 10:47 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    funkyfrog11's Avatar
    Skype:(Optional but very handy) Getting one this summer with my new computer, other wise sorry:/
    Maturity: Very high, I try to stop others from cursing and swearing at each other, bullying others and generally annoying things, but if it's just mild banter I can have a laugh
    Which rank are you applying for: Server moderator (hopefully )
    Buildings(If applying for builder i would like to see pictures): I am also a pretty good builder, I have built castles and entire worlds before, but I can show you around them some other time. Also I am very good with red stone and command blocks
    Why do you want to become staff: I would like to become part of a community in a server somewhere, I haven't been able to play online lately, and here I feel could be my chance I also enjoy helping others and being a kind person
    What can you bring the server: I can build some pretty nice stuff, I am a fair moderator and will hear both sides of a story before making a decision and will make sure no one is being unfair or cruel to any other players (trolls can be a pain)
    How much time can you invest into the server: When ever it's online I do go to school though and until summer I am sharing a computer with my dad, but I'll be able to spend average 2-4 hours a day
    Previous Experience: I have done a lot of moderating on servers, but all the servers ran out of money or just didn't want to host anymore
    Ways to advertise the server:(Optional) I have a YouTube account called Mineflare, It's relatively new and lacks subscribers and views, but I'm sure once I get to developing my content I can get stuff more out there.
    Other:(Optional) I am male, English and some days I might not be able to go online (very rarely)
    Any Projects on PMC: No I haven't uploaded any of my stuff on any website, but once I have finished my project then that will be uploaded then
    05/12/2014 4:27 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    funkyfrog11's Avatar
    Name: Sam
    Age: 15
    Location: England
    Timezone: GMT (+-0)
    IGN: funkyfrog11, but my YouTube name and name i=I use everywhere else is Mineflare, so I prefer that
    YouTube URL:
    Gender: Male
    Mic quality? IDK depends, I'd say it's about an 8, I get no echo and my voice is very clear? depends how far away connection wise... But your from Britain so it shouldn't be a problem
    Skype: I don't ever use skype but I can create one? my name will be Mineflare, but I would prefer a PM on PMC or add me on steam would be easiest
    Any other hobbies? Films, guitar, outdoors stuff, a lot of things
    Extra details: I only talk through steam chat for game chat, if that's a problem then i'm sorry. Also yeah, I have barely any subscribers, but I am just trying to get my channel more out there, as I only started like a week ago? maybe 2? would much appreciate the support so thanks for this man
    05/10/2014 2:12 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    funkyfrog11's Avatar
    Yeah sure, if you add me then we can chat through that
    05/10/2014 1:21 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    funkyfrog11's Avatar
    If you ever want to record something sometime add me on steam (Mineflare) and I'll chat to you on there P.S. I talk with ultimatejmack using steam chat, just because skype is a pain to set up on this computer, so That's all I can chat with I'm afraid
    05/10/2014 12:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    funkyfrog11's Avatar
    Thank you for telling me what you though, and I agree with most of it. Resolution I'm not sure how to fix? but I'll try to use fullscreen without using F11 so thankyou for hat tip also, from now on I am recording (although haven't uploaded) much shorted videos , max time of 20 mins as you said. Not much I can do about getting a bigger range of people to play with, I play with friends genra;;y because I feel more comfortable like that, but if anyone does pop up I suppose I will accept. Also thankyou for the reccomendation for the thumbnails, I currently use Paint.NET which isn't really suitable, other than that, thanks for the good points, I'll improve it in the very near future and thanks for reviewing
    05/09/2014 2:26 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    funkyfrog11's Avatar
    shu'up Johnny lol
    05/09/2014 2:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    funkyfrog11's Avatar
    Thank you!

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