Harribear77's Avatar
Level 2
Apprentice Miner

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    04/27/2012 11:57 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    Harribear77's Avatar
    - must be AT LEAST level two in PMC
    - must have AT LEAST 1 post on PMC
    -mature,and most important,GOOD GRAMMAR!!

    here is the app:

    Admin job

    IGN: Harribear77
    have you griefed before: Nope, i respect rules as if my life depended on it.
    maturity level: 9//10
    building skill: 9/10, I cant do many builds. My skills include shops, malls, farms, spawn, hotels, buildings, and pixel-art.
    why you should be picked: I would love to help you, plus I meet all the requirements you have asked for. I also have played mine craft since 1.1 alpha and been staff over 12 times. These severs include, Shadow Raze, CheezeCraft, Craftia, Tiny Mine, SwordCraft, FearCraft, The Hunger Games (Real sever name.) HaxirCraft, Terrafermia, and much more!
    How can you make the server better: I can help out around the server and do about anything that you ask me to. If I don't know how to do something exactly, I'm sure I can learn quickly. Also, I am familiar to many of the plugins in Minecraft. I can help if you need help on anything or, if anyone else needs anything.
    Do you follow server rules: Yes, and nothing but. If briefing is allowed and I just started, I'd search for something. If it's not allowed, I'd go and survive normally without briefing, stealing, raiding, etc... I'm very loyal, trustworthy and respectful.

    I hope i can help on the sever! My PMC level is not 2 tho it is 1 1/2, but hopefully you can make a exception.
    04/26/2012 1:24 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    Harribear77's Avatar
    What are you applying for? Fighter
    Age: 14
    Skype: (Yes or no) Yes : add me HarrisonWu77 real name : Harrison Wu
    Have you done this before? Of course! ive been on many faction sever I love pvp. Im a pretty good player about 9/10 i would rate my self but tell me if im wrong!
    Anything else? Im very experienced with combat situations also im on 100% , but off the time not if im at school :/ Im good at faction commands so if u need help ask!
    04/26/2012 1:14 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    Harribear77's Avatar
    IGN: Harribear77
    Age (too make sure no little kids join): 15
    Rank: builder
    Why you should have that rank: I'm a good PvPer and a great faction owner, also i can mine very well with a method developed
    Pvp skills 1/10: 9/10 Note: If i lagg or my fps drops its 7/10
    04/26/2012 1:13 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    Harribear77's Avatar
    IGN: Harribear77
    Age (too make sure no little kids join): 15
    Rank: builder
    Why you should have that rank: I'm a good PvPer and a great faction owner, also i can mine very well with a method developed
    Pvp skills 1/10: 9/10 Note: If i lagg or my fps drops its 7/10

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