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    03/01/2016 11:54 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    How long will you be looking for staff? Cause I want to look into the server, learn a bit about it, before I apply for a rank.
    02/28/2016 3:12 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    IRL name: Ollie
    IGN: PureTerror
    Age: 14
    Timezone: Arizona
    What Staff Possission: Don't understand the question.
    How long can you be active for: As much as needed
    Skype (NEEDED): SwagsterMcGee123
    Experience: I'm currently Head-Admin on one server. So I got proof of that.
    Maturity 1-10: 7.8
    More about you: I like building a lot, and I'm pretty decent at it too.
    What are you good at: I'm good at building, a little good at redstone. And I'm good at learning, so I'll be able to master anything that you'd like mastered.
    More questions that you have on your own: None that I can think of.
    02/25/2016 7:46 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    IGN: PureTerror
    Age: 14
    Why should we choose you?: I'm decent at building. I have had experience in the past as an administrator, a moderator, and a helper. None of these servers lasted. Either the owner quit, or the server crumbled as no players were joining.
    Do You have any ideas for server?: I don't understand this question. Can you clarify? If so, I'd appreciate it.

    Contact me through here:
    Skype - SwagsterMcGee123
    02/25/2016 7:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    I'm dying
    02/24/2016 11:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    02/24/2016 11:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    I don't think I'll apply, as I'm only 14. But If the server is up. I'd love to play it.
    02/24/2016 8:37 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    Sounds good! I'd prefer if he'd contact me by skype to notify me. Whichever way he decides to do it, it's completely fine.
    02/24/2016 12:28 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    Not sure whether you wanted us to use the template, or put down a paragraph, so I'm gonna do both lol.

    Hi, my name is Ollie. My in game name is PureTerror, and I enjoy building. I may not be the best, but I'm always trying to get better. If you'd like an example of my building, please ask for so. I'll be a great addition to the server. The rank I'd like is Mediocre Builder. I like working with people to build huge projects. My favorite subjects are the follow, Math, Science, and History. I've been told I'm trustworthy, and responsible. I've been playing Minecraft since 1.4.5. 1.4.5 was when I first got the cracked version of MC. I got my premium account around the time 1.6.4 was first being hyped. My favorite type of game mode is survival. That's all I can really tell you honestly. I don't have a drug problem. Nor have I tried before. Up to you if I get the position or not. If I don't I'd still like to play on the server. Have a good day.
    02/24/2016 12:13 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    Minecraft Username: PureTerror (Not the same as my PMC)

    Age: (Not even gonna lie, I'm a little young. I did read your comment about 13 and over though) 14

    First and Last Name: Ollie (Do I need to share my last name? If so I don't mind.)

    Skype Username: SwagsterMcGee123

    [i]What country do you live in: [color=#FF0000]'Mu[/color][color=#0000FF]ri[/color][color=#000000]ca[/color]

    [i]Tell us What you are applying for:[/i] [b]Mediocre Builder[/b]

    [i]Ranks:[/i] [b]None (I'd rather be staff on one server, and not ten lol)[/b]

    [i]Why are you meant to be part of the Team: [/i][b]I enjoy working with others. I enjoy building. May not be the best, but I'm eager to learn. I hope I can learn from one of the Pro Builders. If you are willing to give me the chance, I wouldn't let you down, that I can guarantee.[/b]

    [i]Pro's About you:[/i] [b]I'm trustworthy, responsible, a bit goofy (In a good way). I enjoy playing with others. I like building, a lot.[/b]

    [i]Con's About you:[/i] [b]Sadly, I don't have a mic. If that affects my chances, then I apologize.
    [i]Can You work under Pressure?[/i] [u](Y/N)[/u] [b]Yes. [/b]

    [i]Can You Record/Take Screenshots, Without Watermarks?[/i] [u](Y/N)[/u] [b]I don't understand this question. Think I can get an explanation?[/b]

    [b]Scenario:[/b] [i]"You come home from school and have ton of homework to do, you
    think to yourself I'll just take a 5 minute break before I start and
    get on Darkwaters. The next thing you know 2 hours have passed and
    you've been on the server all that time.[/i]"[i] Does this scenario sound
    familiar to you? (Y/N)[/i] [b]Depends on how amazing the server is.
    [i]Do you have depression?[/i] (Y/N)[b] Fortunately, not any more.[/b]

    [i]Do you have any Drug/Alcohol addictions?[/i] [u](Y/N)[/u] [b]No [/b]

    [i]Do you have any Anger Management Problems? [/i][u](Y/N)[/u] [b]Nope [/b]

    [i]Have you had any experience with this in the past? Which server? How can we get in contact with them?[/i] [b]I haven't been on minecraft for a while. So sadly, none that you can get in contact with (forgot their names and such). But, I have been a mod once or twice. And admin once. Not a lot of experience, sorry about that.[/b]

    [i]Here's a bit more info about me, cause why not?
    - In the summer, I usually will head to Cali for Universal studios, or Seaworld. So I may be inactive then.
    - If I don't get accepted, that's completely fine. Would I still be able to play on the server?
    - If you'd like to get to know me, before you rank me up. That's completely fine. [/i]
    08/08/2015 3:03 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    Name: Ali

    Ign: Xx_Scar_xX (I like Lion King)

    Age: 14

    Skype: thatonekidali

    What you wish to apply for: Admin

    Why should you get this position?: Because I think I'll be helpful, I am really trustworthy (I've been told), I respect people even If I dislike them. I can help out a lot. I'd mute people who are being racist, and if they continue after the mute, a kick, and if they do it again, I'd either kick or ban. I'd make sure to make players follow the rules. I will not tolerate rule-breakers. I'd be on as much as needed, And would never grief.

    Experience: Mod, helper for 10 seconds then promoted to mod, and then Admin.

    What you would do if someone was griefing?: Well, instant ban, griefing is wrong. I'd ban them, and if they come back with another account, IP-Ban.

    Why should I choose you?: Cause you wont regret it, I'll be one as much as needed, I can help out a lot, I'm good at building, a lil bit xD I'd make sure everyone on the server is having fun.
    08/02/2015 6:05 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    I applied

    EDIT: Meh IGN is Xx_Scar_xX
    08/02/2015 5:50 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    IRL Name (Don't need last name): Ali
    Gender: I think, Male.
    IGN Name: Xx_Scar_xX (Can't blame someone for liking Lion king.)
    Age (Please put real age, unless your really young it shouldn't affect anything): Just turned 15 on the 27th (I hope I'm not too young :O)
    Maturity (Scale of 1-10): Uhhh, I can be mature, but 6.05 xD
    Past Bans (Don't worry, I've been banned a few times too so I don't really care): One ban because I raided a base that turned out to be the owners..Shhhh..
    Time Playing Minecraft (Just so I know your experienced in the game): Since 1.4.5
    Timezone (FYI I'm on the East Coast): Arizona
    Skype, Steam (Put usernames if you have them, but not required): I do have skype, thatonekidali
    Previous Staff Experience: I've been admin like once before, then the server closed, I've also been helper for a couple of seconds, then I was promoted to mod.
    Reason For Wanting Staff: Because I wanna help out, plus I like having fun, and I'm sure I will have fun here
    Knowledge of Commands: I used to know a lot about W/E before I left MC for a really long time. I started playing the xbox one. xD, I think I still know a lot.
    About Yourself (Other interests, etc.): I like Astronomy a lot, Schools starts on august 10 for me So I am excited.
    How would you handle someone swearing at you?: Usually if I wasn't staff, I'd probably cuss him out too, but If I am staff, I'd probably mute him for like a few minutes, and when I unmute if, if he/she still is using profound language, I'll kick him, and if he comes back swearing at me still, I'll then have to use the ban hammer. :O

    Also, If my application can I still play on the server?
    05/18/2015 12:53 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    IGN: iDigital458
    Why you wish to be staff: I like the show, I've seen SAO and its fricking awesome. And cause I feel like I'd be useful here, and it'll probably be a lot of fun. I also am really good at handling situations. And I can stay on while no one else is on, to make sure nothing bad will happen. Also, I mean a server about SAO, Heck ya I'm applying.
    Have you seen SAO, GGO, ALO or all?: SAO & ALO.
    What rank do you want?: I'd like Admin, but I understand you may not trust new staff cause that's just human, so you can start me on mod, and I'll work my way up.
    Experience: I've been staff on a couple of servers, that was before I stopped playing minecraft for like a year, But I guarantee you, you wont regret making me staff.
    Maturity: 7/10, Mostly cause I like to have fun, but I can be mature.

    I hope you consider making me staff, I did re-do my Application cause I didn't feel like I put much thought into it, I did now though.

    I also re-did my application.
    05/18/2015 12:48 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    And I took it upon myself and watch alfhiem.
    05/18/2015 12:45 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    Am I accepted? I understand your sick, and I don't wanna rush you, but just curious.
    05/13/2015 9:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    Age: 15
    How long can you be on each day: As much as needed, much preferred after 3, Arizona time.
    how long have you been playing minecraft: For a while now,
    Reason you think you should have the position?: I'm responsible, and I think I'd be a great addition to the server, I'll strive to help in any way I can, other than donating. I will respect not only the player but my fellow staff, and make sure everyone is having fun. I'll make sure any player/staff that is in need of help will get it. You can count on me to stay on while no else will be.
    Prior experience: I've been administrator, mod, and helper, Those are pretty much it, but I can guarantee you, I have a lot of experience.

    Other INFO: I don't have a mic, sadly, But I do have skype.
    And if you must make me mod to start me off cause you may not trust me being admin (That's a really big rank) at first, cause that's just human.
    05/13/2015 9:05 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    I think they're full on staff now, So that's a no on my application
    05/12/2015 11:07 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    IGN: iDigital458
    Name: Ollie
    Skype (optional but preferred): nrokawesomeness (Don't judge i created it when I was a kid)
    Do you have TeamSpeak?: Nu.
    Previous experience as staff: I've had many experience as staff, but I stopped playing minecraft for a while cause my comp. broke.
    Why should I hire you?: I'm awesome, jk, I am hardworking, and will strive to help out the server in any way I can, I can get on as much as needed, and even more when I'm bored. And I'm always bored, ALWAYS bored,
    What can you do as staff?: I can help out with many stuff - other than donating, I'm only 14, and donating is not something I can do. But I can help out, I'm pretty good at solving situations that many will find difficult.
    Any other info: I have school, buts that's ending pretty soon, so I'll have a lot of time on my hands, but I may go on vacation then, but I'll be back, and I may stay after school some days. Other than that, pretty much it.

    Also, I want admin, BUT since you may not trust me at first, It's fine if you start me of as mod, and I could work my way up.
    05/12/2015 10:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    LMAO XD Pretty sure you stole that paragraph, i saw it on another application on another post.
    05/12/2015 10:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    iDigital458's Avatar
    I -snip- love you, just cause of that refrence at the end. You my friend have earned my -snip- respect


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