happypandas's Avatar
Level 6
Apprentice Crafter

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    09/26/2012 9:43 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
    happypandas's Avatar
    you need a skype adam srry
    09/25/2012 8:23 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
    happypandas's Avatar
    you are all accepted pm me your skype and i will add you!
    09/23/2012 7:09 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
    happypandas's Avatar
    excellent ill add you on skype
    09/23/2012 7:06 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
    happypandas's Avatar
    Excellent is your server private? or is there others on it?

    (it doesnt really matter im jw)
    09/23/2012 2:48 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
    happypandas's Avatar
    anyone at all? plz im desperate
    09/15/2012 2:06 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
    happypandas's Avatar
    I will

    Age 15
    IGN: happypandas
    Reason: This sounds fun, I am a great builder and I enjoy working with others.
    Maturity: can be whatever it needs to be.
    Experience Big: I only like building large things
    Terra forming: I have little expierience but i could try.
    Link: Nope
    Skype: Pm me and ill tell ya.
    08/14/2012 4:10 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
    happypandas's Avatar
    Hi, Happypandas here, I figured i would also let you know a little bit about myself . A while ago i started a server but it did not go well (not enough donations) so i had to close it down. Ever since then i have missed coding, modding and managing plugins. I would like to be any part of your team, i really am not particular, and if you want i could help code plugins and do alot of the "techy" things.

    NAME: Chase

    IGN: happypandas

    Why do you want to be staff: I love helping people and i also like coding and building (world edit helps ). I am nice to anyone who is nice to me and i respect anyone who has earned it.

    What are your skills in building: I am a fairly skilled builder specializing in 3-D art such as statues or sculptures. I also have a great understanding of redstone having made a calculator and a keyboard.

    Will you follow the staff rules: Ofc I will respect all rules enforced!

    I am male and age 15.

    Thanks, Happypandas
    07/26/2012 12:56 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
    happypandas's Avatar
    Skype: rumple_foreskin1
    IGN: happypandas
    Age: 14
    Maturity: 8
    How deep is your voice on a scale from 1-10(Doesnt apply to girls) 5-6
    Gender: Male
    CAn you play just about everyday? Yes
    Can you record? No
    Do you own a server (No Hamachi or cracked)? Yes (not available for use)
    What can you do to help the channel out: I can be active, helpful, and nice.
    07/18/2012 4:31 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
    happypandas's Avatar
    IGN: happypandas
    Age: 14
    Why: I am a great builder and can dedicate lots of my time (atleast 5 hours Mon-Fri) I am very proffessional and i like a challenge
    07/18/2012 2:45 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
    happypandas's Avatar
    Real Name: Chase
    Age: 14
    Country: USA
    How Long I've Played Mc: 1 and 1/2 years
    Server Experience: Briefly Owned a Server, have been mod on 2 servers.
    How do you know I'm loyal: I am able to dedicate 5+ hours a day and if no wrong doing has been done to me, no wrong doing will be done to you.
    Skype: rumple_foreskin1
    Can you donate: We'll see how its going (possibly).
    Why Should you pick me?: Because i can dedicate lots of my time to the server, I am a very good builder, and have lots of experience with dealing with people and servers, (can help a little with plugins too).
    Mc IGN: happypandas
    Extra: I have almost all day to work on the server, I'm good at making spawn areas, and pvp arenas.
    Server Name: Chaos PVP
    07/18/2012 2:29 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
    happypandas's Avatar
    Well I tried that for the password, nothing, the only username i have tried is Admin
    have tried passowrd, nothing , pass and admin for the password, none worked.
    07/18/2012 1:02 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
    happypandas's Avatar
    Any of you any good at port forwarding?

    I really need help witht that :/ before Any one can even help with plugins.
    07/18/2012 1:11 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
    happypandas's Avatar
    anyone? plz i really need help
    07/18/2012 12:59 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
    happypandas's Avatar
    Is this thing still a go? TripUp i cant speak for him but i have tried setting up a server and failed so using yours would be great (All up to Nev. ofc)
    07/10/2012 5:11 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
    happypandas's Avatar
    Unfortunately i am no good with mods, however i would love to help you build the map if it's on a multiplayer server.

    Thanks, Happypandas

    P.S. I know many survival servers have a money system, therefore the mod is already out there somewhere. And an idea for how to purchase the guns is to do what survival servers do for shops, have a sign with the cost on it and you right click the sign when enough money is achieved to get the gun.

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