hyperdragon97's Avatar
Level 12 Journeyman Dragon

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    12/28/2012 10:23 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    hyperdragon97's Avatar
    can u build a free version server?
    11/06/2012 9:32 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    hyperdragon97's Avatar
    Most videos and stories saying that they prove Herobrine is real are either
    A: People making weird things in their SP worlds and recording video of "finding" it for attention
    B: Actually made in multiplayer with a guy with a Herobrine skin , or
    C: footage of the Herobrine Mod.

    If you have seen strange things in your world and you didn't make them, (No lying, people) then your computer may have been hacked. I've seen some mentions of a Swedish hacker calling himself Herobrine who hacks Minecraft SinglePlayer worlds and makes structures like these, but I have yet to confirm that suh a hacker exists, or if he has been caught. If he is real, chances are he has access to Mojang's purchase lists. If my theory is correct, then here's a suggestion for victims of this hacker: Don't save your wolds to any one computer. Use a flash drive or other removable media storage device to store your worlld save files. I would guess that your account could only be tracked to the computer you bought minecraft from, so this should protect your worlds. Also: run a spyware check if you can.
    11/06/2012 11:38 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    hyperdragon97's Avatar
    If you summon the Wither near the Ender Dragon (in the End) you get a special item called ??? when they are both dead!
    Craft leather wih a skull to get Steve Head:
    Craft ??? under Steve Head to get Herobrine head (name of item is HIM)
    Summon Herobrine by placing HIM on top of the Netherrack in a Herobrine altar and lighting it!
    Kill Herobrine in his 3 forms: the Stalker, the Demon, and the Griefer, then destroy the flame of your Altar to summon him as a Boss!
    Beat the Herobrine boss to recieve Phantom Blade (10x better than Diamond sword has powers of lvl 10 all sword enchantments, can be further enchanted)
    10/10/2012 12:43 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    hyperdragon97's Avatar
    When is the next contest?
    I want to try my hand at it...
    10/10/2012 11:50 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    hyperdragon97's Avatar
    I sort of wish Notch would actually add Herobrine, in such a way that you need a specific strucure to cause him to appear. Like the Herobrine Mod.
    09/23/2012 4:12 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    hyperdragon97's Avatar
    perhaps someone hacked your account and placed a mob spawner or spawners? but you'd have found that... Dang, this is strange.
    08/24/2012 9:58 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    hyperdragon97's Avatar
    Really? Wow. How do you let people download the maps?
    08/24/2012 10:16 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
    hyperdragon97's Avatar
    I was wondering if you could tell me what site you use to store your content... I still haven't found a good one that's free.


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