hUntyMC's Avatar
Level 14 Journeyman Hunter

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    04/07/2020 8:32 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Hunter
    hUntyMC's Avatar
    Nope, 5th one is the only one I can tell is a little different in top row. Everything else looks like the background to me lol
    04/16/2018 1:53 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Hunter
    hUntyMC's Avatar
    I am looking to get a new group to play with as well. I had a group but we all split due to life, and college. Anyway my disc is hUnttyy#9064.
    04/16/2018 1:31 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Hunter
    hUntyMC's Avatar
    Thank you for these replies yesterday, I have begun adding those that I am interested in on discord. I am still in search of more members though for our server. So do not hesitate to apply!
    05/30/2017 12:32 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Hunter
    hUntyMC's Avatar
    In Game Name: hUntyMC
    Age: 19
    Discord Name: hUnty#9064
    What job/role do you want: Actor
    Do you have a mic: Yes
    Why should I pick you: I am generally a goofy and entertaining guy, I can provide good commentary/creating lines on the spot to fit scenes. I am also experienced in working with voice acting, as I have been part of a lot of projects on and off and have started a channel of my own.
    What time zone are you: EST
    05/22/2017 9:57 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Hunter
    hUntyMC's Avatar
    #1 What is your Minecraft username?: hUntyMC
    #2 How old are you?: 19
    #3 What is your Skype?: holyghost1230
    #4 Can you obey simple commands and tasks?: yes
    #5 Are you on often and can you find time to accommodate for the set schedule video which may be at any given moment?: I can accommodate any time accept for Wednesday afternoon, other than that I am open for anything!
    #6 Anything specific/special you require that I might be able to help you with?: N/A
    #7 Why should I accept you above anyone else?: I enjoy helping the community, and working with others. I am male so any male role I am open to doing if no one else wants to do it or prefers to.
    05/17/2017 3:00 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Hunter
    hUntyMC's Avatar
    1) What is your Discord Username? hUnty#9064
    2) What about our server is most exciting to you? I love towny, and the coomunties that develop.
    3) What position are you applying for and why? Moderator
    4) Anything else you would like to add? I do have past experience with other server, and am looking for someone I can dedicated some time!
    05/17/2017 2:56 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Hunter
    hUntyMC's Avatar
    (1) What's your Minecraft name? hUntyMC
    (2) What's your age? 19
    (3) Do you have a working microphone without noise, and Skype or Discord? Yes, I have both
    (4) How many hours are you available? 2-3 hours a day at minimum
    (5) How many days a week are you available? 5
    (6) Why do you want to be staff on our server? I want to help develop a community of great individuals, and help the server to succeed.

    (7) Why should we choose you above other players? I am very respectful, and do not anger easily. I have a level head when dealing with rowdy, or unwilling players.

    (8) Have you ever been staff on other servers? If yes, we need to know the name and what function you had. Yes, I have been builder for many different projects, cant name them all. I was admin on a server called sapphiredrugs, moderator on a faction server called treepvp, moderator on shadowkits/head builder.

    (9) Have you ever been banned on a server? If yes, please tell us why.
    Besides a soft ban on hcf none that I can remember.

    (10) What gamemodes do you prefer most? Make a list of the gamemodes you like most. Choose wisely, because we will assign you one game mode to be a helper on.

    (11) If there is anything about you that you need to tell to us, please include it here.
    Nothing that I know of.
    05/16/2017 1:29 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Hunter
    hUntyMC's Avatar
    Would love some more info
    05/15/2017 3:42 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Hunter
    hUntyMC's Avatar
    In-Game Name: hUntyMC
    Age: 19
    Way to contact:Skype(message me for info, I don't prefer to post directly on fourms)
    Timezone: EST
    05/15/2017 3:41 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Hunter
    hUntyMC's Avatar
    1) Do you have a good Microphone? Yes AKG P220
    2)Are you starting out or do you already upload videos? I have just started my channel 1 week ago, I am posting every 2 days.
    3)How good is your computer? 7/10
    4)How many hours per week will you be available to record? 10 Hours per week minimum.
    5)What kind of content would you like to bring to the channel? Humor
    6)Can you Edit? Not well
    05/13/2017 2:31 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Hunter
    hUntyMC's Avatar
    IGN: hUnttyy
    Age Range: 7-15 / 16-20: 16-20
    Maturity Level: 10/10
    Why you want to be a part of this series: I want to work with some other people to make great content, and have fun
    Skype Name: I will pm to you if accepted
    Do you have a microphone: yes
    What would your preferred role be: evil / good: I am happy to do either
    What makes you stand out from the rest: I have a good quality mic and experience working with voice acting.
    Timezone: EST
    Optional* Any experience: I have had past experience working for some small animations a while back, as well as I have been a commentator for eSports.
    05/10/2017 8:31 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Hunter
    hUntyMC's Avatar
    What's up everyone!
    Just got a new video posted! Still working on sorting out quality, trying to reduce that blur! Other than that hope you guys enjoy! And feedback is appreciated, thank you guys so much for the positive feedback on my first video!

    04/29/2017 11:56 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Hunter
    hUntyMC's Avatar
    1. Your name: Hunter "hUnty"
    2. Your Age? 19
    3. The Rank you are applying for? Lore Writer
    4. Your Timezone / Country: USA, EST
    5. Your experience with the rank (At least 25 words): I have had much experience in coming up with backstory to many different types of indie work, as well as servers. I was a lead in another rpg server that never got to see the light of day due to shaky owners.
    6. From 1-10 what would you give yourself for your skills within this rank? 7
    7. Show us some pictures of your work: N/A
    8. Your Contact info! (Skype, Discord, Other...) Msg me, don't like posting in fourms
    03/22/2017 2:15 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Hunter
    hUntyMC's Avatar
    What position are you applying for? Head-Admin
    Age ( Helper 14+/ Rest 16+): 19
    Where are you from? Florida, US
    What languages can you speak? English
    IGN: hUnnttyy
    Skype/Discord: Discord: hUnty#9064
    Tell me something about yourself: I am currently enrolled in online college, I only work part time in mornings, 3 times a week. Other than that I am free to be online helping manage, and working through whatever needs to get done. I have been part of numerous servers, some of which failed horribly, and others that succeeded, due in part to good communication, and making players happy. I also build and make skins on the side .
    Why do want to be staff on this server?: I am looking to grow a community, and create a great environment in which players can flourish, and make new friends to keep expansion on the forefront of each staff and players mind.
    Do you have any past experience? As stated above, I have had experience on many different servers as Admin, Head Admin, and Moderator. I have Owned 2 of my own servers a while back. Factions, and Skyblock. They great for 6 months then I gave ownership to a friend. At the time of me departing, they each had 60 players strong. This was about 2 years ago. Since then I largely put effort into helping other servers grow. I have been head staff on kitpvp, and faction/ HCF in the past. Shadowkits, for a short time.
    Any experience with plugins? (admin,head-admin): I have experience with just about every main plugin servers use, from pex to gm. Essentials, multiverse, vault, world edit. Then going into more depth many hours spent learning configs on all different types of rankup plugins, and minigames, and game modes. Factions, skyblock,skywars, survival games. I would be more than willing to learn any plugins that would be implemented into the server, if you were to keep expanding and needing more to help operate your vision.
    Are you willing to be for at least 3 hours a day?: Absolutely
    What can you do that other can’t?: Provide positive reinforcement in stressful environments, I am very good in customer service, as I worked in departments locally as customer service lead. I am able to resolve disputes, without harm to server or players, allowing once again for a positive environment.
    Anything else?:

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