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    06/22/2015 7:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    HestiaMinecraft's Avatar
    IGN: HestiaMinecraft
    Age: 14
    Proof of work: http://imgur.com/a/QtpEb/layout/blog
    Experience: I'm a Sr. Mod and head-builder on a Faction server, I'm a builder on DiamondCraft, and I'm Admin on a survival server.
    Why do you want to be a builder?: I want to be a builder because I want to help make amazing servers for people to enjoy and make new friends.
    06/22/2015 6:43 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    HestiaMinecraft's Avatar
    IGN: HestiaMinecraft

    AGE: 14

    Pictures Of Builds: http://imgur.com/a/QtpEb/all

    Why you want to be apart of Adamant Prison: I want to be a part of Adamant Prison so I can help people create amazing servers to make people happy and enjoy their Minecraft experience.

    Skype: swiftvenom11 (it's weird)
    06/21/2015 1:42 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    HestiaMinecraft's Avatar
    Name: Mikki
    Age: 14
    IGN: HestiaMinecraft
    SKYPE: swiftvenom11 (it's really weird )
    Previous Experience: I'm Sr. Mod and Builder on a factions server, I'm also admin on a survival server and I'm admin on a Harry Potter themed server.
    What Makes You Different From Other Applicants: I'm different because I always try my best to help whether it's doing something big like building a spawn, or if it's something as small as building a house.
    Why Should We Accept You: I think I should be accepted because I enjoy making people happy in their Minecraft experience and I believe that any server can become a great server with enough help and support from the staff and players.
    Why Do You Want To Be Staff: I like being staff so if anyone needs help or is bothering anyone I can deal with it right away instead of waiting for another staff member to do it.
    Have You Ever Been Banned/Muted/TempBanned: No.
    Other info: My timezone is PST, and I would like the Builder rank.
    06/20/2015 7:16 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    HestiaMinecraft's Avatar
    1) Real Name: Mikki
    2) IGN: HestiaMinecraft
    3) Age: 14
    4) Skype: swiftvenom11 (It's really weird )
    5) Why are you applying for Builder: I'm applying for Builder because I want to learn to become a better builder by learning from everyone on the team (since I'm not the best at building) and so while I'm learning, I can also help other people build amazing things.
    6) How many hours can you dedicate towards building for the team daily: I can play almost every day during my summer vacation (ends in August) and every day maybe 2-5 hours or more depending on the day.
    7) What types of building styles are you best at: I'm best at medieval, but I've been practicing modern styles a lot lately.
    8) Would you say you work well in a team or solo: I've never been in a build team but I definitely work better if other people are also helping and passing ideas around.
    9) Are you able to build in detail: It depends if you think I detail a lot, but most of the time I will add details.
    10) What talents do you have which will assist you with your job: I cooperate easily with people, and I can come up with ideas quickly.
    11) Please give pictures of your previous builds: http://imgur.com/n0NOu09,isik5di,urpTbl ... Mj,Cn7vdLZ
    12) Are you a fast builder: If I'm very rushed I can finish something very fast, especially if it's something as simple as filling in a wall. If it's adding details or building with stairs/slabs then I will be a little slower.
    12) Any supplementary information to back up your submission: My time-zone is PST, I live in California and that's basically it.

    I hope you like my builds and allow me on your build team!
    06/20/2015 6:52 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    HestiaMinecraft's Avatar
    ✩ Age: 14
    ✩ Time Zone: PST
    ✩ Images of Previous Builds: http://imgur.com/kcZhb41, http://imgur.com/ShHT9l8, http://imgur.com/6KYyayc, http://imgur.com/ebJEU4u, http://imgur.com/tMByf9C, http://imgur.com/rVHXaEk, http://imgur.com/LnoL1IC
    ✩ Why you Want to be Apart of the Staraire Community: I want to be a part of the Staraire community because I love helping people enjoy their minecraft time and making some new friends. I also like building cool builds for enjoyment and for the community to be better. (Not saying that it isn't already great! )
    06/19/2015 4:29 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    HestiaMinecraft's Avatar
    Yes my skype name is swiftvenom11 (I know it's weird) , BTW I am a female.
    06/19/2015 4:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    HestiaMinecraft's Avatar
    My in-game-name is Hestia Minecraft and I can build a lot of themes like modern and medieval and I can also make minigame maps.

    Some builds I've done: http://imgur.com/ShHT9l8, http://imgur.com/rVHXaEk, http://imgur.com/ebJEU4u, http://imgur.com/tMByf9C, http://imgur.com/6KYyayc
    06/19/2015 4:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    HestiaMinecraft's Avatar
    IGN: HestiaMinecraft

    Age: 14

    Proof of work: http://imgur.com/kcZhb41, http://imgur.com/ShHT9l8, http://imgur.com/6KYyayc, http://imgur.com/ebJEU4u, http://imgur.com/tMByf9C, http://imgur.com/rVHXaEk, http://imgur.com/LnoL1IC

    Experience: I've been building since I started playing Minecraft in version 1.3 and I've built a majority of buildings for other servers. I am admin on a server and a moderator on another server that is Harry Potter themed, but I also help build. I also know how to build many things and themes, like medieval, modern, ruins, etc.

    Why do you want to be a builder?: I want to be a builder because I want to help out small servers out and make them more popular and by building, I hope I can improve how the server represented to new players on the server.

    Skype (if you need to contact me): swiftvenom11 (I know it's weird)

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