G0sick's Avatar
Level 3 Apprentice Crafter

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    08/05/2013 1:01 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    Age: 20

    Skype (optional/if you even have one): Yes, but I would rather not disclose this in public. If I am accepted I will give you it.

    IGN: Irapepickles

    What can you do for our server?: I am a skilled staff member, capable of solving problems and arguments quickly and efficiently. I am a good builder, who is great at working with others. I am not afraid to swallow my pride, and take advice from others. I am very experienced at catching griefers, hackers, and stopping trolls. My redstone skills are fairly adept, but there are others superior.

    Experience: I have a long line of experience with Minecraft Staff position. I have owned my own server, but closed it due to college. My most experience has been as Moderator, where I gained extensive skill at dealing with questions, griefers, and anything in between. My Administrator life has also been very fulfilling, and allowed me to learn almost every popular plugin.

    Why should we pick you or even trust you?:As for trust, I can not earn trust through words. Trust is developed only through time. As for why you should pick me, that's simple. I am capable. I am able to help hold a server together, and make sure order is kept. I will follow directions to the point.

    Why do you want to be an staff on our server?: I have recently acquired more free time, with little to fill this. I have not been staff in a month or so due to college work, so I thought this would be good for me. Though, do not think I will not have a lot of time. I will be able to devote a large portion of my schedule.

    If you see an member break any rules, what will you do?: My first coarse of action is to get proof. Whether through video, or picture. Once that is finished I will then confront the individual, and talk to him about his actions. If the offense is serious, he will most likely be jailed for one hour until a higher ranked staff can deal with it. If his/her offense is minor, I will simply give out a warning. If the action proceeds, harsher punishments will be given.

    Building skills 0-10: 8-9, I'm not one to rate myself, so I usually let actions speak.
    08/04/2013 6:10 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    I've applied for both, and am currently both. You make a huge emphasis on donating, which is not good. You should NOT expect your staff to donate to you. They are there to help you Moderate your server and fix problems, not to help you financially. You should have set up an application on this post, which all the required fields to be a staff member on your server. If you just accept anyone willing to pay $10 a month, your server WILL fail, no questions asked.
    08/04/2013 4:56 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    Getting a server and getting it open to the public is very easy. The only real 'hard' part after that is getting the right plugins, coding them correctly, and making sure everything is clean as a whistle. If you do manage to get past that part, all that's left is building your server, and then 'holding down the fort'. If you are not good at keeping the order, and making sure trolls and hackers are dealt with, then you won't be able to create a large server,
    08/04/2013 4:52 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    CoreProtect is the best plugin out there. It Log everything that happens in minecraft. From someone opening a door, to which block a fire started from. You can even roll-back or log block to the exact second/day/minute/hour/year/month. The commands are very simple and easy to use. You are even able to roll back a specific area or radius.
    08/04/2013 4:41 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    Guys this server is obviously not going to be stable. If he only wants admins who can donate, without even making an application, then the outcome should be obvious.
    08/03/2013 11:39 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar

    There's your proof. With links into the description. This guy has all the info you need in his videos.
    08/03/2013 11:15 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    Jeb has confirmed that the next update WILL involve more biomes, and adding more things to the ocean. He will also be implementing a built in Optifine system, and a built in shader system. There will also be a new boss called the 'Red Dragon' which will be able to land on the ground, and will not go through objects. The Red Dragon will not come out until the engine is updated however.
    08/03/2013 10:03 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    Age: 20

    Experience: I have run one server of my own, which was quite successful. Do to me having to attend college, I decided to shut it down due to expenses. I am very experienced in being a staff member on almost any type of server. From your average SMP, to hardcore minigame servers, I've done it. I have the most experience with Moderation and Administration. I am very skilled at quickly and effectively solving problems, and arguments. I can offer much more information, however I'll save that for if it's needed.

    Contact Details: I would prefer not to give out anything specific until accepted or considered. I do have a Skype, and AIM, but am currently unable to use a mic or webcam.

    Name: Amber

    IGN: Irapepickles

    Extra: I am currently attending a University until I am able to travel to Japan. I will then study the field of Computer graphics and animation. I am very flexibly scheduled, and am almost always free for you to get in touch with me. I am swift to learn, and am not afraid to take advice from others to further my experiences.

    About You: I work part-time at a daycare as a helper, so dealing with your average minecraft troll or child is a walk in the park. I am a pretty hefty gamer, and am a very big anime 'nerd'. Feel free to ask anything else.

    Do You Agree With Our Terms And Conditions: I accept all terms and conditions.
    08/03/2013 9:36 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    Age: 20

    Name: Amber

    IGn: Irapepickles

    Skype: Irapepickles. Note that I do not have access to a mic or webcam.

    Photos: http://s1302.photobucket.com/user/Chuuniby0u/media/20dfcfe4-ceac-48c4-96f9-2dd6b0dde096_zps66ce203d.jpg.html Please not that this was NOT done solely by me!

    Experience: I have been a member of staff on various types of servers. From Unique, rpgs, to creative servers, to your old fashioned smp server, I've done it. I have the most experience as Moderators and builders on servers, however my Administrator knowledge is uncanny. I am able to quickly and efficiently solve problems and arguments. My favorite building styles are Modern, Medieval, and fantasy.

    Extra info: If you need any more pictures of builds, feel free to ask! I have my old server with the provided screen shot still up if you'd like to look at it more.
    07/04/2013 3:22 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    You can't blame the game for the lagg... If you get bad lagg or frame rate, either lower your settings or get a better processor. I have never had bad enough lagg in Minecraft to effect my gameplay.
    07/04/2013 1:14 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    Skyrim soundtracks and Final Fantasy soundtracks! Guild wars two also has some award winning orchestral music.
    07/04/2013 1:12 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    Why does everyone want better graphics? Minecraft is Minecraft because it's pixelated and simple! If you start toying with it and try to make it visually appealing, you're just ruining the game.
    07/03/2013 8:29 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    I am applying for the position: Moderator
    Why we should select you for this position: I am a very cool-headed and mature woman. I have a large amount of experience in the field of staff positions, in both Minecraft and the real world. I am fully capable of dealing with anything thrown my way. This is not only due to my long history as server staff, but also because I work at a pre-school. Since this is the case, I have no trouble dealing with your average Minecraft hooligan
    Name + IGN: My name is Amber, my IGN is Irapepickles - Wasn't chosen by me
    Area of the world(E.G China, Cuba, America (state), Australia, South Ameristralia, New Zanada): I travel between America and Japan very often.
    language: English, little spanish, some Japanese
    Are you mature: In my own opinion, I do consider myself to have a high maturity level. However maturity is up for you to decide.
    Age: 20
    Past experience: I have been Administrator on around 5 or 6 servers. Two of which are still up, however have been abandoned. My Moderator life has been slightly more involved, as I have either start out, or eventually was offered Moderator on most servers I've played.
    Success: I'm not sure what you want me to elaborate on, but I'll try my best. I am quite a successful builder, and am most comfortable dealing with Modern, Natural, Destroyed/decayed, and futuristic builds. My redstone skills are adept, though I'm not as amazing as some people. I have never been banned in my Minecraft career, and always live up to my expectations.
    Evidence (pictures or videos specific to the position that you are applying for): I can offer two IP addresses of the servers, Both of which have builds of mine. If I am accepted I will gladly give you the addresses.
    Cake or pie: I prefer Ice-cream cake pie. This is a homemade dish my mother makes, that is basically ice-cream cake, inside a homemade pie crust, with chocolate drizzle and powdered sugar on top. It's an orgasm.
    Additional Info(anything else you think we should know while considering you for this position?): I have owned two servers, both of which helped me fund for college. I am currently enrolled at Arkansas University where I am studying Computer graphics and animation to become an animator. I travel to Japan a lot to live with my elder sister whom makes anime.
    Do you have any experience playing MMO's? if yes please list which ones: This surprises a lot of people, but I play a lot of videogames. My favorite MMO is Guild Wars, however my list is very long: Elder Scrolls Online beta, Vindictus, FiFa, Flyff, Arma, WarThunder, WoT,Guild wars series, Runescape, Dragons nest, Maplestory... I'll stop there.
    Additional skills: I believe I've given you most of my useful skills, but I'll just list a few randoms. I am quite the cook, and love drawing.
    Any past experience with plugins/ Voxel: I am familiar with most plugins, and am adept at WorldEdit. I have never tried Voxel hands on, but I could easily learn within a day.
    07/03/2013 6:28 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    Either the IP is wrong, or your server is outdated. Appears as a 1.3 server.
    07/03/2013 5:35 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    What are your views towards anime and anime viewers?
    07/03/2013 4:07 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    I take it you haven't even been reviewing these applications since most people haven't even been told if they've been denied or accepted.
    07/03/2013 1:31 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    Minecraft Username: Irapepickles - Don't mind the name, it was not the one chosen by me.
    Your age: 19
    Sex/Gender: Female
    Skype: Irapepickles - No microphone or Webcam.
    Why you want to join us: My college let out for summer on june 3rd. Since then, I have been in a rut. I've more or less run out of things to do, and am in need of a time-killer. Don't let this discourage you though. I am an experienced and skilled staff member, in Minecraft and in the real world. I have to juggle children at a pre-school I work at, so dealing with the average Minecrafter is nothing.
    Servers you have played on: I have played on a number of different themed servers. From your average Survival PvP server, to your unique RPG and Mini-game servers. I've been staff on about 10 servers, two of which I can provide IP addresses.
    Creative/Survival: I prefer to play in survival, as it gives me more of a challenge. I feel that creative mode takes away the point of Minecraft.
    What you like to build: My favorite building style is pixel art, Modern Buildings, and natural/decayed builds.
    Favourite plugin: Hands down DisguiseCraft. I used to be friends with the creator of this plugin, and simply love being able to become a baby pig or kitten.
    Favourite command: If I had to choose, my favorite command would most likely be /d ocelot

    Previous Experience: I have been Owner on two servers before I enrolled in college. My administrator career has been a bit more involved though. I've been admin on five or six servers, though I decided to step down from my position due to certain circumstances.
    Years Played MC: Three or four years I believe.
    Time you can devote to the server PER DAY: During Weekends, I will be available from about 11:30am - 2:00am. On Weekdays, I will usually be available from 3:00pm - 1:00am.
    Special Skills: I'm not sure if I have any 'special' skills worth telling that would prove of any use to you. I am currently enrolled in college studying computer graphics and animation. Once graduated I plan to work with my elder sister in Japan.
    All-Time Favourite Music Genre: As strange as it may seem, I love Japanese music. Not only because I'm quite the anime geek, but because I cannot understand it. Since I do not know most of the words being sung to me, I am able to put my own meaning into the songs. One moment, a song could be inspirational to me. Then the next day, the same song could give me a depressing vibe.
    Handicaps/Hangups: My biggest pet peeve is stubbornness. I cannot stand people who do not know when to admit that they are wrong. I also dislike leader figures, whom do not listen to their followers. A leader can never truly grow until he/she has learned humility. I work best with peers who are team players, and are willing to try new ideas which have been presented by other staff members.
    Anything Else You'd Like to Make Known: I believe I've already said most everything, but if I've forgotten something I'll say it again. I'm a short girl, living with my roommate in a little apartment duplex. I attend Arkansas University where I study to be an animator. I am absolutely anime obsessed, and have seen around 250 anime. That's around 7000 episodes, each being about 30 minutes. In total I have about 3 - 4 months of my life in anime. As odd as it is nowadays, I thoroughly enjoy playing video-games. My favorite console being PS3. My birthday is January 11th, and I'm the proud future owner of a 1967 Mustang Fastback. If there is anything else you would like to ask be, don't hesitate to ask.

    07/03/2013 12:53 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    Have you even tried finding them yourself before relying on others? Browse through bukkit and google before you go onto websites asking for help. The answer you're going to get most of is WorldGuard. It's easy to use, reliable, and well put together.
    07/02/2013 12:07 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    Real Name : Amber
    RANK : I will accept any rank you feel I am suitable for.
    Game Name : Irapepickles
    Skype (Optional) :
    Age : 20
    Contribution : I am a mature, cool-headed woman with a wide range of skills. I have owned several successful servers, which were successful enough to help me pay for college. My gender (as sexist as it seems) often helps me finish arguments other such matters quickly and efficiently. However, my experience in staff related matters is not limited to only minecraft like most of your applicants. I have two years of experience in managing a college classroom, dealing with my lower-ranked co-workers at my job, and dealing with student council. This being said, I am very skilled at dealing with anything staff related situation, from obnoxious and immature players, to hardcore griefers and hackers.

    Plugins[1-10] : 8 :I am quick to learn plugins, and am familiar most popular plugins:
    If you know ( Know how to config, change, use )
    1-3 plugins [1]
    4-5 Plugins [2]
    6-8 Plugins [3]
    9-10 Plugins [4]
    11-14 Plugins [5]
    15-20 Plugins [6]
    21-24 Plugins [7]
    25-30 Plugins [8]
    31-40 Plugins [9]
    41+ Plugins [10]

    Building[1-10] : 9
    I am skilled at ornate and decorative designs. My favorite build styles are Modern, Medieval, Futuristic, and Natural.
    07/01/2013 4:39 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
    G0sick's Avatar
    This may simply be a bug in the 1.6.1 update. I know a lot of 1.6 servers are not able to place blocks because of the bugs. It's probably best to go back to 1.5.2 until 1.6.1 catches on more, as there are very little servers for 1.6.

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