IMCJacko's Avatar
Level 1 New Network

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    06/27/2015 4:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    IGN: VetraConquest
    Language: Scotland / English
    Age: 15
    Why I want to be staff?: I would like to be staff so that i can help with things such as Config, Player Management, Event Management, Server Management and Staff Management. I have made websites before and have some experience as a Web Dev I'm also not a very bad Builder. I am a very kind and understanding person and I let everyone speak. I follow rules and ensure others follow rules too. I'm a dedicated person and I'm loyal to my superiors I don't cheat/hack and never intend too. I try to choose the best option for the server and players and not only myself. I don't take the short route and always put in maximum effort.
    About Me: I have played Minecraft Since Beta and really enjoy playing servers that have multiple options of servers that we can play on. I'm a great Administrator and Have lots of experience managing plugins and staff for servers. I am a great Staff Manager too. I don't ban unless I have valid evidence and a valid reason.
    How active can I be?: I will be as active as possible and if I'm not able to be on I will send you a message with a valid reason.
    Contact: Skype: VetraConquest
    06/02/2015 2:40 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    IGN: VetraConquest
    Age: 15
    Could you attend Skype Staff Calls: Yes
    Could you attend Skype Staff Chat: Yes
    Skype name: VetraConquest
    Country you live in: Scotland
    Time Zone: UTC (London Time)
    Position applying for(Use above key): Plugin Manager
    How much time could you spare for the server: 4 hours weekdays weekends like 6 or 6 hours.
    Will you be respectful to those of higher ranking: Yes
    For Following use Scale (1-10)
    How good is your building (If 8+ please provide pictures): 7
    How patient are you : 8
    How mature are you:8
    How is your Graphics Designing (If 8+ please provide examples):2
    How trustworthy are you:9
    How big are you on working with others:8

    Your given a task with other staff members to get a project done but they are refusing to help, How are you going to proceed?:
    well I would probably start on the project and finish it myself if a higher member of staff asks why Im doing it myself I will explain that the other member of staff is not furfilling his duties and has refused to help me. I will probably try to ask the staff member to help before I start the project.
    Extra Details: If you need more info at all msg me on skype and I will expand on some things.

    Many Thanks,

    05/21/2015 11:37 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    IGN: FatalJacko
    Language: Scotland / English
    Age: 15
    Why I want to be staff?: I would like to be staff so that i can help with things such as Config, Player Management, Event Management, Server Management and Staff Management. I have made websites before and have some experience as a Web Dev I'm also not a very bad Builder. I am a very kind and understanding person and I let everyone speak. I follow rules and ensure others follow rules too. I'm a dedicated person and I'm loyal to my superiors I don't cheat/hack and never intend too. I try to choose the best option for the server and players and not only myself. I don't take the short route and always put in maximum effort.
    About Me: I have played Minecraft Since Beta and really enjoy playing servers that have multiple options of servers that we can play on. I'm a great Administrator and Have lots of experience managing plugins and staff for servers. I am a great Staff Manager too. I don't ban unless I have valid evidence and a valid reason.
    How active can I be?: I will be as active as possible and if I'm not able to be on I will send you a message with a valid reason.
    Contact: Skype: ImcJacko
    05/21/2015 2:37 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    IGN: FatalJacko
    Language: Scotland / English
    Age: 15
    Why I want to be staff?: I would like to be staff so that i can help with things such as Config, Player Management, Event Management, Server Management and Staff Management. I have made websites before and have some experience as a Web Dev I'm also not a very bad Builder. I am a very kind and understanding person and I let everyone speak. I follow rules and ensure others follow rules too. I'm a dedicated person and I'm loyal to my superiors I don't cheat/hack and never intend too. I try to choose the best option for the server and players and not only myself. I don't take the short route and always put in maximum effort.
    About Me: I have played Minecraft Since Beta and really enjoy playing servers that have multiple options of servers that we can play on. I'm a great Administrator and Have lots of experience managing plugins and staff for servers. I am a great Staff Manager too. I don't ban unless I have valid evidence and a valid reason.
    How active can I be?: I will be as active as possible and if I'm not able to be on I will send you a message with a valid reason.
    Contact: Skype: ImcJacko
    05/13/2015 4:47 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    IGN: CrypicPaw
    Language: Scotland / English
    Age: 15
    Why I want to be staff?: I would like to be staff so that i can help with things such as Config, Player Management, Event Management, Server Management and Staff Management. I have made websites before and have some experience as a Web Dev I'm also not a very bad Builder. I am a very kind and understanding person and I let everyone speak. I follow rules and ensure others follow rules too. I'm a dedicated person and I'm loyal to my superiors I don't cheat/hack and never intend too. I try to choose the best option for the server and players and not only myself. I don't take the short route and always put in maximum effort.
    About Me: I have played Minecraft Since Beta and really enjoy playing servers that have multiple options of servers that we can play on. I'm a great Administrator and Have lots of experience managing plugins and staff for servers. I am a great Staff Manager too. I don't ban unless I have valid evidence and a valid reason.
    How active can I be?: I will be as active as possible and if I'm not able to be on I will send you a message with a valid reason.
    Contact: Skype: hailconquest
    05/10/2015 2:47 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    IGN: FatalJacko
    Language: Scotland / English
    Age: 15
    Why I want to be staff?: I would like to be staff so that i can help with things such as Config, Player Management, Event Management, Server Management and Staff Management. I have made websites before and have some experience as a Web Dev I'm also not a very bad Builder. I am a very kind and understanding person and I let everyone speak. I follow rules and ensure others follow rules too. I'm a dedicated person and I'm loyal to my superiors I don't cheat/hack and never intend too. I try to choose the best option for the server and players and not only myself. I don't take the short route and always put in maximum effort.
    About Me: I have played Minecraft Since Beta and really enjoy playing servers that have multiple options of servers that we can play on. I'm a great Administrator and Have lots of experience managing plugins and staff for servers. I am a great Staff Manager too. I don't ban unless I have valid evidence and a valid reason.
    How active can I be?: I will be as active as possible and if I'm not able to be on I will send you a message with a valid reason.
    Contact: Skype: ImcJacko
    04/08/2015 11:45 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    IGN: FatalJacko
    Language: Scotland / English
    Age: 15
    Why I want to be staff?: I would like to be staff so that i can help with things such as Config, Player Management, Event Management, Server Management and Staff Management. I have made websites before and have some experience as a Web Dev I'm also not a very bad Builder. I am a very kind and understanding person and I let everyone speak. I follow rules and ensure others follow rules too. I'm a dedicated person and I'm loyal to my superiors I don't cheat/hack and never intend too. I try to choose the best option for the server and players and not only myself. I don't take the short route and always put in maximum effort.
    About Me: I have played Minecraft Since Beta and really enjoy playing servers that have multiple options of servers that we can play on. I'm a great Administrator and Have lots of experience managing plugins and staff for servers. I am a great Staff Manager too. I don't ban unless I have valid evidence and a valid reason.
    How active can I be?: I will be as active as possible and if I'm not able to be on I will send you a message with a valid reason.
    Contact: Skype: ImcJacko
    04/07/2015 12:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    A: FatalJacko
    B: Scotland / English
    C: 15
    D: I would like to be staff so that i can help with things such as Config, Player Management, Event Management, Server Management and Staff Management. I have made websites before and have some experience as a Web Dev I'm also not a very bad Builder. I am a very kind and understanding person and I let everyone speak. I follow rules and ensure others follow rules too. I'm a dedicated person and I'm loyal to my superiors I don't cheat/hack and never intend too. I try to choose the best option for the server and players and not only myself. I don't take the short route and always put in maximum effort.
    E: I have played Minecraft Since Beta and really enjoy playing servers that have multiple options of servers that we can play on. I'm a great Administrator and Have lots of experience managing plugins and staff for servers. I am a great Staff Manager too. I don't ban unless I have valid evidence and a valid reason.
    F: I wasn't really recruited I just found you on Planet Minecraft
    G: Well as i don't have the ip I cant really be active. But I will be as active as possible and if I'm not able to be on I will send you a message with a valid reason.
    H: Skype: ImcJacko
    04/06/2015 2:29 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    hey dude I can help if you msg me on skype I can help.

    Skype: ImcJacko
    03/11/2015 1:44 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    Just saying most servers give the ip to the contact information that you have provided them with. This is mainly to avoid giving out the ip to players that will join and say "I want Staff" Just saying This so that you know!
    03/11/2015 1:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    Name: Jack Guild

    Age: 15

    IGN (In game name): FatalJacko

    Skype: ImcJacko

    What position are you applying for: Mod/Admin whatever really

    Have you been staff on other servers: (Only for staff) Yes ive been staff on alot of other servers and I am highly experienced in player management and staff Management. Im currently Head-Mod on another Prison server and Im an Admin on the AstroCraft network. I have owned servers before and have managed servers for people.

    How mature are you: (1 - 10) 7

    How creative are you: (1 - 10) 6

    Tell me about you're self: Well Im from Scotland and I have been playing minecraft since Beta I enjoy playing Minecraft and will probably play it for quite a while. I am a kind,fun,trustworthy and responsible person and I will try to make the server more fun aswell as help players whenever they need it. I can help with plugins and I have great Experience as A Plugin Manager. I can setup groups and perms and enjoy helping other players.

    Anything extra you want to tell me: Nothing Much if you would like to know anything else please feel free to contact me on skype to ask.

    03/09/2015 3:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    You suck dude who would donate to this crappy server get a decent idea then come find me
    02/22/2015 3:58 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    02/06/2015 11:37 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    Im Interested
    02/06/2015 3:48 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    First Name: (Or Fullname if You want) Jack Guild

    Skype: Jacko_no11 or ImcJacko

    Please introduce yourself and answer the following questions.

    What are Your skills: Well i have made a few plugins in the past but have retired from the plugin industry Im great at using plugins and would be a great help to the server if it needed help plugin wise or if it needed a Specialist Developer. I am a good peoples person and have great leadership skills I am not lazy and i always try my hardest to support anyone in need. Im am very dedicated and I like to interact with players on servers.

    how active will you be on the server ? Well i will try my best to be on the server whenever i can and will not go afk often.

    General Introduction (we want to get to know you): Well im Jack im from scotland i enjoy playing minecraft and helping people.Im a plugin expert and I have made plugins in the past (I will ofcourse offer them to the server)

    Why do you want to be staff? I would like to be staff so that i can get to know the players of the server and id also like to be able to get back into minecraft. I love helping people and need something to spend my time on.

    How many hours per week do you think you can dedicate to Moderating this server? around 6 on weekdays and weekends will vary.

    What experience with Moderating a community do you have? Well i dont have much experience but i was a mod on alot of servers in earlier versions of minecraft. I might get back into plugin developing. I have great skills as an individual and I hope to share my skills with other people and hopefully after a while on the server possibly get Head-Mod and train the mods to be the best they can be. If i got a leadership role i would not tolerate any form of misconduct and Im a general rule follower

    What is your location and timezone? Well Im From Scotland which is in the uk so.....

    What is your age? Im 14 :sick:

    Do you go to school or have a full time job or both? Yes i go to school and are in S3

    Skype (NEEDED) : Jacko_no11 or ImcJacko

    What staff rank do you want to be? Well Mod,Head-Mod or Admin :sick:

    Thanks for reading my app,
    02/06/2015 3:45 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    Hello I Made an Order and look forward to using your services
    01/29/2015 3:54 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    IGN: JackoNumber1

    First Name: (Or Fullname if You want) Jack Guild

    Skype: Jacko_no11 or ImcJacko

    Please introduce yourself and answer the following questions.

    What are Your skills: Well i have made a few plugins in the past but have retired from the plugin industry Im great at using plugins and would be a great help to the server if it needed help plugin wise or if it needed a Specialist Developer. I am a good peoples person and have great leadership skills I am not lazy and i always try my hardest to support anyone in need. Im am very dedicated and I like to interact with players on servers.

    how active will you be on the server ? Well i will try my best to be on the server whenever i can and will not go afk often.

    General Introduction (we want to get to know you): Well im Jack im from scotland i enjoy playing minecraft and helping people.Im a plugin expert and I have made plugins in the past (I will ofcourse offer them to the server)

    Why do you want to be staff? I would like to be staff so that i can get to know the players of the server and id also like to be able to get back into minecraft. I love helping people and need something to spend my time on.

    How many hours per week do you think you can dedicate to Moderating this server? around 6 on weekdays and weekends will vary.

    What experience with Moderating a community do you have? Well i dont have much experience but i was a mod on alot of servers in earlier versions of minecraft. I might get back into plugin developing. I have great skills as an individual and I hope to share my skills with other people and hopefully after a while on the server possibly get Head-Mod and train the mods to be the best they can be. If i got a leadership role i would not tolerate any form of misconduct and Im a general rule follower

    What is your location and timezone? Well Im From Scotland which is in the uk so.....

    What is your age? Im 14 :sick:

    Do you go to school or have a full time job or both? Yes i go to school and are in S3

    Skype (NEEDED) : Jacko_no11 or ImcJacko

    What staff rank do you want to be? Well Mod,Head-Mod or Admin :sick:

    Thanks for reading my app,
    01/29/2015 3:26 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    IGN: JackoNumber1

    First Name: (Or Fullname if You want) Jack Guild

    Skype: Jacko_no11 or ImcJacko

    Please introduce yourself and answer the following questions.

    What are Your skills: Well i have made a few plugins in the past but have retired from the plugin industry Im great at using plugins and would be a great help to the server if it needed help plugin wise or if it needed a Specialist Developer. I am a good peoples person and have great leadership skills I am not lazy and i always try my hardest to support anyone in need. Im am very dedicated and I like to interact with players on servers.

    how active will you be on the server ? Well i will try my best to be on the server whenever i can and will not go afk often.

    General Introduction (we want to get to know you): Well im Jack im from scotland i enjoy playing minecraft and helping people.Im a plugin expert and I have made plugins in the past (I will ofcourse offer them to the server)

    Why do you want to be staff? I would like to be staff so that i can get to know the players of the server and id also like to be able to get back into minecraft. I love helping people and need something to spend my time on.

    How many hours per week do you think you can dedicate to Moderating this server? around 6 on weekdays and weekends will vary.

    What experience with Moderating a community do you have? Well i dont have much experience but i was a mod on alot of servers in earlier versions of minecraft. I might get back into plugin developing. I have great skills as an individual and I hope to share my skills with other people and hopefully after a while on the server possibly get Head-Mod and train the mods to be the best they can be. If i got a leadership role i would not tolerate any form of misconduct and Im a general rule follower

    What is your location and timezone? Well Im From Scotland which is in the uk so.....

    What is your age? Im 14

    Do you go to school or have a full time job or both? Yes i go to school and are in S3

    Skype (NEEDED) : Jacko_no11 or ImcJacko

    What staff rank do you want to be? Well Mod,Head-Mod or Admin

    Thanks for reading my app,

    01/28/2015 3:15 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    Hey Im a Plugin Expert and still have some plugins that I could share with you guys if you give me the ip i will come on
    01/22/2015 3:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    IMCJacko's Avatar
    Pirates server ????

    I have had this idea for a while

    Working ships| Pirate Ranks| Cannons

    Add me on skype for more details


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