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Level 32
Artisan Caveman

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    01/31/2023 4:55 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Caveman
    goober-'s Avatar
    Thanks for replying; I'm not a very advanced coder, but I did manage to figure out what I had to do, but now the paraglider is spawned at 0,0,0 and won't teleport above. I haven't changed anything about the teleporting code. Here is my code.

    Clearing (runs every tick) :
    execute as @p if score @s onground matches 1 run effect clear @s minecraft:levitation
    execute as @p if score @s onground matches 1 run effect clear @s minecraft:slow_falling

    Giving (runs when right clicked the item to summon the armour stand.) :
    execute as @p if score @s onground matches 0 run effect give @s levitation 3600 243 true
    execute as @p if score @s onground matches 0 run effect give @s slow_falling 3600 243 true

    Code to teleport armour stand (runs every tick) :
    execute as @p at @s run teleport @e[tag=gliderstand] ~ ~0.8 ~ ~ ~

    Code to detect item rightclicked (runs every tick) :
    execute as @a[scores={rightclick=1..},nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:carrot_on_a_stick",tag:{paraglider:1b}}}] run function glider:rightmouse
    01/31/2023 3:05 am
    Level 32 : Artisan Caveman
    goober-'s Avatar
    Hey, thanks for helping me! It works great, but I have another question (sorry to annoy you). I have a scoreboard that knows if you are on the ground, and if you are, the value is 1. If not, the value is 0. How would I make it so that it is 1 to give potion effects, but if it's at 0, remove them?
    10/07/2021 7:43 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Caveman
    goober-'s Avatar
    Could you add like, better dogs? I'm i small datapack creator, i have tried many times but failed.

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