HestiaHearth's Avatar
Level 10 Journeyman Mage

About Me

Hi! I'm Hestia Hearth, a wannabe resource pack-er and "professional" map maker.

I don't have a proper update schedule, or any sort of schedule at all due to being a full-time uni student + having a life. Updates are also slowed because I will never rush my projects, I would rather put out 1 well-made map with lots of content than 10 half-assed maps that are boring and a 5 year old could have made it.

I don't think of my maps as maps, I think of them as games. All "maps" I make will be fully playable, with lots of effort and time put into them, and even custom textures and music some of the time.

I like to do game recreations (mainly mario games), but I also like to restore/complete maps made by others (such as SM3DW:R), and I have plans for my own Mario 64/Mario Odyssey inspired game.

I also have a habit of multitasking, I have 7 projects going on at the moment


Want to see exclusive devlog updates? Want to be the first to know when an update comes out? Just want a place to chill? Join my Discord server, Hestia's Hearth!

Link: *coming very soon!* coming out whenever I release the demo for the super secret thing I'm working on very very slowly so I dunno when.

Member Statistics

688Profile views
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1Forum threads
31Discussion posts
Dec 16, 2019Joined PMC
Raine2504Minecraft Name
Planet Minecraft


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