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    08/18/2017 8:51 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    Judging from the fact that you are asking what someone meant by a word I learned in second grade, I can assure you that you do not have the necessary "intelligence" to become a staff member on their server.
    08/02/2017 9:02 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    Name: Liam

    Discord Tag: GalwayG#2677.

    Age: 16.

    Minecraft IGN: galwaygamer (Nick: Galway)

    Rank you are applying for: Head-Moderator.

    Why are you applying for this rank: There is a basis of trust that needs to be earned on every single minecraft server between the owner and the players. This can only be earned after time, which, when applying, has no effect. For this reason, there are only a limited amount of ranks which should be able to be requested as a starting position, unless the possible recruit came from the server itself. This is why I have narrowed it down to Head-Moderator, along with the next few reasons.

    People get addictions, agreed? Sometimes those addictions are for drugs or playing a certain sport. Sometimes, it's just the simple excitement of doing something well, as with perfectionists. Perfectionists may not be perfect, but they strive for it. I am not a perfectionist, but I am great at making things better, which I love to do. Helping through minecraft servers is a great way to do it, and the community is a sort of side-benefit.

    My skills have a long page, from basically training to building (no devving). I have worked on RPGs, faction servers, hubs, mini-game servers, survival servers, Towny, and modded servers (Pixelmon, FTB and Technic), along with a new style of game which I influenced the creation of.

    Why should we choose you for staff [over] other people: Other people, as in the less experienced, may not know how to do the basics in creating a server for greatness. Through what I have seen and what I have done, I can do a large part in the shifting of a 10 year old's server into a money-making machine.

    Timezone: EST (Eastern Standard Time)

    How many hours can you commute: Anywhere from 4-8 hours daily.
    08/01/2017 8:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    I think that my answer for the scenario will be enough for your eyes:

    Let's first go over why hackers hack. Case 1: Assuming the hacker is a pretty dedicated player, they have two reasons to hack- for personal gain in-game, or for their own way of saying that they are leaving the server. Case 2: Assuming the hacker is a new player, they would want to hack for personal enjoyment, which many-a-day is the case. They know that hacking will not give them a head-start, since they don't care that they may be caught.

    For case one, their are two solutions. One is, as long as they were persuaded into writing a formal apology to an Admin or above, their forgiveness and welcome back into the community, even though they still could leave. Two is the asking of all players in that part of the PvP area to leave the spot temporarily, for either a small gift provided as soon as a higher member comes online, or their items back from the hacker. Once the hacker has decided to leave (of course, after a short talk down), the players may continue to play as they were. Obviously, before each of these solutions, attempt to contact a higher authority, specifically one who can ban and open inventories.

    For case two, the second solution for case one would work.

    Additional info:

    IGN: galwaygamer
    Timezone: EST (Eastern Standard Time)
    Age: 17
    Communication: Discord, Skype, Email, PMC, etc.
    Hours: 4-8, varies per day. (Always on Discord)
    Experience: Everything except for developing; working on RPG's to Survival.

    If you think that you've met perfection, I can make it better.
    08/01/2017 8:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    Lies. This is my alt PMC account, and someone got to my password.
    04/29/2017 8:35 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    You should probably add a bit more information than that, such as the name of the server, an application format, and a goal piece.
    03/20/2017 7:50 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    I would have enjoyed working with you, but since I am preoccupied, I won't be able to. Also, as a heads up, they are VERY professional, and I only recommend it if you can handle stress and bad attitudes.

    -A Possible "Partner"
    03/20/2017 7:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    Bump! <3
    03/18/2017 1:04 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    1. What are you applying for?: Moderator or Helper; whatever you see fit.

    2. Name?: Galwaygamer, IRL provided with acceptance.

    3. Timezone/Country?: EST (Eastern Standard Time) in the East of the US.

    4. Age?: 15.

    5. Your Skype?: Provided with acceptance, yet discord is preferable.

    6. How long can you be online daily?: On weekdays 2-4, on weekends 3-6.

    7. Tell us something about yourself: I am a gamer who has been playing Minecraft since 2013, yet staffing since 2015. I am dedicated with servers for long periods of time, and am searching for a server to settle down on. I am a people person, and work well with calming people, settling disputes, welcoming people, and teaching them.

    8. What is your experience with the rank you have applied for?: I have been a moderator on around six servers, being a helper on two of those and another one. Each time the server eventually had failed, yet I stayed in contact with the players. That is how strong my people skills are. Similarly, I have been an administrator on two-three different servers, each too ending.

    9. Can you work in teams as well as alone?: Of course! Typically being a lone-wolf suits my skills the best, but working with others is great. It provides players with great experiences and can be beneficial.

    10. How good would you rate yourself (1-10): I would rate myself as a nine for my people skills, and with commands, an 8.

    11. We would like to see some proof as a verification that you truly are good: If you were to make a situation where a new player comes online, I could provide you with my process. For plugins, you just need to take my word for it. I am no master, but I am at the WE level.
    03/18/2017 12:38 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    Because the reason people aren't applying isn't because they aren't seeing it.
    03/18/2017 12:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    Just a heads up: Please don't waste your time attempting to gain a staff position on the server. One of the admins, "Dark", cursed at me after I reminded them of customer service after they were talking in the main chat about a so called meeting, completely skipping my question. They even started talking about the meeting after my question was posted. An owner, four trainees, and a mod were online in this situation also, so only a miracle could save the server.
    03/18/2017 12:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    That was a great idea for setting up a google form for us to apply! I would have never have thought of it. Also, I applied.
    03/14/2017 4:31 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    GalwayGamer's Staff Application

    1- Your in-game name: Currently, my in-game name is galwaygamer, but for in-game purposes, I prefer Galway, Gal, or GalwayG.

    2- How long have you been playing Minecraft: I have been playing Minecraft since Christmas time of 2013, and occasional times before then while seeing if I would enjoy Minecraft.

    3- How long can you come on our network daily(hours): On the many past servers that I have been a staff member on, I typically spent around 2-8 hours per day, normally at boom times.

    4- Why do you wish to become an Admin: I wish to become an Admin because I am similar to a sociopath who runs on making people better- Being an Admin would allow me to help others and make their time playing Minecraft better, either through just talking to them, engaging with them, or even through strengthening the server for their enjoyment.

    5- How dedicated are you with plugins:I wouldn't describe myself as dedicated with plugins- I am more familiar with them than dedicated. I can use plenty of the staff basic commands, including permissions and world edit.

    6- What country are you currently in: I live in the USA.

    7- What is your Time Zone: My timezone is EST (Eastern Standard Time).

    8- Would you be able to help donate towards our network's costs and future goals: I have donated around $40 in the past, usually on servers that seem as if they really need it to succeed further. These servers generally were already pretty popular by the time I donated, so I am hoping to be able to donate to the Network.

    9- Why should we choose you: You should choose me for any one of the following reasons: My intellect, my dedication, my stamina, my personality, my way with people, and my good looks.

    10- Have you been staff on any other server: Of course I have! The first time I ever became staff was in the Summer of 2014. I was enjoying my time on a server that is no longer with us, and I became quite popular. I had been asked to become staff a number of times, yet I rejected each one. One day, after I calmed down a hacker and sent him on his way (without the use of commands), a fellow player told me that he had recorded what I had done and had posted it on the forums for the server. A few hours later, the owner came on and immediately promoted me to "Protector of the Peace" (it was basically the Admin position, but focused on hackers and rude people) without my choice. Ever since then, I have been working on servers, and even becoming a sort of consultant for servers just starting up. Now I am hoping to settle down on a network and work with the other staff members to make one of the most valuable servers in the Minecraft universe.
    11/14/2016 7:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    Skype: I will message you it if I am accepted.

    Real Life Name(optional): Liam

    Age: 16

    Have you been staff before: Yes. I have been a staff member on multiple servers. I have served as moderator on 5-6, helper on 4, administrator on 3, and a few other ranks that are in between or above. I have proof for seven of the servers if that is needed.

    Have you owned servers before: I have owned a server before, but I only ran it as a training server for a few staff members for a server that I was an administrator on.

    What staff position are you applying for: I am applying for moderator.

    What plugins are you familiar with: World Guard, Group Manager, World Edit, Essentials (all of them), most of the other ones used with permissions, and a few more which likely won't be helpful when staffing a server.

    Are you a good builder: I would rate myself as a 7.2/10 builder because I can build anything as long as the style, theme, concept, and size is given. This is the same way with enforcing the players: I need a guideline, and if one isn't given, I will use common sense.

    Your maturity level 1-10: 9/10 (According to my brother averaged with a friend)

    What can you bring to the server: I can bring needed experience and new techniques to the server. For the last four servers that I have staffed on (once helper, once admin, twice moderator), I have been a huge part of the community. Players talk with me, making them stick to the server. I am in contact with five of them still, and that says a lot. When a new player joins the server, I am the first to welcome them. I answer any questions, and after they read the rules, I ask if they need a tutorial of the basics. If that isn't needed, I continue to talk with them (at appropriate times and not that pushy) until they decide to join another player on an adventure. I even suggest for them to bring a friend onto the server to play with. Besides welcoming new players, I am great at moderating chat (after I gain a reputation of making small jokes here and there while showing them that I don't kid around with enforcing), making permissions/creating kits/managing titles (I am not a developer), and making sure that people do their job.
    10/29/2016 11:22 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    Draconiz, I wish you luck with your application! Just a tip: Edit it so it has proper grammar and punctuation. Maybe format it a bit more. It really impresses the owners!
    10/28/2016 6:27 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    Bumb. <3
    10/28/2016 6:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    Hello! (I am applying for the staff position of "Moderator")
    Name: Liam

    Age: 16

    IGN: galwaygamer (Call me Galway or Gal in the game.)

    Experience as staff: I have staffed on about 12-15 servers, most of them being either Moderator or Helper. If you would like me to go into depth, I can remember about 6 of the servers and am still in contact with three of the servers. I have never been fired from a staff position, but I have quit two and the other servers died.

    Why should we choose you over others?: You should choose me over others because I am trustworthy and have quite the tolerance. Also, my experience helps. I can easily deal with almost any situation, from an abusing staff member to a player with a hacked client. Here is my process for both respectively: I would tell them to please stop while I contact an Admin and I would try to delay them as much as possible. If I have the permission to temp-ban/ban the abuser, I would do a temp-ban for a day until a higher staff member comes on to check it out. For the next situation, I would attempt to confirm that they are hacking by watching them in vanish mode. If I see them hacking from watching them, I would temp-ban them for the amount of time told to me by a higher staff member. If I don't have vanish and I have multiple hack reports of them, I will try to make sure that they aren't being caused by a hacked client. If I am almost positive that they aren't, I would kick them with the message "Please uninstall the hacked client".

    How do you deal with arguments?: I will answer this question with a situation. Let's say player A is arguing about religion, and player B is doing the same. I would first warn them, and if they didn't stop, I would type "Next person who mentions anything about another's religion gets a half an hour mute". If they continue, I would mute them. If they continue once more with even a sign, they would get a permanent mute or a temp-ban until they have written a page long essay telling me what they did wrong.

    Are you...?:
    Patient: Yes, I am pretty patient. Why else would I have bothered to write another application instead of copy/pasting my old one?
    Nice: According to friends and family, yes, I am nice. I do joke around, but playfully. I never insult anyone, unless they ask for it (literally).

    How active are you?: I usually play for about 2-5 hours each day. I live in the northeastern part of the US, so my timezone is EST.

    Your Skype: If I get accepted, I will message you it. I don't feel comfortable with everyone knowing my Skype.

    Thanks for taking your time to read through my application!
    10/20/2016 5:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    I joined this wonderful server and now I am a Senior-Moderator. That was over a month ago, and I am still playing on it. With an epic community, there is nothing to hate!
    10/07/2016 9:12 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    I advise you to make sure that your application format will actually be looked at. It is too strict and I can tell that you won't be able to get any players using it. Try changing it or making people able to bend a few of the questions. Check out my actual application:
    10/07/2016 8:43 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    Bump. <3
    09/12/2016 3:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GalwayG's Avatar
    IGN: My in game name is galwaygamer, but I prefer Galway or GalwayG.

    Age: 16 (Almost everyone in any relation to me say that I act like a mature 20 year old).

    Reason for applying: I am applying not because I like to push people around and gain control (I am not like that) but because I am interested in being a part of something larger than me. When I used to play on a smaller minecraft server that started three years before me, I felt very happy, like in a small minecraft family. That is because there was a mutual respect, even though I was a member.

    Experience (I added it because I have a lot): I have been playing minecraft for about five years now, and I have been working as a staff member for the past two. I am very good with people and I am a very patient person with a passion for enforcing rules to the extent shown by the higher staff members. I usually am able to play for about 2-4 hours per day (depending on the day since I am still a student). I am a decent builder, and I am great at following directions. Although this might not be needed, I am a decent writer when I have time (50 wpm normally, 10 wpm if I am writing an article that needs a lot of thinking. This one is about 40 wpm). If you need any more information, I have a multi-paragraph (about 3) application just about experience.

    Position applying for: Either moderator or helper because I feel that you should decide.

    Youtube Channel: (if applying for youtuber): NA (Not applicable)

    Have you been staff anywhere else? If so where: I have been a helper on 2-3 servers, moderator on one of the ones I was a helper on and two others, builder on one, developer on another, an Admin on two (one was the same one I was a helper and moderator on), and a co-owner on another. Most of these servers I have either forgotten the ip address of or no longer exist. One of the ones I was helper on (The same one I mentioned in "Reason for applying") is a server called Itchy Dog. I was a staff member on it on another account, and now no one plays on it.

    Skype: I will give it to you if I am accepted.

    Thank you for reading my letter! -GalwayGamer

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