GeniusGuy21's Avatar
Level 8 Apprentice Engineer

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    06/26/2015 11:02 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
    GeniusGuy21's Avatar
    Your question? uh....

    Mine: Why do headphones spaz out?
    06/25/2015 10:08 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
    GeniusGuy21's Avatar
    Age: 12
    IGN: Afilado
    Skype: N/A (Skype Broke)
    Any Info: Here is one of my maps that I have made: It is a Vendng Machine parkour map consisting around 140 jumps and is available for download here on pmc! I have been playing MC for 2 years and have been building contraptions since last year.
    06/24/2015 9:16 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
    GeniusGuy21's Avatar
    GeniusGuy21IGN: Afilado (If that doesn't work, do _Venerated because I changed my username recently).

    Added! Hope to see you soon!

    Thank you so much! Can't wait!
    06/23/2015 3:19 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
    GeniusGuy21's Avatar
    A spatula

    Why are roses red?
    06/23/2015 9:52 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
    GeniusGuy21's Avatar
    IGN: Afilado (If that doesn't work, do _Venerated because I changed my username recently).

    Why should I Join: This server is definitely the type of server I am looking for because of it almost being a vanilla survival and my lan not working, I could play on this server with my siblings. Also, it won't be crazy or unfair because you stated that the staff is phenomenal and the donation perks are reasonable. If there is any possibility that I can join this server and be in the midst of the fun, please tell me as soon as you can!
    10/23/2014 9:59 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
    GeniusGuy21's Avatar
    Builder Application:

    IGN: GeniusGuy21
    Skype: I am not comfortable telling you my Skype so if I get pm'd, I will tell you.
    Age: I am currently 13.
    Why should you recruit me? I know that I can make a difference on a server by building something that really gets the server. Kind of like it's logo at spawn. I have had a passion of building for awhile and I am pretty experienced too. I know that if you give me a shot, I will do the best I can.

    If possible, can i get the Ip Address?
    10/04/2014 6:58 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
    GeniusGuy21's Avatar
    Username: GeniusGuy21
    Age: I am 12 (almost 13)
    Past Experience: I have been staff on three different servers with all very big responsibilities. (They all closed due to the lack of players.
    Do you got skype? (You must have skype): GeniusGuy12
    Why do you want to be staff?: I want to be staff because I know that I can make a difference on a server whether it is contributing in a big project or resolving little questions. I have the correct characteristics to be staff such as I am a very gregarious and cooperative guy that is always reasonable on my decisions. I love it when people ask questions because my answer can effect their game-play. Another quality I have been honing is that I am always triumphant no matter how gloomy people are on the server because one person's emotions and actions can change the people around them. One person can make a difference just like that on a server, and I know that if I become Mod, that someone can be me.

    If I don't get accepted please give me a reason why. Thanks!
    10/04/2014 6:50 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
    GeniusGuy21's Avatar
    Name: James
    Age: I am 12 (Almost 13)
    IGN: GeniusGuy21
    About u: I am an addict to Minecraft who is always there to make a difference on a server.
    Skype: GeniusGuy12
    Experience: I have been staff on three different servers so I know how to handle situations and the basic commands whe someone does something bad like /tempban, /mute, /kick, etc.
    Do you know nodes?: No but I found a website that has the essentials nodes:
    What rank you want: I want either Helper, Mod, or Head-Mod.
    More about you: I don't want to say any personal information here so I can msged you some on Skype if you PM me.
    10/04/2014 10:10 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
    GeniusGuy21's Avatar
    Applying for: Moderator
    IGN: GeniusGuy21
    Name: James
    Age: I am 12 (almost 13)
    Time Zone: PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)
    Your Builds: N/A
    Experience: I have been moderator on three different servers (all shut down due to lack of players) so I know how to handle situations and the basic commands such as /kick, /mute, /tempban, etc.
    Skype: GeniusGuy12
    Additional Info:
    10/04/2014 10:07 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
    GeniusGuy21's Avatar
    Ign GeniusGuy21
    10/03/2014 9:45 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
    GeniusGuy21's Avatar
    Is there a format that you want use to use? If not, I made one myself.

    Age: 13 years old

    IGN: GeniusGuy21

    Skype: GeniusGuy12

    Position: Admin or Moderator

    Why should we pick you? I know that I can make a difference on whether it is helping in a big project or resolving little things. I have the correct characteristics when applying such as I am a very cooperative and gregarious guy that is always there for someone that is in need of help. I also am an experienced staff member on 3 different servers (all shut down due to lack of players) so I know the basics rules and commands. I also remain triumphant when people on the server feel gloomy because one person's actions can effect people all around them. I know that I can be a someone that does that.

    Maturity (1 is worst 10 is best): 9.3/10 I am pretty mature for my age.

    How long can you be on? School Week: 1 hour a day minimum. Weekend (Including Friday after school): 2-3.5 hrs a day.

    I hope that I can get accepted! Thanks!
    10/02/2014 10:02 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
    GeniusGuy21's Avatar
    Age: 12

    Skype Name: GeniusGuy12

    How much are you willing to Donate (Optional): Sorry can't donate

    How much Experience have you had with building: I love to build and I have been progressing as I build.

    How Active can you be: Weekdays: 1 hour a day. Weekends: (Including Friday After School) 2-3.5 a day

    What are your strengths and weaknesses at building: My strength has got to be Pixel Art. My weakness is building 3-D. I can make banners and billboards, just not big 3-D things.

    Other Stuff I haven't covered (Optional): If the server has a forums I will be active on it As much as I can!
    10/02/2014 9:56 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
    GeniusGuy21's Avatar
    Is there a format that you want us to use?
    09/30/2014 10:04 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
    GeniusGuy21's Avatar
    Application for PrimePrison

    IGN: GeniusGuy21

    Age: I am 13 years old

    Timezone: PDT(Pacific Daylight Timezone)

    Skype (Required): GeniusGuy12

    Name: James

    If Builder; Proof of work:

    If Graphic Designer; Proof of work:

    Why are you applying?: I saw a server in need of staff so I decided that I can apply to make a difference on the server whether it is resolving little tasks or contributing to a big project. I am a trained staff member which being staff on 3 previous servers (all that shut down due to lack of players) so I know the basic commands and rules like /kick, /mute, No disrespect to staff, etc. I am also applying mainly for being able to have a higher authority to help make the server even more successful than it already is.

    What are you applying for?: Chat-Mod or Regular Mod

    How can you help PrimePrison?: I can help by dedicating my time on the server to help with all of the arguments and questions. I know that when one staff member contributes by dedicating their time, they can help by resolving little things that can go into deep matter. As long as a staff member is contributing and following the rules, he/she is making a difference. I know that I can be that he or she.

    Why should I choose you over another?: I have correct characteristics when applying for staff such as I am very cooperative with the players online and staff members. I'm definitely a gregarious person and is always there for you if you need help. I know if there is a server that has given me responsibilities, I know that I have to dedicate my time and to make my mark on the server. I have a keen eye on so I can multi-task by like building something while supervising the chat to catch any people breaking the rules like someone spamming. I also am on the forums a lot so I can look at any posts/threads that need staff to look into or if someone needs encouragement. I know that I am better than all of the there applicants out there and I can make a difference.

    What experience do you have?: I used to be staff on 3 other servers which all shut down due to lack of players. All of them were from Jr. Mod to Head Mod so I know that applying for mod is the correct decision for me.

    Do you have plugin knowledge?: Unfortunately, I don't.

    Have you ever been banned?: I have never been banned before because if there is a server that is really good out there, why risk to cheat or hack to win something like a mini-game when you could be banned 5 minutes later.

    Anything Else we should know? No, but if any other personal information is needed, tell me on Skype.
    09/22/2014 9:32 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
    GeniusGuy21's Avatar
    I love doing pokemon art and I will send you a contact request.
    09/22/2014 9:29 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
    GeniusGuy21's Avatar
    Head-Mod/Mod Application

    1. Name and Age: James and I am 12 years old.

    2. IGN: GeniusGuy21

    3. GeniusGuy12(I play on a hp laptop so it has a built in mic)

    4. Wanted Position: I want Head-Mod or Mod.

    5. Past Experience: I have been staff on three different servers: Helper on a server called Stumpcraft, Admin on a server called Sci-Fi, and Moderator on a server called The Electric Network. I am capable to be any of these three positions because I was pretty successful on all of these servers. (all 3 are shut down)

    6. Why should I choose you: I know that I can make a difference on the server whether it is helping out in a big project or resolving little problems. As I mentioned earlier, I used to be staff on three other servers so I know the basic rules for being a staff member such as no griefing, (Unless factions) no swearing, no hacked clients, etc. I also maintain the correct characteristics when applying for Hmod/Mod like that I am very cooperative and will try to respond to problems ASAP. I also remain triumphant throughout the whole time no matter how gloomy the server is looking. I know that one persons actions and feelings can change everyone for better or worse. I know when hard times come, I will remain joyful and trudge through it. I know that I am suitable for the position and I can be that someone who makes a difference.

    7. About me: I am a Minecraft and Pokemon lover and is always up for a challenge in Hunger Games. Whenever someone needs help, I can be there because I am very gregarious and cooperative.

    8. Extra I am glad that I could apply and I hope that I could get accepted!
    09/22/2014 9:08 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
    GeniusGuy21's Avatar
    Head Mod/Mod Application

    1. GeniusGuy21

    2. James

    3. I am applying for Head-Mod or Mod.

    4. I know that I can make a difference on the server whether it is helping in a big project or resolving little questions. I have the correct characteristics when applying for staff like I am an experienced staff member from 3 other servers. (all closed due to lack of players) I also know how to handle situations by the level of intensity and by the level of inappropriate things that occur. I also stay triumphant no matter what is happening on the server because I know that when someone is joyful, it spreads to others and makes the server reunite again. One person can make a difference on a server and I know that that someone can be me.

    5. I can play 3 hours a day

    6. I can only play on weekends (including Friday after school) because during the school week is when I chat with staff members and post on forums like I will often if I become a staff member.

    I hope that I can be accepted and I am glad that I had the chance to apply!
    09/22/2014 8:52 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
    GeniusGuy21's Avatar
    Moderator Application

    Age: 12

    IGN: GeniusGuy21

    Country: U.S.A

    TimeZone: Pacific Daylight Time

    Rank: Mod or Head Mod

    Skype: If I get accepted I will notify you the Skype name. (I don't want random people having my Skype.)

    Experience: I have been staff on 2 other servers before. Helper on a server called Stumpcraft and Admin on a server called Sci-Fi. This is an important characteristic to have when applying for a server.

    Why should mine be accepted: I know that I can make a difference on the server whether it is helping out in a big project or answering little questions. Staff dedicating their time and contributing to a server can change a server for the better. If I become staff, I will try my hardest to keep the server running and keep it fun and enjoyable. One person can make a difference like that and that is going to be me.

    Maturity: Even though age shows maturity, I am exceptionally mature for my age and being mature is important when being staff on a server because when you lack in maturity, people will belittle and look down on you.

    I hope that mine can get accepted! Thanks!

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