J3z's Avatar
Level 2 Apprentice Miner

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    11/22/2013 3:34 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    J3z's Avatar
    Age: 18
    Ign: J3z_a
    Skype: Sorry, No. I will get it if needed.
    Mic: No.
    Experience: Owned and Co-Owned a server. Currently down due to bill problems.
    How Long Have You Played: Roughly 3-4 years
    Why Our Server: Your server seems to have a lot of things that a server needs. I love how the website is, and I realise that you put a lot of hard work to it. So I want to be Moderator to help it run and be a perfect community.
    Education: Very smart. Got all A's through middle, and progressing in Highschool. Off to university, so hopefully I get good grades there.
    Who Is Notch:Creator of Minecraft
    Are You Staff Anywhere Else: Owner of my own hotel, and Co-Owner of my best Buds. His server is currently having difficulties, aswell goes as mine. Due to the fact that the bills didn't go through to our hosters.
    Thank you for reading my application, and I hope I get chosen.
    11/22/2013 3:19 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    J3z's Avatar
    Age: 18
    Sex: Male
    IGN: J3z_a
    Name: Cezar
    Past Experience: Been Owner, And Co-Owner of two hotels.
    Maturity 1-10: 9 1/2 (Sometimes do muck around if I feel like it, but only with permission.)
    Building Skill 1-10: 10
    Plugin Knowledge 1-10: 6
    Plugin Creation 1-10: 1
    Why Are You Different: I think I am different to other users applying due to the fact that I am old, and very mature. I think I'd be a great pick for the role I am choosing. I 'm also different since I am basically the only one doing real spelling and grammar in the server, and I do help other users.
    What Can You Bring To The Server: I can bring confidence, maturity, happiness, Player Versus Player. I can bring knowledge, and a well mannered community to form one.
    What Role Are You Applying For: I am applying for Head Admin. I do realise that I have the potential to become a leader of Admins and Below, due to the fact I both hosted a server and co-hosted a server.
    Thank you for taking the time to read this application, and I do really hope of getting picked.
    P.S. I did want to pick Co-Owner, But since you've bracketed Only gained with trust, I've figured you haven't seen me around and it's hard to trust me. But if you do have the trust in you, I would be glad to have the role as Co-Owner.

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