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Level 10
Journeyman Network

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    02/18/2022 8:19 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    Name: GhostDragoon3
    Age: 19
    Country: United States
    What you enjoy about Minecraft: I've been playing Minecraft for over 7 years and I always loved coming back to this game to just chill and build. I like playing with others and making projects with others.
    04/06/2014 11:59 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    I have contacted all of you on skype so if you weren't contacted then that means you were declined!
    03/26/2014 6:30 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    Ok Guys! All I need now is youtubers, You will need 100+ Subs or I won't accept you but sometimes I will in special occasions!
    03/25/2014 5:58 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    Everyone here, I have sent you all skype request and if I haven't that means that you were declined.
    03/21/2014 9:46 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    IGN: ghostdragoon3
    IRL name (optional): Lian Do
    Skype name (required but you can give it after you've been accepted): ghostdragoonblast
    Age: 12
    reason why you would like to join: I would like to join a server where I can have fun and play a nice legit survival and make shops, do pranks, and have fun with the community and get to know them a little.
    Timezone In GMT: Central time
    why should i trust you not to cheat: I do not like cheating because that ruins the aspect of survival and it does not feel right. I do not like hackers and I do not like cheaters also, if you are playing a game then why do you cheat? because you wanna win? no, you play a game just to have fun so there is no point in cheating.
    any server name ideas(optional): MineZone SMP
    03/21/2014 4:33 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    Please tell me the server
    03/21/2014 3:06 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    Name: Lian Do
    IGN: ghostdragoon3
    Age: 12
    About Yourself (Optional): Well I like vanilla minecraft and I am very good at building and I am very fascinated with redstone.
    Level of Maturity (1-10): 8/10
    How much are you online?: I have a lot of free time so I can be on very often.
    Do you play any other games?: no
    Skype: ghostdragoonblast
    Anything Else? (Optional): my youtube channel is MrGhostDragoon and I am also good at PvP.
    03/20/2014 3:53 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    IGN: ghostdragoon3
    Any cases of being banned?: Yes, I only been banned once but that was in a whitelisted SMP server, the owner was to picky and hated the little things that I do like asking for a trade or if I can help.
    Why do you want to join?: I want to join because I want to play on a server where I can have fun and not get picked or get mad at for the little things I do.
    Skype (if): ghostdragoonblast
    Building 1-10 (Be honest): 9/10
    Redstone 1-10 (Be honest): 4/10
    How much do you play MC?: Everyday
    How long have you played MC?: 3 years
    Would you be dedicated to the server?: Yes, I will help build community builds and help make or help other players.
    Any other comments: my youtube channel is
    03/18/2014 2:34 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    Name: Lian Do

    IGN: ghostdragoon3

    Age: 12

    Skype[this is how we leave messages you must hae skype to join]: ghostdragoonblast

    redstone Knowledge[if youre not good at redstone then please leave blank]: I am very normal with redstone by that I mean I know the basics so I would rate myself a 4/10 in redstone.

    building[if yorue not good at building then please leave blank]: I like building and I am very good at it and so I would rate myself a 9/10 and I can show you some builds of mine in skype.

    Reason you want to join: I want to join because I always wanted to play on a whitelisted like mindcrack server and have fun with the community and get to know them and do fun events with them like fighting the wither and also get prank and pranking someone and without them getting fully mad.

    if youre: ?

    How can we trust you: I am staff on many servers but I only have or play on one because I don't want to be busy all the time.

    Have you ever been on a private server before: Yes I have but the server either was shut down because it was griefed or not enough players.

    if youre a youtuber then please link me to youre channel thanks: MrGhostDragoon but I don't record that much.
    03/11/2014 6:04 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    No it wasn't Joey, They had better app because they gave more evidence instead of saying "why not, im trustworthy" when you didn't even get me evidence if you were Trustworthy. Plus your the one that applied and found my forum topic, so your the one that should STFU and get lost.
    03/07/2014 6:59 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    Rydan as I said you need skype if you want to join so we can have private meetings and talks
    03/07/2014 5:41 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    DoubleTeam, you have everything right but the only thing your missing is skype, so sry I can't accept you
    03/07/2014 5:12 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    Joey you are declined for not making a better app and not being trustworthy
    03/07/2014 5:03 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    Joey, I cannot call you trustworthy if you don't do a better application
    03/07/2014 4:57 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    BadWolf, Please send me a request, and I will add u from there
    03/07/2014 1:34 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    Age: 12
    How many years have you been playing minecraft?: 3 years
    Are you good at building?: I am good at building but I am not the best so I would rate myself 8/10
    Are you willing to be active on the server?: I will be very active and I will at least play an hour a day and 3-4 hours in the weekends
    Why do you want to join the server? I want to join a server where Age does not matter completely and I want to join this server because I always wanted to be in a mindcrack like server and have fun with all the players and the community
    Do you acknowledge that using cheating clients will get you removed?: yes, I hate hackers
    Do you have skype?: yes, MrGhostDragoon
    Will you listen to any sort of rules that will be applied to the server if need be?: Yes, unless its rules that don't or are just BS like able to take other peoples stuff.
    What timezone do you live in?: Pacific
    What country do you preside in?: United States
    IGN: ghostdragoon3
    Pictures of work/builds (gives you a better chance): I made some builds on my channel and you can go check them out (watch my Server Review and Spawn building Videos) it is my current building skill builds
    03/07/2014 11:46 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    - Minecraft Name: ghostdragoon3
    - Age: 12
    - Are you good at redstone and building: I know a little of redstone but I am very good at building.
    - What got you intrested in our server: well I like Whitelisted SMP servers where age does not matter completely and where I can have fun with people that are as good as me in building.
    - Whats your youtube account: MrGhostDragoon
    - Will you join us on skype: ghostdragoonblast
    - Anything else you want to add: I have 2 servers, one is my Prison server but it is still on work and my other is my Pixelmon whitelisted SMP server. I am also staff on 17 different servers but mainly play on 3
    03/06/2014 9:02 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    - How old are you: 12
    - Do you have have Skype (optional) ghostdragoonblast
    - What is your ign: ghostdragoon3
    - Often can you play: I can play at least an hour a day
    - What is your timezone: pacific
    - Are you a good builder: I am a good builder but I am not the best, I would rate myself 8/10
    - What are your skills? Pvp, building, little bit of redstone, World Edit, and knowledge about minecraft
    - Are you patient: I am but I am not that patient so I can only wait about for 30 minutes or so.
    -Do you work well with others: I work well with others and so I have a lot of friends on skype and in real life and I am also staff on 17 different servers but mainly play on 3
    03/06/2014 5:21 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    1) What is your IGN? ghostdragoon3
    2) How old are you? (Age doesn't affect) 12
    3) What timezone are you in? Pacific
    4) How often will you be on (Truthfully)? I will at least be on a hour a day
    5) Do you record on Youtube? (If so, channel link)*
    5) Why do you want to join BlockHaven? I want to join a server where age does not completely matter and I do not have to record all of the time just to keep playing on the server. I also like mindcrack and I always wanted to play on a server like mindcrack.
    7) Do you promise to follow the server rules? I have never disobeyed server rules and I only got banned 2 times but I got unbanned from the first server but for the 2nd server I played on a SMP whitelisted server because I was to young.
    8) Do you have skype? Yes, Its ghostdragoonblast

    Also I have my own server so I can let you see it and I am also staff on 17 different servers but I mainly play on 4
    03/06/2014 5:12 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Network
    ghostdragoon3's Avatar
    Im gonna need your skype so I can talk with you privatly

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