giancarlos's Avatar
Level 11
Journeyman Crafter

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  • Smoube - Cartoon and clean vanilla look in 8x8! (1.21 UPDATE OUT!)
    8x Minecraft 1.21 Simplistic Texture Pack
    96k 16.1k 63
    x 12
    Rodrigo_Al's Avatar Rodrigo_Al 6/22/24 4:55 • posted 10/17/20 9:12
  • Rodrigo's Pack - Cartoon and colorful look in 8x8!
    8x Minecraft 1.16.5 Simplistic Texture Pack
    718.4k 273.1k 716
    x 7
    Rodrigo_Al's Avatar Rodrigo_Al 6/22/24 2:35 • posted 7/18/16 2:38
  • Planet Minecraft Interviews DreamWanderer!
    Interview Blog
    1.1k 10
    x 1
    PMC's Avatar PMC 6/14/24 1:05
  • Rodrigo_Al's Avatar
    June 13, 2024, 8:15 pm to Public
    Smoube v2.0 released
    Hey, has been a while! I just want to let you know that I've just released a BIG update for ​Smoube for 1.20 and 1.21. You will find a lot of more information on an announcement I made recently on my Discord server talking about what I have been doing all this time, all the things that have changed around me, my projects and more

    This update is like 40% content addition and 60% texture tweaks/fixes, so if you used this texture pack before you will notice a big improvement on everything, not only on the colors but also on the design of everything: blocks, interfaces, etc. It is still unfinished and is overall 75% completed (again), but this time for 1.21. With this update I hope it gives to everyone a better first impression than it did before, and I will try to continue updating it regularly. I hope you like this update!

    See you later:)

  • Arkanaut Company
    Minecraft Skin
    Duzcthland's Avatar Duzcthland 4/24/24 4:09
  • wackywow's Avatar
    April 14, 2024, 2:52 am to Public
    Hello fellow members of PMC, I have returned, so here's a update on how I'm doing:

    The reason why I haven't been interacting and uploading anything much at all is because I've been feeling depressed for the past couple of months, getting over a loss and other financial issues. It has been really difficult to get back into the things I enjoy to do, and has caused me to be mostly inactive on most of my platforms.

    Thankfully I am feeling much better than before, and as a little returning gift I will be uploading an 8k by 8k, multi-seasonal survival map, one of the largest ones I have been working on so far. It should be up in a little less than a week, and I hope that we can renew again on even footing. I hope everyone has a pleasant day/evening!
  • wackywow's Avatar
    wackywow shared spookyshxdow's post
    March 20, 2024, 7:02 pm with Public
    lets get this CosmosPersonaQuiz trending! also, I kinda assumed this is where mine would go:
    spookyshxdow's Avatar
    March 19, 2024, 1:35 pm to Public
    bringing the cosmos persona quiz trend to pmc!
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  • wackywow's Avatar
    March 9, 2024, 12:12 am to Public
    after almost 2 weeks of camping out in Montana, I am finally back! I feel pretty motivated now, so expect a map tomorrow evening.
  • Bon the Bunny (Walten Files)
    HD Bedrock Minecraft Skin
    348 28
    wackywow's Avatar wackywow 2/18/24 11:12
  • wackywow's Avatar
    February 18, 2024, 12:35 am to Public
    It has been awhile since I've posted anything creative, so I decided to create something new:

  • wackywow's Avatar
    February 17, 2024, 12:12 pm to Public
    you know what? Im motivated again, so to all those who are somehow still waiting expect a truckload of content soon
  • wackywow's Avatar
    February 17, 2024, 12:05 pm to Public
    After taking the color test that crois shared with everyone, I can definitely say it's pretty on point:

  • wackywow's Avatar
    January 20, 2024, 8:45 pm to Public
    I got bored and messed with some photoshop:

  • wackywow's Avatar
    wackywow shared Panda_Aberdokki's post
    January 16, 2024, 11:43 am with Public
    I'm gonna try to answer all of these as detailed as I can, so here we go;

    1: I identify as a man
    2: He him (or a Walmart bag, you choose)
    3: I would say it is pretty self-explanatory, but its (wacky-wow)
    4: I can't really say as I don't regularly interact with a lot of people (big sad)
    5: I would probably say that Aspirin60, MrCrJellyfish, and Blockyboi had inspired me the most, seeing their creative work in texturing motivated met continue posting and creating new things, and Blockyboi also was the leader of our texturing group for MC plus.
    6: I would definitely say that Aspirin60 got me into skinning, at least putting more effort into mine mainly because of how impressed I was with the texture detailing.
    7: I also Make Minecraft Maps, although I haven't done much recently (I should make another one). I would assume that the strive for grander terrain generation and of nature led me to pursue this hobby.
    8: I maybe did one or two datapacks awhile ago, but I found It wasn't really my thing.
    9: I've actually been a fan of mods for quite awhile, and recently I've taken up programming so you might see some mod development soon, but right now I haven't produced anything worthwhile.
    10: I have been browsing PlanetMinecraft since the old beta days of minecraft (2012 onwards), but I only created an account during the start of covid (late 2020), so its been around 3 1/2 years now since it's creation.
    11: I don' think anyone I am friends with should be placed below others I know, so I generally hold everyone I know to an equal standard.
    12: I am currently in College right now.
    13: I do not currently have a full time job, but I do work part-time.
    14: As of now I currently do not have a significant other.
    15: As of now I have 255 subscribers
    16: Beige is the G.O.A.T.
    17: My favorite would probably be Wyverns, because I just love their design, but If it had to be non-fictional, I would pick the California Quail (such cute little guys!)
    18: I do not have a religion, but I am Theist (the belief that there is a higher being or creature that was at play in our creation, but doesn't necessarily exist today or is omnipotent in our daily lives).
    19: I would have pineapple on pizza but only on Round Table's special Mowie Zowie Hawaiian Pizza.
    20: Waffles for the win!!!
    21: I do not know you currently, but if you want to know more you can always pop me a message!
    22: I am not currently subscribed to Her, but based on the info on her homepage I will check out her page!
    23: Someone told me awhile ago in discord that I became famous in my high school after left (apparently I was some sort of celebrity for my classes back in the day)
    24: I remember that I might have posted a face reveal sometime in my 2nd year on my account, but as of now I cannot find it anywhere.
    25: I can't really say, as I do not share much personal info on PMC, SO I would have to put face reveal for that one as well.
    26: I do not think I have shared any personal info with anyone on this account as of now.
    27: I hope to reach at least level 70 by the end of this year, so expect new content to come out soon!
    28: As of now I do not currently have any crushes.
    29: I would say either Ginger Ale or Horchata, both have a unique flavor!
    30: Definitely Data Science, I currently have a Statistics class in College RN.
    31: I would probably like to meet MrCrJellyfish IRL, he seems like a fun guy to be around!
    32: I would probably say mods since they can be made compatible with vanilla clients and may have better performance than rudimentary code used by a lot of datapacks.

    E.1: I love Cheese, and I even made blog about different types for the Weird Stuff Jam that was completed last year!
    Panda_Aberdokki's Avatar
    January 15, 2024, 1:27 pm to Public
    Guys Lets Try To Start A Trend. Share This Wall Post With As Many Answers As You Feel Confertable Sharing. I Enjoy These As I Get To Learn So Much About People I Never Interacted With Before!

    1: What Gender Do You Identify As?
    2: What Are Your Pronouns
    3: How Do You Pronounce Your Username?
    4: Top 5 BFFs (Or More) Only On PMC
    5: 3 People (Or More) That Inspire You On PMC The Most!
    6: If You Do Skinning, What And Or Who Got You Into Skinning?
    7: If You Make MC Maps, What And Or Who Got You Into It?
    8: If You Do Datapacks, Why Do You Do Them Over Mods? What Or Who Got You Into It?
    9: If You Do Mods, Why Do You Do Them Over Datapacks. Who Or What Got You Into It?
    10: How Long Have You Been On PMC
    11: Do You Value All Your Friends With Equallity?
    12: Do You Still Go To School Of Some Kind? (Including University Ect)
    13: Do You Have A Job? If So What Is It?
    14: Do You Have A SO (Signeficant Other) If So, Are They On PMC?
    15: How Many PMC Subs Are You At RN? (As Of Making This)
    16: Fav Colo(u)r?
    17: Fav Animal
    18: Are You Religious? If So What Religion?
    19: Does Pineapple Belong On Pizza? If So Do You Enjoy It On Pizza?
    20: Pancakes Or Waffles Better?
    21: Whats Our Relationship? Ex: Friend, BFF, Idk You, I Kinda Know You, SO, Or Other (If Other What Is It?)
    22: Are You Subbed To _bramble, If Not, Change That. Im Tryna Beat Her In A War >;3 (Yes I Had To Plug This) Also Whats Your Fav Thing About Her Texas Self?
    23: Biggest Thing People Have Showed You Online. Ex: Telling You Their Name, Showing You There Fact Ect...
    24: Biggest Reveal On PMC? What Have You Revealed About Yourself IRL That Was The "Biggest"
    25: Hardest Reveal On PMC?
    26: Biggest Private Reveal? Ex: I Name Reveal To Panda_Wolfe & Panda_Tyger way before telling everyone else...
    27: Biggest Current Goal On PMC?
    28: Do Or Did You Have A Crush On Someone On PMC? o_0 If You Feel Confertable, Who Is/ Was you Crush?
    29: Fav Drink?
    30: Fav Subject In School Either That You Learned Already, Or Are Learning, Or Will Learn?
    31: Who On PMC Would You Want To Meet IRL Given The Chance?
    32. What Is Better? Datpacks Or Mods For Servers?

    Also Feel Free To List Any Extra Fun Facts, Facts, Commonly Asked Questions Or Just Something You Want People To Know About You, If You Do List It As E.1: E.2: Ect...

    This Is Going To Be A Long One...

    1. I Was Born A Male, And Will Stay This Way.
    2. Normal Male Pronouns.
    3. A - ber - dok - key Or Aber - dok - key (The First One You Say The Letter A, Second One Is Just The Sound)
    4. Panda_Wolfe, Panda_Tyger, _bramble, Panda_Jqcks0n & Last But Not Least ItzOrangey
    5. _bramble, She Makes Amazing Skins, Panda_Wolfe With Panda_Tyger are also huge insperation, I Would also say TheMountaineer, ItzOrangey & Arianwyn are big insperations for me on PMC aswell as IRL.
    6. Currently Working On My First 3 Skins, I Wanted To Try To Make _bramble A Skin Based On Her Discord PFP, Making 1 For Mad On Her Discord PFP Cuz She Hasnt Gotten One In A Long Time If Ever SO SHOW HER LOVE & Panda_Jqcks0n Becuase His First Skin Is Simple An Im Trying To Make Him A FS. I Would Say _bramble, Panda_Wolfe & Panda_Tyger def got me into skinning.
    7. I Don't
    8. I Don't
    9. I Don't
    10. I Joined On Aug 5, 2023. Didn't Post Anything For 1 - 2 Months!
    11. Not To Be Mean, But To Be Honest. No I Don't.
    12. Yes, I go To School Still!
    13. No Sadly
    14. No.
    15. 124
    16. Light Blue All The Way!
    17. Wolf Or Panda! Aka Panda_Wolfe
    18. Yes, Idk If I Could Call Myself A Christian But I Am Working On My Christianity!
    19. Yes, But I DOnt Enjoy It
    20. Pancakes All The Way
    21. I Am Myself.
    22. Yus, OBV... Anyways Fav Thing Has To Be Her Ability To Be Super Super Super Funny Or Lighten Any Mood Or Be Able To Always Make Me Feel Happy When Talking To Her
    23. Prob Knowing _bramble's Name & Age. OR SEEING HER HAND
    24. Prob My Room.
    25. My Name 100%
    26. Panda_Wolfe + Panda_Tyger AKA Panda Twins, Know A Rough Location Of Where I Live!
    27. 200, I Was Redoing Room Reveal + _bramble Is Making A Skin Based On What I Look Like IRL For 200 Subs
    28. Im Kinda OBV With It, _bramble
    29. Shirly Temple Or Pina Collta For Special Days Or Just Chocolate Milk If Im Feelin Fancy. Normaly Its Just Milk Or Orange Juice
    30. Im Weird & Enjoy Math Of All Kind, I Will Go Even As Far As I Kinda Find It Relaxing To Do.
    31. Panda_Wolfe, Panda_Tyger, ItzOrangey, Arianwyn, TheMountaineer, Panda_Jqcks0n, Mad & _bramble Obv xD Im Missing A Few, But These Are Some Of The TOP
    32. I Think Datapacks Are Easier To Add, But I Enjoy Mods Generaly More Due To A Wider Scope Of Options.

    Wow, That Was Long! TYSM For Reading It All! LOL
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    Panda_Aberdokki said 2024-01-16 15:44:18
    Panda_Aberdokki's Avatar
    I learn! Also filesaes is amazing also I'll chat whenever!
  • wackywow's Avatar
    January 9, 2024, 10:48 am to Public
    Is today is 'The Day' that I plan for tomorrow to be 'The Day' because I'm too tired to do 'Today' 🤔?
    Cacti said 2024-01-09 12:43:33
    Cacti's Avatar
  • FNAF Movie Springlock Suit
    HD Bedrock Minecraft Skin
    889 87
    wackywow's Avatar wackywow 12/6/23 5:01
  • Planet Minecraft Interviews ZappyGru!
    Interview Blog
    1.8k 11
    x 1
    PMC's Avatar PMC 12/1/23 11:09
  • wackywow's Avatar
    November 23, 2023, 12:14 pm to Public
    'haha! you fell for classic blunder!' -Carl Fredrickson, creator of the light bulb, circa 1776
  • wackywow's Avatar
    November 23, 2023, 12:07 pm to Public
    Happy Thank of Giving y'all!
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