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    06/07/2016 10:23 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Gil3344's Avatar
    1. Why should you be added to the whitelist? Because im nice and... ok i cant bs my way out of this i just like survival and i want to play with my friends...
    2. How Old you are/Where are you from? 16 and from israel
    3. How much do you play minecraft, how many hours a day? i play minecraft since the beta and pretty much whenever i want
    4. Have you played on a whitelisted server before? yes! i played on like 3 before sadly they are all on shitty times
    5. Describe yourself.. Im Gil and my IGN Is Gil3344 other then that nothing really
    05/31/2016 3:15 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Gil3344's Avatar
    Ingame Name: Gil3344
    Age: 16
    How Often do you play minecraft: anytime on on the computer
    What you enjoy doing/building in minecraft: houses and redstone
    Why would you like to join us: because i've been looking for a survival server and i found this
    Optional Info : i was already on this server but i got knocked off the whitelist
    and that you agree to the rules below simple (yes) or no
    05/31/2016 2:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Gil3344's Avatar
    neither can i
    05/29/2016 3:00 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Gil3344's Avatar
    Ingame Name: Gil3344


    How Often do you play minecraft: Anytime Im on the computer.

    Optional Info : ive been playing since minecraft was in beta I have alot of survival knowlegde and I am here with a group so if you see an application from "D_C_H, ElayCoolulMC, Derpool, Tony_FTW, SSG_SSJ_Vegeta please consider accepting"

    And Yes I Accept The Rules
    02/05/2016 3:24 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Gil3344's Avatar
    IGN(In Game Name): Gil3344
    Age: 14
    Skype(You must have this): gil9il
    Experience(1-10): minecraft experiance 9/10 modded experiance 6/10
    Maturity(1-10): to be honest sometimes 5 and sometimes 10 depends on mood and stuff
    12/05/2015 2:19 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Gil3344's Avatar
    1) What is your full name?: Gil Osher

    2) What is your IGN (In Game Name)?: Gil3344

    3) What is your Age?: 14

    3) What is your time zone?: GMT +2 Jerusalem

    4) How many average hours do you play a day?: 8

    5) Do you have activities that may interfere with moderator duties?: not to my knowledge

    6) Why do you want to become a moderator?: because i was an experianced moderator on a skyblock server running 1.5~ years (sadly shut down) and im good with commands

    7) Why should we pick you?: because i love minecraft and im pretty good at it and i can help people on all sorts of stuff so as ofcourse moderating chat and the server itself

    8) Do you have any experience with being a staff member?: yes i do shown in paragraph (6)

    9) Do you have experience with commands like /mute?: yes again shown in paragraph (6)

    10) Do you have a Skype account with a fully functional microphone?: yes and yes my skype username is gil9il
    11/07/2015 4:58 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Gil3344's Avatar
    How old are you: 14

    IGN: Gil3344

    Skype: gil9il

    What experience do you have: Moderating a few lesser know servers... mostly skyblock

    Timezone: GMT+3 Jerusalem

    How long can you be on each day: 4-6hr
    How familiar are you with plugins: im pretty good with plugins

    Why do you want to be staff: i see people post recruitments every day and you looked like a server with alot of potential to become a HUGE network and i pay you the best of lucks and respect.

    What can you bring to this server: i could moderate pretty well on this server and if ill (luckily) get the staff positon ill be sure to tune in EveryDay

    How good are you working in a team: from 1-10 ill say 8.7. why 8.7 you may ask? depends on the team! if its a team of kids... it will be very tough but if they are mature and know how to talk it will probably be a rating of 9.6 becuase its easier to talk with matures...
    10/12/2015 3:01 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Gil3344's Avatar
    plz do Gil3344
    10/10/2015 1:38 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Gil3344's Avatar
    Staff & Builder Format
    How Old Are You? 14
    Do You Have A Mic?(Needed) ofcourse
    Skype(Needed) gil9il
    IGN(Needed) Gil3344
    Why Do You Want To Become Staff Or Builder? Because i love prison and this server has potential
    What Can You Do As Staff Or Builder? Help around direct people explain stuff and just overall be nice
    How Much Can You Play Daily? alot xD 4-6 hr and on weekends like 8hrs
    08/19/2015 2:47 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Gil3344's Avatar
    Hey i applied whats the ip?

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