Herobrine_02's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    04/13/2016 4:39 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Herobrine_02's Avatar
    Ign: Rowan_Artifax
    Name: Ryan
    Age(Doesn't Matter): 13
    Gender: male
    Mic: yes
    Position applying for?: voice actor, but will talk through chat bar.
    Why you want to apply?: i have never been in a roleplay before but i think it will be fun.
    Do you have any experience?: no
    Sensibility (1-10): 10
    Skype: ryan_does_minecraft
    Anything you would like to add: if i am accepted, i will probably lag alot, but i will try to make sure i dont.
    04/11/2016 11:24 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Herobrine_02's Avatar
    btw, when does this roleplay start?
    04/11/2016 11:11 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Herobrine_02's Avatar
    Name: Ryan Appleby
    IGN: Rowan_Artifax
    Age: 13
    Skype(Can Message me if Accepted): ryan_does_minecraft
    Why you want to join the roleplay?: I have never been in a roleplay before but i think it will be fun.
    What makes you different to other candidates?: I try to make games/roleplays the best i can not just for the viewers but also the players.
    Mic: Yes
    Mic Quality /10: 8
    Sensibility /10: 10
    Patience /10: 9
    Timezone: Western Australia
    Tell me a bit about yourself: I am nice, friendly, cooperative, loyal.
    04/11/2016 11:00 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Herobrine_02's Avatar
    Well, the thing is i do have a skype, it just doesn't work anymore. BTW, my skype name is ryan_does_minecraft. Sorry for any confusion. Wait, i do have a mic, lol.
    04/11/2016 10:52 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Herobrine_02's Avatar
    Name: Ryan
    IGN: Rowan_Artifax
    Skype: ryan_does_minecraft
    Do you have a mic: Yes
    Do you want to be actor or helper: Actor, but i will only be able to type in chat.
    Age: 13
    Gender: Boy
    Time Zone: Western Australian
    Maturity: pretty high when im in public.
    Personality: Nice, cooperative, friendly. Am fast typer, no how roleplays work. note: i can change my skin if you want.
    Voice Type: Regular, average.
    Additional Info: Have never been in a roleplay before but have been longing to do it for some time.

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