Gluonmaster's Avatar
Level 9 Apprentice Crafter

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    01/27/2022 5:01 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
    Gluonmaster's Avatar
    I'd be interested in joining if you would allow me to record your server for YouTube. I also would like to propose a deal. If you join you can advertise your server there and get tips from me about advertising better.
    10/13/2021 10:59 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
    Gluonmaster's Avatar
    10/13/2021 10:51 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
    Gluonmaster's Avatar
    True. In regards to the execute command I did not know that lol.

    As for the pillagers I do agree with the conclusion that ai raids can be fun I just think personally they should be less common and scale with equipment.
    10/13/2021 12:39 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
    Gluonmaster's Avatar
    I mean realistic is not the same as fun.

    We should be focusing on fun rather than realism.

    If I wanted something realistic I could walk outside in real life lol.

    There is a game called Factorio for example which has a mod that makes things "more realistic". I hate that mod because it takes like a full real life year to do anything because of how complicated and time consuming it is to have things be realistic.

    Of course you don't have to go that far and realism still could improve the aesthetic. But I personally like Minecraft's current asethetic.
    10/13/2021 4:47 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
    Gluonmaster's Avatar
    But in all seriousness 1.12 is good since it is late/established enough to have a large server/modding community along content which benefits the game like combat features, the ability to have tons of command tools, and redstone contraptions. It also has some nice large servers.

    1.13 removes the testfors which I use. Also a small thing is I'm a traditionalist who dislike the new water textures.
    I mean personally I think 1.13 is fine but there aren't may good mods that are 1.13 AND can be used together.

    I dislike the 1.14 ai pillager raids.
    There is a whole reddit page dedicated to the various issues.

    1.15 adds bees. The mechanic feels kinda add on and tacky. There is another reddit with some people commenting on various issues.

    1.16 adds better nether which I like because the nether before then was pretty dull. However there are already plenty of 1.12 mods that change the nether or add other dimensions.

    I've not tried 1.17 yet but if I do then I can give my review here.

    Fundamentally the big reason is servers. I just already have established a home in some 1.12 servers.
    10/13/2021 3:18 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
    Gluonmaster's Avatar
    10/13/2021 4:47 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
    Gluonmaster's Avatar
    But in all seriousness 1.12 is good since it is late/established enough to have a large server/modding community along content which benefits the game like combat features, the ability to have tons of command tools, and redstone contraptions. It also has some nice large servers.

    1.13 removes the testfors which I use. Also a small thing is I'm a traditionalist who dislike the new water textures.
    I mean personally I think 1.13 is fine but there aren't may good mods that are 1.13 AND can be used together.

    I dislike the 1.14 ai pillager raids.
    There is a whole reddit page dedicated to the various issues.

    1.15 adds bees. The mechanic feels kinda add on and tacky. There is another reddit with some people commenting on various issues.

    1.16 adds better nether which I like because the nether before then was pretty dull. However there are already plenty of 1.12 mods that change the nether or add other dimensions.

    I've not tried 1.17 yet but if I do then I can give my review here.

    Fundamentally the big reason is servers. I just already have established a home in some 1.12 servers.

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