ieatzyourface's Avatar
Level 7
Apprentice Crafter

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    08/12/2012 4:06 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    ieatzyourface's Avatar
    Dunno, it's happened to me as well, people keep coming up with solutions but none are working. I think all we can do is wait until 1.3.2 comes out with the bugfix for 1.3.1, cause this has never happend to me until 1.3.1 came out.
    08/11/2012 12:44 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    ieatzyourface's Avatar
    (Random bump? maybe?) Anyways i read some previous topics and it seems alot of people are having glitches and bugs and errors with 1.3.1, Things like failed logins, no multiplayer, chests staying shut (literally you can't open it and get stuff out) so i'm guessing 1.3.1 just eff'd the coding of the game ._.
    08/11/2012 12:39 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    ieatzyourface's Avatar
    You could have uploaded it incorrectly, try uploading it again and make sure it is the proper file, and nothing gets typed into it before you upload it again.
    08/11/2012 12:35 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    ieatzyourface's Avatar
    A few things i need to say about that, First off minecraft has ran fine on my system requirements i have never had an issue with it,then this error appears for no reason, nothing extremly major (You know something that would require a WHOLE NEW video card driver) has been added, also My computer is a dell dimension 3000, in other words a computer that is a b word to update/upgrade. I appreciate the suggestion either way......But sadly i don't think a new video driver is reach for me right now T_T
    07/22/2012 8:37 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    ieatzyourface's Avatar
    xxseanpxx987i like it Try To get a mic tho you can be mod
    ieatzyourfaceApplying For? mod/officer

    1. How long have you played Minecraft for? Since alpha 1.9

    2. Have you ever been a Staff member for an organized Minecraft server? If so, what position? Yes, on my friends hamachi server

    3. Have you ever run your own server before? Once but it was a lagfest ^.^

    4. Would you consider yourself decent with redstone? I know a few tricks.

    5. How old are you? Male or female? 16 Male

    6. Are you willing to take orders and listen to other Staff members? Yes

    7. What makes you stand out from the others? I can build many things, i know my way with redstone, i am highly mature, and quiet sociable, as well as willing to help out normal players

    8. Skype? yes. name is lumpyjor5808 (No mic)

    9. Minecraft name? lumpyjor5808 (No caps)

    10.Any more Info: I volunteer every sunday and i am not on until 4:00 Easter standard time.

    Hope this all seems in order

    Mic probably won't be happening, my parents are really tight on cash right now, and sadly they gave me a hard time last time i asked for a mic.
    07/22/2012 8:27 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    ieatzyourface's Avatar
    almost forgot to say i was a mod on my friends server
    07/22/2012 8:26 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    ieatzyourface's Avatar
    Applying For? mod/officer

    1. How long have you played Minecraft for? Since alpha 1.9

    2. Have you ever been a Staff member for an organized Minecraft server? If so, what position? Yes, on my friends hamachi server

    3. Have you ever run your own server before? Once but it was a lagfest ^.^

    4. Would you consider yourself decent with redstone? I know a few tricks.

    5. How old are you? Male or female? 16 Male

    6. Are you willing to take orders and listen to other Staff members? Yes

    7. What makes you stand out from the others? I can build many things, i know my way with redstone, i am highly mature, and quiet sociable, as well as willing to help out normal players

    8. Skype? yes. name is lumpyjor5808 (No mic)

    9. Minecraft name? lumpyjor5808 (No caps)

    10.Any more Info: I volunteer every sunday and i am not on until 4:00 Easter standard time.

    Hope this all seems in order
    07/22/2012 8:02 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    ieatzyourface's Avatar
    Position:Mod and or Builder
    Experience: I have been a mod on my friends hamachi server, and a builder the same server
    Why you want it: I am looking for a good minecraft community and i would love to get more involved in one.
    Build pics:My computer can't process minecraft photos too well
    Minecraft profile: lumpyjor5808 (No caps)

    I can build decently, do good in teams, i'm level headed, have never abused my powers, and i am always willing to help people.
    07/22/2012 7:34 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    ieatzyourface's Avatar
    07/22/2012 7:08 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    ieatzyourface's Avatar
    It could be a few things. First off are you running it from your home computer? Or are you having some host it? If you running it from the home computer and you have a slow comptuer, lag is inevitable. If thats not the problem you can try to see if the optifine mod has anything for multiplayer. I know there are a few other things but i can't think of them right now sorry i can't be of too much help
    06/11/2012 12:31 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    ieatzyourface's Avatar
    although i agree there are some problems.... I mainly signed up to make skins for the fun of it :3. I am not making them for "Contests" or "expirence" although those are nice i just like uploading stuff

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