Hartford15's Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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    07/13/2013 11:24 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Hartford15's Avatar
    Name: Levi Johnson, ign Hartford15
    Age: 16
    Magic: Path of the Gods
    Nome: Brooklyn
    position(trainee, Teacher, Leader): Trainee
    Backstory: I was raised by a single mom. I learned later in life that my dad was burned up trying to host a god. He failed because he let the god take over totally during a battle. I Host Ptah because I went to a date farm and the farmer was hosting him. When Ptah saw that I was a blood of a Pharaoh, he gave up that host and started hosting me. My mom brought me to the Brooklyn nome and left before I could say anything, not knowing I was hosting a god. A lot has happened. I have helped train others and have been on missions on my own. I am best at Divine Word magic. And I am not too shabby at combat magic.
    appearance: I have brown hair and brown eyes. I usually have my hair short. I wear Egyptian linens so I can use my magic to my full potential. I wear the symbol of Set on an amulet my father left me.
    anything else?: Not that I can think of
    God hosted?( backstory has to be REALLY GOOD for this): I was at a date farm once (just don't ask why), I saw the farmer and decided to say hello. When I walked up to him there was something wrong. When he turned he said "Hmmmmm, blood of the Pharaohs'. I haven't had a host like that for a long time. A weird brown mist came out of the guy's mouth. It suddenly came into me and I was knocked out. When I woke up I was in the hospital. My mother was in the chair next to me (worried as always) When I asked what happen, she thanked the gods (don't know why gods until now) and then said "We have to leave." She grabbed my hand and we ran out of the hospital. Before I could ask what was going on she dragged me to the Des Moines museum. We ran to the Egyptian section. I asked her what was going and she said "We need to go to brooklyn." I thought she totally lost when she pulled out some type of boomerang (not knowing at the time it was a wand) and a swirling sand thing appeared. She dragged me through and the next thing I know I am at an old abandoned construction yard. Before I could ask what was going on my mom disappeared. That is when Sadie and Carter found me filling me all in on what just happened.

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