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Level 35
Artisan Toast

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    07/31/2015 5:01 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    On the topic of your mic being too quiet, try recording the mic with Audacity (a free program) instead of with your screen recording software. That way, you can amplify the volume of the mic track while keeping the game volume the same, and have a louder mic as the end result.
    07/31/2015 4:53 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    So you basically want a block that just LOOKS like a car? Doesn't have to actually move? If so, you can just remodel a random block to look like a car, which would just require a resourcepack to be installed. If you want, I'll give that a try (even though I've never even attempted minecraft block modeling).
    07/31/2015 1:20 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    That's odd. Maybe try clearing your browser cookies and cache.
    07/30/2015 4:37 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    Yes. But now it's called

    If you're on an AMD card, download AMD Gaming Evolved from the interwebs. Then once you open up the settings in that software you can configure it so it always records any game you launch, mic optional. It's free, doesn't affect performance.
    07/30/2015 12:43 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    You wouldn't be allowed to post that here (single-texture edits are against the rules, and so is using more than 50% of other people's work). Go ask over at MCforums.
    07/30/2015 8:48 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    Try to get away from the somewhat rigid designs of old buildings and invent your own architectural style.
    07/30/2015 8:46 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    Built-in antialiasing. God damn it.
    07/30/2015 8:44 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    07/30/2015 8:42 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    ...Donation craft? Does mean what I think it does?
    07/30/2015 3:47 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    I agree wholeheartedly. All those servers that let you buy BS armor and weapons are just not fun.
    07/25/2015 8:53 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    150FPS? Most monitors only run at 60Hz, meaning 60FPS. So ease off on the FPS requests. But in any case, check out my build (about $800) here: ... n&ram=12GB

    I haven't tested it with the texturepacks and shader mods you want, but it can run Planetside2 at 60FPS on Ultra, so that's definitely saying something.
    07/25/2015 8:40 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    First, why does your camera use AA batteries and not a rechargeable Lithium Ion battery like 99% of other electronics?

    But to answer your question, it doesn't really matter. If you can spare the extra money, get the longer-lasting ones.
    03/27/2015 1:37 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    Don't get a gaming headset. They're too expensive and often lack the mic and audio quality you're paying for. Buy some good headphones (if you don't have some already). Don't get beats. Just something affordable and sturdy-looking. Also make sure the frequency response range is decent (the lower limit shouldn't be much higher than 20Hz if you want good base).

    For the mic, I'd suggest a blue snowball. They're around $40, and they have great audio quality.

    Actually, if you want to save more money, get a clip-on mic. Some people suggest Zalman. I've seen people using them and they have really good audio quality.
    03/26/2015 8:42 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    Yeah, your processor is good. And future-proof. But so is the FX6300, which is just as good (if not better, because many games have trouble utilizing many cores and work better with fewer cores and more GHz per core) and a tenth of the price.
    03/26/2015 8:40 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    Dude, get Blender! It's free! Now you can't say you don't have a render program!
    03/26/2015 8:38 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    If this is only counting ones that belong to me directly...
    Here's the list.

    1 iPad
    1 iPhone
    1 iPod Classic
    1 Lenovo ThinkPad (running Ubuntu, for servers and stuff)
    1 MacBook Air (running OS X and Win8.1, dual-booted)
    1 (very small) TV
    1 computer monitor
    1 Gaming PC (running Win8.1, because what else would a gaming rig be running)
    1 Xbox 360
    1 Wii (the original one. Heck yeah.)
    1 NDS

    Total: 11

    Forgot to mention that my so called "TV" is actually just a screen. So yeah.
    03/26/2015 8:33 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    No problem. Good luck.
    03/26/2015 8:32 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    Good parts but your prices are frickin terrible. Get an AMD proccessor - you can get a 6-core FX6300 3.4GHz (4.1 turbo) for $100. Not $1000 like your i7. Gaming motherboards do absolutely nothing for performance, people have done benchmark tests and in-game FPS tests and gaming motherboards didn't have better performance than normal ones. I don't think you need 64GB of memory. That's overkill. Your PSU should only be around 600W. Not 1600. Overkill again. Your GPU... is $1000. What the fork.

    Tl;dr: Your build is partially overkill, partially horrible prices. You could cut it down to $2000 if you tried.
    03/26/2015 8:23 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Toast
    galika1080's Avatar
    You need to import your map, then worldpainter will detect which chunks have been hand edited and mark them in a certain way. Edit the terrain how you want, then merge the map with the original map. Just be sure to keep a backup of your map so if something gets screwed up you'll be ok.

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