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Artisan Modder

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    02/11/2016 2:40 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
    GamerBah's Avatar
    Coming from the perspective of a Plugin Developer himself, it would most likely be near impossible to detect client modifications through command blocks (and if you did, you must be some sort of wizard). Detecting modded clients through plugins (and then acting upon is) is an extreme feat in itself.
    01/08/2016 12:21 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
    GamerBah's Avatar
    I don't think it'd be considered a GUI item....

    It's called the "Action Bar." Bukkit Plugin developers have recently been using this as a way to make server experiences a little more unique (i.e: Hypixel displays coin gains).

    Messages can only be sent using JSON text (the stuff that has all the brackets and braces [ { } ] ). In default Minecraft, I'm not sure of any ways to get this to show.
    01/08/2016 12:09 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
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    IDK, I learned Java straight through Bukkit Plugins. I mean, I took another course too, but that's besides the fact.
    01/06/2016 11:25 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
    GamerBah's Avatar

    Currently can't afford to pay yet. YET.

    Also we are only looking for staff he can make our network their primary focus.

    Also It's fine because I got a few people who messaged me via skype about being dev. So no need to worry

    Alright. Well best of luck to you and your server!
    01/06/2016 11:23 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
    GamerBah's Avatar
    Well thanks!
    01/06/2016 2:58 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
    GamerBah's Avatar
    No Devs yet. Huh!



    UTC-8 (Pacific Time)

    Maturity (Out of 10):
    7 or 8, either one works for me.

    Position/Rank Applying For:
    Head Developer

    Why Should You Have This Rank:
    I have the experience to know how to make great plugins. I do struggle in areas (like many developers do), such as particles, but in other areas, I follow a strict "set" of how to make the plugin look in-game (in other words, everything will have consistency). I like to include a few "Easter Eggs" in a lot of my plugins (whether it be a funny phrase that is displayed to a player, or just something completely random). I think I'd be a good choice as a Head Developer because I know when things need to get done, and I like to make sure that they are getting done.

    How Long Have You Played Minecraft:
    Since around version 1.2.3 (like, 5 years ago maybe?)

    Previous Expererience:
    I have been developing plugins since late 2013. My first plugin was released on Bukkit on July 5th, 2014: EnchantmentUpgrade (PMC Post). I've began work on a few other plugins, but haven't gotten around to updating them. I also am currently a lead developer of ClimaxMC, where I make the complete base plugin of the server (meaning the server only runs on that plugin).

    GamerBah (coincidentally )

    Some Additional Info I'd Like You to Read
    While it may seem cool and all that there's a Dev applying for your server on PMC, I have a list of requirements as well... They shouldn't be too hard to fulfill, but they are something to note.

    In order to develop plugins, I...
    Need to be able to work with the Owner you choose.
    I don't want to have to put up with an Owner that doesn't know what they're doing. I'd expect that, since you yourself are not the Owner of the server, that you'd wanna make sure that the person you choose isn't someone who's gonna treat their job poorly.

    Would really appreciate some form of payment!
    Developing plugins takes time. A lot of time. Unfortunately for me, I don't have much time during the week to develop because of school and sports. During the weekend, I have plenty of time, but I need to split it with my job at ClimaxMC (as they are my main focus right now). Since I put so much time into these 2 things, it doesn't really "pay" for me to do it for free all the time... Eventually, I need to make some sort of money on this. Trust me, I know that sounds really bad and "self-centered," but I'm only trying to get a point across. It takes tons of time to do, and being caught up in 2 developing businesses won't be easy at all. Payment is not necessary, however.
    01/06/2016 2:23 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
    GamerBah's Avatar
    Everyone has their own style of making plugins If creating plugins that have already been made was frowned upon, very few plugins would exist!
    01/05/2016 1:16 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
    GamerBah's Avatar
    Well you can go look for a plugin that will do that for you. If there's not one that fits your taste, then you're probably out of luck (unless you wanna try and get a developer to custom code it for you, but chances of that might be kinda slim)
    01/02/2016 6:09 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
    GamerBah's Avatar
    I would think DDoSing and botting would be the more "efficient" way of going about this, though.
    01/02/2016 5:55 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
    GamerBah's Avatar
    Azie with the sweet snipe here, to start this post off:

    Amazing reason

    Anyways, back to the main topic.
    In my point of view, griefing is 100% wrong. There is no possible way to justify someone griefing someone else's work. It's just simply unacceptable. Why? Well, lemme give you some very good reasons.

    Sure, you can say this this is a sandbox game, and that Mojang would've done something if they didn't want other people to break things. But in all honesty, I don't think the people over at Mojang would approve of griefing at all. Hard work doesn't deserve anything like that. If I spent 2 weeks building a cool spawn for my server, and I was really proud of what I did, and then soon after someone comes on and breaks it all, that's just really disheartening.

    Man, you think you're so cool, breaking other people things to shut down the annoying 9-year-old's server. How do you think that kid feels? He spent who knows how long trying to build up a server that he wants to have fun with because he loves the game, and then all of his stuff gets destroyed, and he has nothing left. Do you know how he feels? I can assume that more than 50% of the time, that child feels terrible because he worked so hard and was proud of what he did. Now he has nothing, and he feels like trying again is pointless, because the same thing could happen all over again, and he already tried so hard. This is how children are. Don't say that "They shouldn't be making a server if they don't know how to protect it properly." Minecraft isn't exactly a game full of adults. It's a game tailored towards kids.

    I know from experience with my 2 little brothers. They are so excited to be able to try and get their own server. They love building, making ranks, and getting staff members. They're SO... excited. No, my brothers aren't annoying 9 year olds that don't deserve to have a server. They're normal boys that are trying to have fun with what they're doing. When they get griefed, they're pretty sad. They panic, try and ban the person as quickly as possible, and then they kinda sit there in shock. What kind of child deserves that? Does that type of behavior create future server owners? Maybe. Maybe not.

    I've made my points. I think a lot of people will understand where I come from. Was fun writing this post, actually -- RANT = OVER

    ~ Gamer
    09/20/2015 1:36 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
    GamerBah's Avatar
    It's nice to see so many people getting into programming!
    09/01/2015 1:48 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
    GamerBah's Avatar
    Pretty accurate might be a little too gracious for PMC. Many of the ads I see on here are things I have never seen / never need to know. But hey, flaws are flaws.
    07/30/2015 2:19 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
    GamerBah's Avatar
    If you can't play the "old" Minecraft, try updating video drivers... that's all I can say. It runs fine for me.

    Back to the main topic of this, I got Win 10 and I'm very impressed. The Layout is really good looking, everything is smooth, and Cortana is pretty cool! Haven't seen any problems besides having to update my NVIDIA drivers.
    07/30/2015 2:08 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
    GamerBah's Avatar
    I'll take a guess you have a mac

    Edit: Saw your post about Linux.
    I'm sorry for your loss.
    07/29/2015 3:18 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
    GamerBah's Avatar
    I need to back up my PC to a server first, but then I will be upgrading

    07/28/2015 3:04 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
    GamerBah's Avatar
    The new browser is 10000x better than IE was. Trust me.
    07/22/2015 9:04 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
    GamerBah's Avatar
    Mojang's Services are being DDoSed, which is why they are down.
    07/20/2015 10:49 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
    GamerBah's Avatar
    Haha... Plugin developers.
    07/20/2015 5:28 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Modder
    GamerBah's Avatar
    I hope you're paying this developer hundreds (that is, if he wants).

    Developing a plugin to do all of this is a MASSIVE job. I mean, M A S S I V E.

    Plus the fact that you will need to get a modeler to make a custom texture pack for you to make all the vehicles look "real"

    Besides all of that, it is a really cool idea. Doing something like this would be kinda fun

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