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    09/02/2016 1:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Hannah Annafellows
    Hannah Annafellows's Avatar
    I seem to have made an error on the application. My screen name is Hannah Annafellows, not Hannah Faustus. I'm am so sorry for the mix-up. It was very late when I wrote the application, and though I realize that that is not a good excuse, it is the truth. I was tired and I hadn't thought to go over my application and I wrote "Hannah Faustus" because that was going to be my screen name before I changed it. I'm am terribly sorry for the mix-up and hope that you will still consider my application for the role of Alois Trancy.
    08/20/2016 1:05 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Hannah Annafellows
    Hannah Annafellows's Avatar

    Hello, my name is Hannah Faustus. Well, that is my screen name.

    I would like to be Alois Trancy because I have a lot of respect for him and I feel that I would make a suitable Alois.

    This is what I know about Alois Trancy:

    Note before we start:

    I didn’t copy and paste any of the following information. I wanted to mention this at the beginning because I don’t want you to think that I am that low. I would never disrespect Alois like that. I hold very high respect for him, and to copy and paste information about his life and claim it as my own, it would be a crime against the Trancy name. I want this part because I want to be worthy of calling myself a Trancy fan. I really like Alois and I want to say that I am a Trancy fan, but if I don’t even know enough about him to get this part, then I can’t really say I am a fan, now can I. I also would never cheat because I wish I was his servant. I have a person that goes to my school that also knows Black Butler, and she plays the part of Alois and I play Claude. I act as Claude because I wish I was a servant for the Trancy household. Every day I hope that by some miracle, Alois will come to life and I will be able to serve him and give him everything he could ever want. I know that is impossible, but that is how bad I want to be a Trancy servant. I would give my life to protect him. I wouldn’t hesitate to kill for him, to die for him, to do anything for him. If I get this part, it proves that I know Alois enough to even pretend he would think about hiring me as his butlerette. Now, I should probably get on with my information.

    Alois Trancy’s real name is Jim Macken. His brother is Luka Macken. Jim was born in a small village. I am sorry, but I do not know the name of the village in which he and his brother were born. Please do accept my apologize.

    After the untimely death of Jim and Luka’s parents, the towns people started treating the brothers very poorly. The brothers often had to steal from others just to survive. This caused the townspeople to be very mad and hurtful towards the children. Sometimes they would get things thrown at them. In one case, it is shown that Luka had a stone thrown him. After this, Jim wishes that everyone would die. Luka tells him that he is sure Jim’s wish would come true very soon.

    One day, Jim and Luka had left the town, though it is not said where they went, I must assume that they had gone into a forest, seeing as the background in the scene suggests that. It is also not said why they left the town, though I must assume that there was a good reason. I am sorry that I do not know the reason of which all of these events took place. Anyways, Jim and Luka were by a river when they saw bodies floating in the river. All of the people looked like they were very afraid. Luka and Jim then looked in the direction of the village. There was smoke coming from the village. When they got back to the village, there were many fires and everyone was dead. Luka and Jim then go to raid the houses.

    After taking a few items from some of the villagers, Jim goes to find Luka. I forgot to mention this, but they had split up. Jim feels a rush of cold air and starts calling Luka, telling him that it is time to go home. After searching for an amount of time, he finds Luka, whom is lying, face down, on the ground. Jim goes and hugs Luka, but then realizes something is not right. He tries to wake up Luka, but has no success. He hugs Luka tighter and yells out that he doesn’t want to be left alone.

    An amount of time later, (sorry, I am not sure how long after the fire and Luka’s death) Jim is picked up and put onto a truck that is full of others boy, all of which look his age. He is taken to a place called the Trancy manor, in which he will stay for the remainder of his life.
    All of the boys are then brought into a room, in which an older man, former head Trancy, looks at them one by one. When he calls Jim forwards, Jim walks up and stands before former head Trancy, but is then pushed down and beat. Former head Trancy say that Jim’s eyes are filthy.
    After this happens, Jim is taken to what looks like a basement and he is waiting to be bathed, or so that is what I got from the scene. While he is waiting, he overhears another boy talking about a fairy. When he is ignored by the boy he was talking to, Jim goes over and asks the boy how to summon this fairy.

    Later, Jim goes into a forest and runs through a spider web that is wet with morning dew and calls out some word that he was told to say. When nothing happens, He feels that he was foolish and that it was just a useless story. Just when he had given up, he felt something begin to fall. At first he had thought that it was snow, but soon realized that he was looking at ashes. After that the scene goes blank. Jim then wakes up in what looks like a giant spider’s web. A large spider starts crawling towards him, and then speaks. During this conversation, the spider asks Jim what his wish is. Even though Jim had summoned the “fairy” he didn’t think of a wish. The spiders face turns into a dark blob, and then after a bit, it turns into a face of a man. The man has yellow eyes, sharp eyebrows, and a mouth that has a voice as cold as ice. That is just my opinion though.

    After a while, the spider lets Jim go free and tells him that if/when he decided on a wish, he would be able to call the spider. As Jim is walking, he calls to the spider, asking him if he is a fairy. The spider tells Jim that he is a demon.

    Later in his life, Jim has become former head Trancy’s favourite…um…bedmate. I really don’t know what to say for this. Anyways, Jim calls upon the spider demon and tells him that his goal is to get revenge on the people that killed Luka. The spider demon, whom is now known as Claude Faustus, tells Jim that it was a demon that killed Luka. The demons name is Sebastian Michaelis and he now works for a boy named Ciel Phantomhive. Jim, whom is now known as Alois Trancy, says that he wants Ciel dead and when Claude asks why, he says that he doesn’t just want Sebastian to die, for that would be way too easy, he wants Sebastian to feel a pain worse than death.
    After the death of former head Trancy, Alois becomes head Trancy. He goes to the funeral of former head Trancy and cries, though it is fairly obvious that this is just an act. After the funeral, Claude, who is now Alois’s butler, and Alois walk back to the Trancy manor.

    Period of time later:
    Alois is head of the Trancy manor. He has five servants.

    Claude Faustus, his head butler and the demon he is in a contract with.
    Hannah Annafellows, his only female servant
    And of course the unforgettable Trancy Triplets, Thompson, Timber and Canterbury.

    Alois has the house decorations all changed and has freed all of the remaining boy that had survived the abuse former head Trancy had put them through.

    One day, Alois gets told that Arnold Trancy, former head Trancy's brother and Alois's “uncle”, is coming to visit. Alois tells Claude, whom is the one telling him the news, that Uncle Arnold only wants to visit because of his money. Claude informs Alois that Arnold is coming with a priest and the Viscount Druitt. Alois begins to panic because he had changed the whole house, but Claude tells Alois not to worry.

    When the guests arrive, the house is said to look just as it did when Alois’s “father” was alive. The priest is there because Arnold is suspicious about Alois. When Alois is asked about his past, he makes a lie. He tells his guests that he was brought up in a village in which he was treated harshly. One other boy was treated the same, Alois says. Alois also say that he thought of the boy as a brother, thus referring to Luka. Claude gives Alois a warning look when this is said, because he doesn't want Alois’s cover to be blown. Alois goes on to describe a fake past. The lie fools everyone and the priest prays that Alois will find happiness. Alois say that he will be fine as long as he has his uncle. He runs up and hugs his uncle and then says that Arnold has he old mans breath. This causes Arnold to hate Alois even more.

    When Arnold is about to leave, Alois calls out from the top window, saying that he knows why Arnold Trancy is really here. Then he drops down a bunch of bank notes down to Arnold Trancy.

    Skip forward:

    The Trancy’s are visited by a stranger. They let him stay for the night, seeing as a storm has come. As he stays, Claude doesn't seem to like him, but Alois seems very curious. He enters the strangers room and then asks what is in the strangers trunk, which he had brought with him. The stranger promises to show Alois what is in the trunk, if Alois shows him what is in the basement. Alois and the stranger go into the basement and then the stranger reaches for a box of tea leaves. The two talk and Alois say that before the stranger can take the box, he must do something for him. A voice calls out and say that first the stranger must hand over the trunk. The voice belongs to Claude, who throws three knives at the stranger. The knives take of the coat the stranger had been wearing, and reveals that the stranger is in fact Sebastian Michaelis. After a long fight, the trunk breaks open and Ciel is inside, asleep. Sebastian escapes, despite the efforts of the Trancy demons.

    After some time, Alois invites Ciel to a party. Before the party, Alois tries to find a costume, but doesn't like any of the ones from his closet. So he tells Hannah that he wants her clothes.

    At the party, Ciel gets a drink spilled on him. He looks up and Alois, dressed as a maid, is standing there. Maid Alois acts all sweet and says that she would hate to leave a stain. (When Alois is acting as a maid, I'll just say she, seeing as Ciel thought Alois was a girl). Ciel follows Maid Alois into a room, where he removes his jacket and Maid Alois removes the stain. Or tries to. Then she walks over to Ciel and tells Ciel that it is all done. Ciel is about to object, but then Maid Alois says that Ciel has lovely blue eyes. She mentions that she wonders if a persons soul turns that colour when they die. Ciel is confused and before he can move, Maid Alois steals Ciel’s eyepatch. Ciel places his hand over his eye and Maid Alois say Ciel was hiding a little something.

    The next time Alois is seen on screen, he is in the forest behind the Trancy manor. Ciel had been running and when he had stopped, Alois had came out from behind a tree, still dressed as a maid, asks Ciel if it hurts and offers to “lick it all better for him”. Ciel confronts Alois, telling him that he knows he is not a woman. Alois pulls off a wig that he had been wearing and Claude comes out from behind a tree. Sebastian comes out from behind Ciel and the two groups have a long conversation. During this conversation, Alois tells Ciel that if he doesn't cooperate, everyone he loves will die. Claude and the triplets, who have come as well, fight Sebastian in order to get Ciel, but they do not win. No body dies.

    Alois invites Ciel over to his mansion once again, saying that he wants to say sorry for the way he was acting. When Ciel comes over, the two agree that they shall have their butlers “dance” for them. It is the dance of death, just to clarify. Alois and Ciel go to watch on the balcony as the butlers and butlerette fight. First the triplets fight Sebastian. They lose. Then Hannah fights Sebastian. She comes close to winning, but is stopped by Sebastian when he throws knives at her. Just as Sebastian is about to finish her off, Claude pushes a giant chess piece in between Sebastian and Hannah. They call for a lunch break, they being Claude and Sebastian.

    Durning lunch, Alois is fed by Claude, whereas Ciel eats without the help of his butler. I'm not saying that I don't like that Alois did that, it just seemed odd to me.

    After lunch, Claude and Sebastian fight. Ciel suggest that Alois takes him on a tour of the mansion. Alois say that he figures Ciel has to use the washroom as well, so he and Ciel go into the mansion. Once inside, Ciel and Alois walk around and then Ciel says that he wants a duel. Alois says “so you didn't just want me to come piss with you” and then, after talking a bit, the two start duelling. At the beginning of the duel, Ciel tries to cheat, but is stopped by Alois, whom knew Ciel would pull a stunt like that. As the duel goes on, Alois pushes Ciel off of a railing, and then tries to kill Ciel. Ciel, however, manages to stab Alois. The butlers have come to the room now, and Alois looks down at his stomach. He then starts screaming and crying. Ciel stands over him and threatens to kill him. Alois begs Ciel to spare him, saying that it hurts and he doesn't want to die. Ciel says that Alois is pathetic and that since Alois killed his family, why should he show Alois mercy. When ciel says this, Alois tells Ciel that there has been a misunderstanding. He tells Ciel that his family also died and that Ciel is being tricked by a demon. When Ciel hears this, he pauses, but only for a minute. Then he goes to stab Alois, but is stopped by Claude. When Alois looks up, he sees Claude, who has blood on his face. The blood is Ciel's. When Claude licks it off, Alois notices that Claude almost goes into a dazed state. When Sebastian gets Claude out of his dazed state, Alois yells to Claude, asking him to help. Claude seems to hear Alois, but does nothing to help him. Alois starts screaming the contract words, and then spits out blood. He tells Claude that “he looks like he is staring at maggots swarming on a…” but then passes out, due to blood loss.

    The next time Alois is on screen, he is back at his manor. He has been bandaged and is lying in his bed. When Hannah walks into the room, he grabs the bandages that were in her hands and strangles her with them, telling her to get Claude. Claude come and helps with Alois's bandages. While he is doing this, the two talk and Claude mentions that the wound was sloppy. Alois notices that Claude says this like he is hoping the cut was deeper and more lethal. Alois voices these thoughts, but Claude denies that this is what he is thinking. Alois asks Claude if he fancies the taste of Alois's soul. To answer this, Claude smiles at Alois and tells him he does. When Claude leaves, Alois wonders what made Claude smile and says that the smile was wrong. A smile from Claude?! That's is what Alois seems to have felt.

    Alois climbs out of bed and walks out of the room. He knocks Hannah over while in the hall, and yells at her to take him to the Phantomhive manor. On the way there, Alois bleeds more and a Shinigami named Grell Sutcliff comes. While the two talk, Hannah comes and breaks the side of the carriage that they had been riding, which has gone on its side now. Grell and Hannah fight. Meanwhile, Alois goes to a tree, where he thinks will be his resting place. He has a flash back of sometimes he had with Claude. He says that he knows “Claude is just hungry” and that “his feelings are nothing more than a poorly made source clouding the flavour”, and then he sees a wolf thing that has come to finish him off. He closes his eyes and then hears something rip. When he opens his eyes, Claude is standing over him, holding the body of the dog-thing. Alois grabs Claude's leg and says that Claude is all that he has left. Claude says that Alois shouldn't says such ridiculous things, but Alois yells at Claude and then says that he thinks Claude is his highness. Claude places his hands on Alois’s checks and says that that's is a strange thing to say to butler. Then Claude…he…oh god. I feel like I should hate Claude for this. But you know what's funny. I don't hate Claude. I can't. I can't because Alois doesn't. I wish that Alois had just been taken to a hospital at this part. Or that he died of blood loss, but before his soul could die, Claude puts it in a ring. But he doesn't. Alois doesn't die of blood loss, he is…he is killed by his butler. So I must write this part, because this is what happened. I must write this part because if I don't, then Alois's story, his life, wouldn't be complete, would it. Even thought it hurts, I must. So here it goes. Claude breaks Alois neck. He kills Alois. Then he puts Alois's soul in a ring that Alois always wears. This is how he dies.

    Alois takes over Ciel's body when Claude combines the two boys memories. Alois then sends Claude and Sebastian into a maze. In the maze, they have to answer questions about Alois. The answers are from Alois's heart. Claude is almost about to win, when Alois asks the question that he must ask. He asks Claude why he killed him. Claude is about to lie, but then he admits that he did it to get Ciel's soul. Claude falls through a trap door. Alois starts to cry, telling Claude that he could have just lied and Alois would have been happy. Claude has to go through the maze again and he gets to one question that asks about Luka. Claude says that Hannah killed Luka, not Sebastian. Alois looks at Hannah,who is smiling. Hannah tells Alois that she did form a contract with Luka. She explains that Luka summoned her and that his goal was to make his brother happy. Hannah says that as she watched Luka, she felt some thing she hadn't before. She felt love. Luka was whole devoted to Alois, she explains. She says that even thought she felt things for Luka, she could only do one thing for him. She had to complete his goal as the contract said. When she had done that, she went to eat Luka's soul. Luka thanks her for making his wish come true. When she eats his soul, she starts to cry. She explains that no other soul she had taken had thanked her.

    Alois is confused, and then Hannah tells Alois that serving Alois, being near him, made her happy. She says that it is particularly because Luka, who sleeps inside her, wants to be near Alois, but also because she loves Alois. She says that she loves her master and she loved Luka. She tells Alois to form a new contract with her, so that all three of them could be together. While this is happening, Ciel is staring to break free.

    Alois fights Ciel. He goes and forms a contract with Hannah. His goal is that neither Claude or Sebastian gets Ciel. Alois has the two demon butlers fight to the death. Alois and Ciel are shown being in what I like to call a “soul room”, in which the two talk. Alois says that he did a horrible thing to Ciel and that he was just jealous that everybody wanted Ciel. He says that when one of the demons butlers die, Alois will let Hannah eat his soul and he will die for real. As the fight goes on, the two boys talk and then Alois realizes that Claude has died. Alois screams out, but then relaxes, realizing that it is all over. Ciel asks him if this is what he wanted, if Alois is satisfied. Alois says that he doesn't know and that now, he doesn't really care. Then he fades away, leaving Ciel alone in the souls room. Alois is reunited with Luka, whom is also inside Hannah. The two have a talk and Luka says that he doesn't have to be lonely anymore. Alois says that that is true and that all of them can be together. Luka, Hannah, Claude and himself.

    That is the life of Alois Trancy. This is what I know about him. I know bits and pieces of his life. I know that Alois may come off as a bad person, whom beats and abuses his servants, but inside he is just a scared, lonely child who wants to be loved. He cares for his servants and even loves Claude and Hannah. He adored Luka and would never dream of hurting him. It wasn't his fault that he was hurt by Former Head Trancy. It also wasn't his fault that he wanted to hurt Ciel.

    A bit about his personality:

    Alois has a strange personality. Sometimes he is very homely and he was separation anxiety as well, as it may seem. Sometimes he seems to feel very badly for himself, and other times he seems to not even care what he does. He also seems to have trouble with anger. He gets mad very easily. But he also has a soft side, too.

    All of the information above is what I know about Alois.
    Role play:

    “That's what makes a Trancy Butler, as you say. That's my Claude!” Laughs. “As long as I have you, I don't need those other useless Claudes. One thing, I prefer my roses displayed like this!”

    Places rose in Claude’s mouth.

    Dances around a little bit and…


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